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17-1 Dessler, Cole and Sutherland Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian Ninth Edition Chapter Seventeen Collective Bargaining and Contract Administration.

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1 17-1 Dessler, Cole and Sutherland Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian Ninth Edition Chapter Seventeen Collective Bargaining and Contract Administration © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario 17-1

2 17-2 Introduction to Collective Bargaining -surface bargaining -failing to make concessions/withdrawing previously granted concessions -failing to make reasonable proposals -dilatory tactics -imposing unreasonable conditions -surface bargaining -failing to make concessions/withdrawing previously granted concessions -failing to make reasonable proposals -dilatory tactics -imposing unreasonable conditions Violations of Good Faith Bargaining (1 of 2) © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

3 17-3 Introduction to Collective Bargaining -making unilateral changes in conditions -bypassing formal representatives -committing unfair labour practices during negotiations -failing to provide information -making unilateral changes in conditions -bypassing formal representatives -committing unfair labour practices during negotiations -failing to provide information Violations of Good Faith Bargaining (2 of 2) © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

4 17-4 The Collective Bargaining Process Distributive Bargaining Bargaining Zone UnionManagement Resistance Point Target Point Initial Point © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

5 17-5 The Collective Bargaining Process 1.Distributive bargaining 2.Integrative bargaining -productivity -concessionary -interest-based/mutual gains 3.Attitudinal structuring 4.Intra-organizational bargaining 1.Distributive bargaining 2.Integrative bargaining -productivity -concessionary -interest-based/mutual gains 3.Attitudinal structuring 4.Intra-organizational bargaining Negotiating – Four Types of Activity © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

6 17-6 Third Party Assistance and Bargaining Impasses Conciliation -assistance of neutral outside third party -required prior to strike/lockout Conciliation -assistance of neutral outside third party -required prior to strike/lockout Mediation -assistance of neutral outside third party -usually voluntary Mediation -assistance of neutral outside third party -usually voluntary © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

7 17-7 The Collective Agreement: Typical Provisions -union recognition -union security/checkoff -no strikes or lockout -management rights -grievance procedures -arbitration -union recognition -union security/checkoff -no strikes or lockout -management rights -grievance procedures -arbitration Clauses (1 of 2) © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

8 17-8 The Collective Agreement: Typical Provisions -disciplinary procedures -compensation rates and benefits -hours of work and overtime pay -health and safety -employee security/seniority -contract expiration date -disciplinary procedures -compensation rates and benefits -hours of work and overtime pay -health and safety -employee security/seniority -contract expiration date Clauses (2 of 2) © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

9 17-9 Contract Administration -union and management must abide by contract -most labour-management relations in day-to-day contract administration -most provisions limit managerial actions -numerous grievances on seniority and discipline provisions -union and management must abide by contract -most labour-management relations in day-to-day contract administration -most provisions limit managerial actions -numerous grievances on seniority and discipline provisions © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

10 17-10 Grievance Resolution and Rights Arbitration Stage 1. Employee gives written grievance to supervisor Stage 1. Employee gives written grievance to supervisor Typical Grievance Procedure Stage 2. Discussion by grievor, HR, union steward Stage 3. Discussion by senior management and top union officials Stage 3. Discussion by senior management and top union officials Stage 4. Arbitration © 2005 Pearson Education Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario

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