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New Accents in Continuing Education Developing Multi-faceted e-Learning Programs.

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2 New Accents in Continuing Education Developing Multi-faceted e-Learning Programs

3 Find Out How to develop money-making e-learning noncredit certificate programs. How to defray development costs by partnering with other institutions. How to build in web conferencing for a more personalized e-learning experience.

4 Money Making e-Learning Noncredit Certificate Program Considerations: Four C’s of Success: Culture, Champions, Communication, Change. Selecting a successful traditional classroom program. Customizable workforce training.

5 Web Authoring Credential Accelerated 8 week project-based course rolled in the following courses: Introduction to HTML Intermediate HTML Web Graphic Strategies - Photoshop Advanced HTML Designing a Website

6 What made the course unique Noncredit online course Web Conferencing for live interaction. Credentialed - proof of time spent gaining skills. Portfolio - Completed project to show an employer.


8 WHAT WE DO Transmit live voice one-to-one or one-to-many Simultaneously transmit data as PowerPoint, whiteboard or screen cast Broadcast Webcam images Charge as an Application Service Provider Provide highly interactive virtual classrooms, meeting rooms, and conference rooms Provide service to anyone with Internet Access

9 WebAttend Meeting Platform

10 WebAttend Meeting Platform Features Issue content using Message Boards Communicate privately with any participant Webcam enabled for any brand of camera Pass the mike and presentation capability participants Hand-raising, voting, text questions

11 WebAttend Meeting Platform Net Benefits High quality voice and visuals over 28.8 kbps dialup Save on conference call costs by up to 95% Hold college/company meetings with no need to travel Collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, etc. Decrease college/company operating costs

12 Development Time & Costs 20 hours – Review identify content for course. 16 hours – WebCT training. 45 hours - Prepare course materials, lecture, exercises, handouts, project for the web, assessment. 45 hours – Prepare materials for synchronous meetings and lectures. 30 hours – General administrative- managing files, manage students, manage presentations. Total 156 hours $2,125

13 Selling the Web Authoring Credential Course to Partners 2001 Continuing Education began with 1 noncredit online course - loosely used the MOL Model. Invited 16 Community Colleges to attend the Distance Learning Affinity Group Meeting. Emailed Partnership Agreement and Course Description in advance of meeting (schedule ready) Pilot offered the course for free to Colleges.

14 Partnership Benefits Keeping Maryland students in Maryland Allowing institution to offer online certification not available at other colleges. Helping serve and recruit noncredit students by providing comprehensive online course offerings. Providing a competitive presence in the distance learning market.

15 Partnership Arrangement Participating college pays one time fee of $200 to help defray development costs. Participating college pays $500 per student to HCC. Course Fee $800, college keeps $300. FTE goes to participating college. Credential awarded by participating college.

16 Look at Course and WebTrain

17 Charlene Templeton Noncredit Computer Coordinator Harford Community College 410-836-4113 Email

18 Strategic alliances Reseller arrangements Web site links Affiliate and Partnership Opportunities Integration and branding


20 The End Return to Master of Distance Education

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