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Pd project- Ikea tampines restaurant

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1 Pd project- Ikea tampines restaurant
Chung Li Min 108039

2 Ikea Restaurants & Café
Problem statement Shop for products Ikea Restaurants & Café Shop for products Entrance Exit Ikea’s a household furniture company. There are people whose main objective is to go to their restaurant to eat. What can you do to enhance their dining experience or create a new dining experience for them? Can we relocate the Ikea restaurant / implement a new outlet for Ikea restaurant?

3 Research

4 Ikea business At IKEA, their vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. Their business idea supports this vision by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. As for their restaurant purpose is to allow the customers to have a break and have their meal before continuing with their shopping.

5 Ikea floor plan Intention: is to keep customers in store longer, as long as they could. It makes the customers feels compelled to pick up a few extra impulse purchases.

6 i i i i i i i i i i i Living room i Kitchen Bedroom i i i i
Living room storage i i shortcut Smaland playroom Dining i i Escalator & lift (Entrance) i i i Wardrobes & storage Toilets/ phones i shortcut Staircase & lift To Level 3 i shortcut i Market hall workspace Children’s ikea i Ikea restaurant & Café i

7 Effective restaurant design
Designs that encourage eye contact: Lots of diagonal seating or a bar in a U shape might be well received in restaurants that target a young, single market. Breaking up the dining space with partitions or other visual barriers makes the restaurant appear pleasantly busy even during slower periods, and allows guests to feel connected to but not necessarily part of a larger group. If given a choice of where to sit in a restaurant, a majority of people prefer sitting at a table next to some kind of permanent architectural feature: A window, a wall, or even a low partition. This “anchoring” behaviour is most likely related to psychological needs. We need personal space around us to feel comfortable.

8 Effective restaurant design (cont’d)
Seats near to windows is most desirable for romantic dinners or intimate meals with friends. If eating alone, they will have strong preference for anchored table in low-status part of the dining place. Rare individuals will prefer no anchoring features tables in the middle of the place. Diners will select an empty anchored table first but if no anchored table is available then they will choose an unanchored one that positions the diner well away from strangers.

9 Observations

10 Observations of current site
Furniture: Not all the restaurant furniture brings familiarity of Ikea showroom. Using Ikea’s products as the furniture for the restaurant. Place Ikea’s products and promote them in the restaurant along the path or where the patrons seats. Food: The menu board does not show the description and prices clearly. Enhance the menu board of Ikea restaurant’s popular food. (Eg: enlarge the image at the same time can see the prices and proportion better.)

11 Ambience: Currently, the lights do not directly have spot-lights on specific tables. Using warm lightings and give the customers a cozy feel so that they will enjoy their food and will visit Ikea Tampines restaurant the next time. Architecture: Currently the wall remains white. Giving the customers a plain wall without textures what will they feel in that place. What makes them satisfied and appealed to eyes? Paint the walls with different patterns Location: Is the location easily accessed by the customers? Where is the satisfied location for them?

12 Drafting the survey

13 Questions asked? How is the current Ikea dining experience like?
Do they include Ikea specialties in the restaurant? Where can the restaurant be located instead of being inside Ikea? What is the concept of the restaurant? What is Ikea objective for the restaurant?

14 Understanding Ikea Tampines Restaurant
Understand the users needs and wants before continuing to design. Crafting survey to get feedbacks from the users then further enhance the dining experience.

15 Draft Survey Questions
Name, age, profession. Do you live near Ikea Tampines? Yes/ No How frequent do you visit Ikea Tampines’s restaurant? Daily/weekly/ monthly/ occasionally. Please elaborate. If you were to rate the restaurant (0-worst, 5-excellent): Atmosphere__ Food__ Architecture__ Ambience__ Overall dining experience__ What improvements can be done to enhance the dining experience? If it were to be relocate or franchised out, where would you want it to be? What should be remains or replaces with new elements?____ Why?_____ (eg: atmosphere, ambience, architecture, food and etc.)

16 Improvised Survey Questions (Page 1)
Understanding Ikea Tampines Restaurant Introduction: Hi, I am student from Design for interactivity. I am doing this survey for my project. It is regarding user-research for Ikea Tampines restaurant. Please kindly give me your valuable feedbacks for Ikea Tampines restaurant. It will roughly take about 6 minutes of your time. Thank you.

17 Improvised Survey Questions (Page 2)
About yourself Name: Address: Age Range: under 18 18-24 25-34 35-54 55+ Do you belong in any of the following profession? Design Food & Beverage Business None of the above

18 Improvised Survey Questions (Page 3)
2. How frequent do you visit Ikea Tampines Restaurant? Daily Weekly Once in a month Once in 3 months Others (please specify):

19 Improvised Survey Questions (Cont’d Page 3)
3. How would you rate the Ikea Tampines restaurant? (Provide a tick for each row) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Atmosphere Ambience Food Architecture Location Overall Dining Experience

20 Improvised Survey Questions (page 4)
4) In your opinion, which of the following could provide you a satisfying dining experience? (Tick all that applies) ATMOSPHERE- In your opinion, which will be the suitable and satisfied atmosphere? Placement of the furniture Layout of the restaurant Environment Sound (music played etc.) Others (please specify): AMBIENCE- In your opinion, which will be the suitable and satisfied ambience? Soft lighting (dim light , warm light) Bright lighting (white light) Signage (menu board etc.) Seating (different seating plans)

21 Improvised Survey Questions (cont’d page 4)
FOOD- In your opinion, which will be the suitable and satisfied food? Swedish Meatballs Chicken Wings Najad Salmon Fish & Chips meal Others (please specify): ARCHITECTURE- In your opinion, which will be the suitable and satisfied architecture? Furniture (tables, chairs etc.) Wall structures (shapes, colours etc.) Flooring (tiles, textures etc.)

22 Improvised Survey Questions (cont’d page 4)
LOCATION- In your opinion, where is a suitable and satisfied location for the restaurant? Inside Ikea at the right side of the Entrance Outside of Ikea at the left side of the Exit Outside of Ikea nearby shop houses, shopping malls. Others (please specify):

23 Improvised Survey Questions (Cont’d page 4)
5) Any suggestions you would recommend for improvements to enhance your dining experience: 6) If the FOOD prices were to be changed due to the NEW DINING EXPERIENCE. Will you still be willing to pay for the food? Yes No Depends, please elaborate: Thank you for your valuable time and have a nice day! Comments/ remarks Atmosphere Ambience Food Architecture

24 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

25 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

26 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

27 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

28 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

29 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

30 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

31 Improvised Survey Questions (online)

32 Survey results

33 Survey details Total survey size collected: 46

34 Rating of Ikea Restaurant

35 Atmosphere Highest ratings: 36.4% Environment 28.6% Sound
Most common comments: Privacy Cozy More space Add music/entertainment

36 Ambience Highest ratings: 43.8% Soft lighting(dim light, warm light)
35% Seating (different seating plans) Most common comments: To play some background music. “Spot-lights” (with soft lightings) at each table. Provide “homely” feel and “peaceful” ambience Different arrangement of seating plans/themes

37 Food Highest ratings: 29.5% Swedish Meatballs 28.4% Chicken Wings
Most common comments: More varieties and better quality of food

38 Architecture Highest ratings: 47.4% Furniture (tables, chairs etc.)
Most common comments: Have different design of furniture from Ikea to fit different seating plans Theme dining Comfortable Use of furniture/themes to create homely environment.

39 Location Highest ratings:
67.4% Inside Ikea at the right side of Entrance Most common comments: None.

40 New dining experience vs money
Whether the users will be willing to pay for a new dining experience: 47.8% Yes 6.5% No 45.7% Depends and elaborated Most common comments: “If the environment becomes better and the food is worth the price, I do not mind paying.” “Depends on how much they increased the price to.”

41 Proposed Design

42 Design Considerations
Increase the “privacy” level. Pipe in music More spaces Change the type of lamps used. Change of setting. Enable restaurant patrons to feel homely and comfortable. Change the overall surrounding with different arrangements of seats and furniture used. Use of Ikea furniture

43 Design Category Highest ratings Most common comments Design Atmosphere
Environment (Overall setting/surrounding) Sound Privacy Cozy More spaces Music/ Entertainment Included dividers/partitions Lessen the amount of seats Pipe in music Ambience Soft lightings Seating plans Spot-lights on each table using soft lightings Have different arrangements of seating plans/themes Provide homely feel and peaceful ambience Ceiling hanging lamps with warm lighting Floor lamp s with warm lighting Create personal space with different seating arrangement Use of Japanese tatami mat style Architecture Furniture Different furniture designs to fit different seating plans Comfortable Use of furniture to create homely environment Uses different furniture from Ikea Uses furniture and seating arrangements to provide comfortable and homely environment

44 Current seating plans

45 Improvised seating plans

46 Changes made - Atmosphere
Improvised design with new setting and pipe in music.

47 New setting 2 1 4 3 5 7 6

48 1

49 2

50 3

51 4

52 5

53 6

54 6

55 7

56 Pipe-in Music 2 1 3 4 5 6

57 Partitions/Dividers added to provide privacy.
Pipe in music 1

58 2 Pipe in music

59 3 Pipe in music

60 4 Pipe in music

61 5 Pipe in music

62 6 Pipe in music

63 6 Pipe in music

64 Changes made – Ambience
Improvised design with soft lighting and using different seating plans.

65 Soft-lighting and Seating plans
5 1 2 3 4

66 1 Create personal space with alternate seating arrangement

67 1 Partitions/Dividers added to provide privacy.
Change to vertical arrangement to provide more space.

68 1

69 2

70 2

71 3

72 3

73 4

74 4

75 4

76 5

77 Changes made – Architecture
Improvised design uses Ikea furniture in different seating plans.

78 Use of Ikea Furniture 5 1 2 3 6 4

79 1 AMMERÖ AMMERÖ Bar table, dark brown, beige
Bar stool, dark brown, beige

80 1 MELLTORP Dining table, white IKEA Nils Padded dinning chair

81 1 IKEA can customize this kind of tables and chairs for their restaurant.

82 2 MELLTORP IKEA Nils Dining table, white Padded dinning chair
Ikea Foto Pendant Light Dark grey MELLTORP Dining table, white IKEA Nils Padded dinning chair

83 2 MELLTORP Dining table, white IKEA Nils Padded dinning chair

84 3 IKEA can customize this kind of tables and chairs for their restaurant. MELLTORP Dining table, white IKEA Nils Padded dinning chair

85 3 VITTSJÖ Ikea beanbag sofa, white
Coffee table, black-brown, glass Ikea beanbag sofa, white IKEA can customize this kind of tables and chairs for their restaurant.

86 3 ALÄNG Wall lamp, nickel-plated, white VITTSJÖ
Coffee table, black-brown, glass Ikea beanbag sofa, white

87 3 Ikea Malm occasional table white MARTIN Chair, silver-colour, black

88 4 IKEA can customize this kind of tables and chairs for their restaurant.

89 4 KLUBBO Coffee table, black-brown HAMPEN OKATI Rug, high pile, black
Rug, high pile, white

90 4 KLUBBO Coffee table, black-brown HAMPEN OKATI Rug, high pile, black
Rug, high pile, white

91 5 AMMERÖ AMMERÖ Bar table, dark brown, beige
Bar stool, dark brown, beige

92 Types of furniture IKEA Nils is a padded dinning chair
Ikea Orgel Floor Lamp Ikea Foto Pendant Light - Dark Grey

93 ALÄNG Wall lamp, nickel-plated, white Ikea beanbag sofa, white AMMERÖ Bar stool, dark brown, beige

94 VITTSJÖ Coffee table, black-brown, glass MELLTORP Dining table, white

95 AMMERÖ Bar table, dark brown, beige BJURSTA Dining table, brown

96 For Tatami style OKATI Rug, high pile, white HAMPEN
Rug, high pile, black KLUBBO Coffee table, black-brown

97 Food menu

98 Food menu

99 Touch point

100 Touch Points Expectations Defects Walk-in Privacy Comfortable seating Do not have privacy Atmosphere Cozy Spacious Music/entertainment Do not have clear music Do not have enough personal space. Ordering service Clarity of food menu Service of staff Some of the food menu description and picture overlaps. Food & Drink Delicious food Display of food Reasonable Leave the restaurant Different route to leave Not packed with human traffic


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