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Radio Drama Treatment. Title The title for my radio drama is going to be called ‘No way through’ I have decided to call it no way through because I think.

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1 Radio Drama Treatment

2 Title The title for my radio drama is going to be called ‘No way through’ I have decided to call it no way through because I think it sounds mysterious and for people that take an interest in the thriller and horror side of radio drama it will give off the right impression.

3 Synopsis of my Radio Drama The outline for my radio drama are that a family are going on a road trip to go camping together as they haven’t been getting on. Once they get further into the woods all gps systems and mobiles start to lose signal. They realise they are lost and start to look for help one by one things go missing, they can’t find their things and the youngest girl had gone missing. Eventually they realise they are being watched and someone or something has taken their daughter, they split up to try and find her and end up finding a den full of other girls that have been abducted by a family that lost their own daughter.

4 Setting the scene.. The scene will begin in the car with the family speaking about the journey and camping etc. The location will first of all start in a car then it will move on the woods where they are planning to camp. The wooded area where they are planning to camp is dark and damp and very desolate and deep into the woods. The characters are a typical family group, two daughters and a mother and father.

5 Characters Christie Campbell: Mother Christie is 43, she studied at a small community college near her town and went on to become a teacher at the village school, she always stayed close to home and has always been very involved in her family life, she met her husband david on a holiday to the Cotswolds that she went on with two of her girlfriends. After being married for 3 years they had their first daughter and then 5 years later they had their second daughter. Christie now lives with her family in a large semi detached house in windsor.

6 Characters David Campbell: Father David is 47 and studied accounting and banking at Westminster university. He was actually engaged to his previous fiance where he met Christie on his stag do to the Cotswolds, he met Christie and left his fiance. He grew up in London with his family who pushed him very hard as a young boy and his father who was also a banker, so because of this it has made him also push his own children hard. David is very pushy about his family and likes to make sure his children are very close.

7 Characters Trina Campbell: Oldest Daughter Trina Campbell is the oldest daughter, she is 19 and studying dance and drama at Brighton university but currently back for the summer seeing her family. Trina has always been very focused on her work and making a good career for herself but also very head strong and feisty which has made her a very confident person in her drama career. She works part time at a dance studio as a receptionist when she’s back from university on holidays. Trina is very protective of her younger sister as she has always been the older one so used to help look after her when she was younger.

8 Characters Emily Campbell: Youngest Daughter Emily is the youngest of the two sisters, she is 14 and still attends a junior school near her house, she has a small group of girl friends who she enjoys playing netball and hockey with and in her spare time she likes to go horse riding. She tends to feel slightly over shadowed by her older sister as she is so confident and has succeeded by going to university and Emily is quite shy in comparison. Emily could never tell her sister this as she knows how close they are and wouldnt want to upset her.

9 The start of my drama… The start of my drama is going to begin with the whole family in the car on the way to the camping area. They are all talking away and suddenly they hear a radio announcement about another girl going missing near the area they are headed. Christie turns up the radio to hear but David turns it down as says not to worry about something that probably isnt anywhere near their area. The journey continues then they pull up in the wooded camp zone and unpack there belongings.

10 Middle of my drama… My radio drama will continue as the main dilemma starts unfold… As they begin to settle down into there camping area, christie goes to check her phone and realises she doesn’t have signal but doesn’t think too much of it, as the night goes on it starts to get darker and darker and trina and emily begin to get tired so go to sleep in their tents, christie and david leave to go for a walk and to get some wood for the fire, when they return their fire has been put out and the car doors are open, they look into the girls tents and neither of them are in the tent, the parents think they are playing some kind of joke so shout for them but suddenly they hear trina screaming for emily so they run and trina explains while they were sleeping someone grabbed emily out of the tent. Christie and trina split from david to search for her.

11 Conclusion… The conclusion to my story is that they continue to search for Emily and come across a under ground den full of young girls that have also been abducted by a family that lost their daughter when she was a baby. They helped all the girls out of the pit and take them to safety. The story will end with a radio announcement about the girls being returned to their homes and the family being arrested for abduction.

12 The reason for my choice of drama The reason I have chosen this genre for my radio drama is because I personally enjoy watching horror and thriller type films so I feel if I enjoy watching them and have seen a wide variety of that type of film so I have lots of ideas for a radio drama I think I could easily listen to and that would be interesting for others aswell.

13 The target audience for my drama Within my radio drama I will be representing the idea of abduction and child kidnapping. I would personally say my target audience is someone who enjoys listening to a thriller/horror drama. It could come across quite scary and quite spooky so I think it would need to be for 15 years + and also the theme about girl abduction is quite a mature theme for a younger viewer to handle. I would say my radio drama is trans gender viewing, because it is a thriller either women or men can watch it, it doesn’t really favour one gender.

14 What station and time… I would probably base my production on the radio station- radio 4 as radio 4 already has a wide selection of different genres of radio dramas on offer so my horror, thriller production would look out of place and other people that have taken an interest in that genre previously will see it and probably listen. Due to the fact it is a slightly scary production with mature themes and bad language in places I would say it needs to be on after 9 possibly 10oclock to prevent anyone under the age of 15 listening to it.

15 Radio drama Budget… Actor cost will be £50/Hour Technician cost will be £80/Hour Studio hire cost will be £80/hour Sound effects range between 50p/£1 Actors Techinician Studio Hire Sound effects Actor 1 for 4 hours = £200 1 technician for 4 hours = £320 Studio hire for 4 hours =£320 50p for each sound and I need 20 = £10 Actor 2 for 4 hours = £200 Actor 3 for 4 hours = £200 Actor 4 for 4 hours = £200 =£800=£320 =£10TOTAL £1450

16 Nearly there… And now there will be time for any questions you have to ask me about my plan and treatment for my radio drama.

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