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Mineral and Rock Vocabulary

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1 Mineral and Rock Vocabulary
Rocks, Rock! Mineral and Rock Vocabulary

2 Rock Rock is a solid mixture of crystals of one or more minerals
Rocks are categorized into 3 types on how they are made Each rock in each category is classified (named) by its TEXTURE and COMPOSITION

3 Igneous Rock Definition: Igneous rock is rock formed when magma cools and solidifies into rock. (Rock from Volcanoes) Extrusive vs. Intrusive Intrusive Rock- When magma cools slowly under the earths surface- causing large grained rocks Extrusive Rock- when magma erupts from a volcano it is called lava, lava cools quickly causing fine (small) grained rocks Felsic vs. Mafic MAFIC: Low silicon level rocks which are dark colored rocks FELSIC: High silicon level rocks which are light colored rocks

4 Igneous Rock Examples- special features
Felsic- Mafic Extrusive Grain size-formed outside quickly Pumice Obsidian Basalt Intrusive Grain Size-formed inside slowly Granite Gabbro

5 Review Time Turn to your neighbor and explain to him/her what igneous rock is, and what the 4 types of igneous rock are. How are rocks grouped (3 ways)

6 Quiz Time Which of the following best describes this rock
A Extrusive Mafic B Intrusive Mafic C Extrusive Felsic D Intrusive Felsic

7 Sedimentary Rock Definition: Rocks that form when sediments are compacted and cemented together Sediments are small fragments of rock –like sand Rocks must go through several steps before they become sedimentary Weathering Erosion Deposition Compaction and Cementation aka lithification

8 Sedimentary Rock Examples and special features
Clastic- rock fragments Organic- Made from shells, skeletons, fossils and minerals Chemical- minerals and water Conglomerate- large fragments Fossiliferous limestone Chemical limestone Sandstone medium sediment

9 Quiz Time What is the best description of this rock?
A Clastic Sandstone B Clastic Conglomerate C Organic fossiliferous limestone D igneous rock

10 Review Time Turn to your neighbor and tell them the difference between sedimentary and igneous rock.

11 Metamorphic Rock Definition: Rock that forms when the texture and composition of preexisting rock changes due to heat or pressure.

12 Fast Five Quiz Go as quickly, and as safely as you can to the right corner. The following words are associated with what kind of rock? A Sedimentary Rock B Metamorphic Rock C Igneous (Extrusive) D Igneous (Intrusive)

13 Energy and the Changing earth
We talked about how energy changes in food pyramids and food webs, and how that affects living organisms. Refresh: ___________ _____________________________ now lets talk about energy and how earth’s rocks are affected- what is chemical/mechanical energy?

14 Rock cycle

15 Decision Time Where and how can you see chemical/mechanical energy in this new system? Now that you have seen some examples of rocks, and you have seen the rock cycle. If you wanted to build a strong, long lasting monument to yourself for the world to see what type of rock would you use and why?

16 Weathering Definition: breakdown of rock into smaller and smaller fragments.

17 Mechanical Weathering
Mechanical weathering: The breakdown of rocks by physical means- by ice, wind, water force, gravity, abrasion

18 Chemical Weathering Chemical weathering: the breakdown of rocks by chemical means into new substances- by soil, water, weak acids,

19 Erosion The removal and transport of sediment and material by wind, water or ice (glaciers)

20 Deposition Definition: Depositing sediments, or the laying down of sediments from movement.

21 Compaction and Cementation
Definition: The squeezing and solidifying (gluing) of sediments together to finally become rock.

22 Magma

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