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Published byWinifred Boyd Modified over 9 years ago
1 In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and merciful
2 Statistical System of Pakistan
3 MISSION STATEMENT Statistics Division is committed to provide accurate, reliable, timely, comprehensive and user-friendly data to national & international organizations
4 STATISTICAL SYSTEM OF PAKISTAN The Statistical System Of Pakistan is a combination of both the centralized and de-centralized systems. At the federal level, it consists of Statistics Division and its attached departments and a few other statistical cells working in other Ministries/Divisions to meet their specific data requirements. Provincial Bureaus of Statistics are responsible for collection, compilation and dissemination of data on provincial subjects as well as coordination among statistical cells functioning in various provincial departments.
5 Statistical System Federal Level Statistics Division (FBS, PCO, ACO) Statistical Cells in different Ministries / Divisions as well as in SBP, CBR, etc Provincial Level Bureaus of Statistics Statistical Cells in different Departments Local Governments
6 Statistical acts/Ordinance The General Statistics Act,1975 Provides for constitution of National Coordination Statistical Council. (NSC) and statistics Authority (s) and collection and Coordination of General Statistics The industrial Statistics Act, 1942 Provides for appointment of Statistics Authority (s) by the Provincial Governments for collection of Industrial statistics The Agricultural Census Act, 1958 Provides for conduct of Census related surveys, appointment of Census Commissioner and other Officers for the purpose The Census (Population and Housing) Ordinance, 1959 Provides for conduct of Census related surveys, appointment of Census Commissioner and other Officers for the purpose
7 StatisticsDivision Statistics Division Statistics Division was established in 1973 by upgrading the then Central Statistical Office (CSO). Attached departments are: Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) Population Census Organization (PCO) Agricultural Census Organization (ACO)
8 Federal Statistical Cells Ministry of Food & Agriculture Agriculture Statistics Ministry of Industries Industrial Production Ministry of Health Health Statistics Ministry of Population Welfare Population Welfare Ministry of Education Education Statistics Ministry of Labour & Manpower Social Securities, Wages, Overseas Manpower E mployment Ministry of Finance Budget, Eco. Survey Ministry of Interior Crimes, Traffic Accidents Ministry of Tourism Tourism Statistics
9 Federal Statistical Cells Ministry of InformationNews paper circulation, Periodicals, dramas, films released Ministry of Sports & CultureSports statistics Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources Mining Statistics Economic Affairs DivisionForeign Eco. Assistance Central Board of RevenueRevenue, Industrial Production State Bank of PakistanMoney & Banking, Balance of Payments National Database & Registration Authority Population Statistics
10 Organizational Chart of FBS
11 Provincial Organizations Agriculture Departments Agriculture Statistics Bureaus of Statistics Industrial Production Education Departments Education Statistics Health Departments Health Statistics Ind. & Mining Departments Mining Statistics Excise & Taxation Department Transport Statistics Labour & Manpower Department Labour Statistics
12 Planning and execution of decennial Population & Housing Census. Processing and dissemination of data in the form of Census Reports. Analysis of census data and demographic research. Evaluation of census results. Intercensal sample studies/surveys in related areas. Supply of census data to the data users. Functions of Population Census Organization (PCO)
13 Determination the Scope and Formulation of Questionnaires Designing of Sample and Sample Selection Preparation of Central Schedule and development of Manuals of instruction. Laying down Census/Survey Methodology Training of Field Staff and Census Enumeration (Field Operation) Manual editing, coding and data entry Functions of Agricultural Census Organizing (ACO)
14 Computer Edit, quality control and Tabulation, Quality control Preparation and printing to Reports All these activities are undertaken in respect of the following: Agricultural and Livestock Censuses (Decennial) Agricultural Machinery Census (Decennial) Village-wise Census (Quinquennial) Rural Credit Survey (Ad hoc) Functions of Agricultural Census Organizing (ACO)
16 MAIN FUNCTIONS OF TRAINING WING i. To plan, organize and conduct training courses periodically for statistical personnel of various levels. ii. To cater training requirements of statistical personnel working in Statistics Division and its attached departments and other federal and provincial government organizations and cells. iii. To hold workshops and seminars on important topics in the field of statistics and allied subjects. Continued
17 MAIN FUNCTIONS OF TRAINING WING i. To assess training requirements of statistical personnel working in Statistics Division, its attached departments and provincial governments. v. To promote cooperation with other departments, universities, and national & international agencies for sharing of knowledge and promotion of research activities. vi. To disseminate information and extend advice to the government and other agencies for improvement of statistical activities in Pakistan.
18 Existing Arrangements of Training Wing Structural changes in the past. Presently a wing of FBS. 2521 employees trained since 1989 Trainees include employees of FBS, PCO, ACO, Bureaus of Statistics and other departments/Universities. DFID, GTZ and UNFPA are major donors to finance trainers of international repute
19 Training Bottlenecks Training courses being conducted without proper assessment of training needs with the result that: – Training activity need to be co-related with exact operational requirements, and – Impact of training on organizational and individual performance and achievement of objectives need to be measured.
20 FUTURE PLAN Continuation of regular in-service training programmes for enhancing the professional and technical capabilities of working statisticians. To cater future training needs of working statisticians serving in Statistics Division, its attached departments and other federal and provincial government statistical organizations. Training of provincial government employees in the field of agricultural, industrial, education and health statistics to improve the quality of statistics produced by them.
21 FUTURE PLAN To arrange International level training courses, seminars and workshops in collaboration with SIAP, UNFP, USAID, ILO World Bank and other international organizations. To improve interaction between Training Wing and other academic institutions for improving training activities. 6 To raise the status of Training Wing to that of Training institute and arrangements for their training
22 Current Status: National and Provincial Statistical Councils responsible forr coordination for all statistical matters Panels and technical committees have been revised formed for each major activity. Representation of private sector, NGOs, provincial Government enhanced Meeting of the panels / Technical Committees are regularly being held before conducting of Survey/census for finalization of question/material Improving Coordination in National Statistical System
23 Series of Workshops are planned in the Provincial Capitals and businessmen, Chambers of Commerce and industries, NGOs, Politicians to familiarized about the working of Statistical Organization, to cooperate in providing information for establishment based surveys/census Future Plan
24 1. The meetings of National statistical council are not held regularly due to non-availability of proper agenda which is to be presented for policy decisions at the NSC 2. Main problem is in collection of establishment based data, the coverage for such type of surveys/censuses remain always low 3. The findings of such studies/surveys are generalized by donor agencies and other users for the Country or Province. These create doubts and miss-understanding when compared with the findings of the National Level Surveys/studies Key issues
25 4. There is lack of research and detailed analysis of the data available through censuses/Surveys 5. There is lack of understanding of statistical data specially price indices and labour statistics among the policy makers/politicians and media Key issues
26 Current Status: Under the present system the three main organizations FBS, PCO, and ACO enjoying working Autonomy with. Limited Financial and Administrative autonomy Autonomy of National Statistical Officers
27 Government has decided for the re-structuring of the existing Statistical Organization to make it an independent organization Draft law has been prepared providing full autonomy to proposed Pakistan Bureau of statistics headed by Chief Statistician Law is to be submitted to Cabinet for approval Future Plan
28 1. Complete autonomy in terms of financial and administrative matters could not be exercised when all finances are being provided by the government. According to existing financial rules, the government rules and regulations are to be followed where government financing is 50% or more. 2. To change the status from pure government to autonomous of the existing employees create panic among them, as they have to loose all facilities available to government servants like pension, medical and housing facilities etc. Besides merger of three different sister organizations into one also creates problems of seniority and promotion. Being the oldest organizations most of the employees having service of more than 15 years at the average. Key issues
29 3. Most critical issue is of having experienced persons from the open market as no other organizations/institutions have such specific activities. 4. Besides salary structure of the National Statistical Organizations do not attract highly qualified persons (Ph.Ds) working abroad or in other international agencies in the country. 5. The existing employees have very little chance for improving their qualification due to lack of training facilities for higher education, most of the senior officers who had foreign training/ higher education are retiring and their replacement is not available which creates shortage of staff at the senior level. Key issues
30 Current Status: To increase user engagement an open data dissemination policy has been adopted All Survey reports, price, trade and industrial indices up loaded on web-site Users produces workshops are being arranged Various technical committees/panel membership has been revised, more participation from Private sectors, NGOs Academia is ensured Micro level data of various surveys provided on request How can we increase users engagement
31 To enhance credibility of data produce by Statistical organization restructuring and full autonomy is proposed to get users confidence of Statistics provided by the organization Capacity building projects are signed with GTZ and DFID Future Plan
32 1. To increase users engagement it is very important to have credibility and faith of the users of the statistics generated by the National Statistical Organization. However, at present there is lack of credibility among the users. 2. Most of the potential users do not know the working of National Statistical Organization and not aware about the sources & availability of information they require Key issues
33 3. Lack of understanding about the statistical terms/methods/sampling etc. among users, specially the senior managers in government, politicians and media persons. Due to the lack of knowledge they pass negative comments on the figures released by the organization, which affect the credibility of the data. The users, therefore, hesitate to use the statistics. 4. Users demands are not met in terms of detailed information at the district, village or gross route level for various indicators such a Labour Statistics, Demographic Statistics, Industrial Statistics, Health Statistics etc due to lack of resources as most of the surveys are conducted at the National and Provincial levels. Key issues
34 Current Status: Administrative data is being collected from Secondary Sources and presented in various publications The data on education, health, family planning can be used for statistics proposed by developing rates and ratios in comparison with population How useful are administrative data for statistical purposes
35 1.The data is collected from the public sector, private sector data is not available in most of the cases, besides data not available in desired format 2.To have proper administrative data, the data collecting agencies needs resources, manpower and experience Key issues
36 1.There is open policy of data dissemination. All micro level data of sample Surveys is being provided to users on demand for detailed analysis including International Agencies, NGOs, Universities researchers/students. 2. To involve Statistical Organization specific training for the staff is required for data analysis/research. 3. Research Wing/sections may be established in each Statistical Organization 4. The research organization asking for data may involve the Statistician for analysis work to enhance capability of the incumbent. Role of National Statistical Officers in analysis including micro data
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