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1 Product Reliability Chris Nabavi BSc SMIEEE © 2006 PCE Systems Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Product Reliability Chris Nabavi BSc SMIEEE © 2006 PCE Systems Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Product Reliability Chris Nabavi BSc SMIEEE © 2006 PCE Systems Ltd

2 2 Reliability  Reliability is the probability that an equipment will operate for some determined period of time under the working conditions for which it was designed

3 3 The “Bathtub” Curve Failures per hour Time Infant MortalityEnd of Life Operational Life Phase

4 4 Operational Strategy  1.Run the equipment without traffic until the infant mortality period has passed - (the burn-in period)  2. Use the equipment during the operational life period  3. Retire or replace the equipment before the end of life period

5 5 Failure Rate  This is a statistical measure, applicable to a large number of samples  The failure rate, is the number of failures per unit time, divided by the number of items in the test  is constant during the operational phase  is often expressed in % / 1000 hours or FITs (failures in ten to the 9 hours)

6 6 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)  This is a statistical measure, applicable to a large number of samples  The MTBF,  is the average time between failures, times the number of items in the test MTBF = 1 / failure rate  = 1 / MTBF = 1 / failure rate  = 1 /

7 7 Measured MTBF and Failure Rate  A manufacturer tests 3000 light bulbs for 300 hours and observes 5 failures Note: we don’t know the average time between failures from this test, because they have not all failed! But approximately: Note: we don’t know the average time between failures from this test, because they have not all failed! But approximately:  MTBF = 3000 x 300 / 5 = 180,000 hours  Failure rate = 0.556 % per 1000 hours  This measured MTBF is an under-approximation of the true MTBF

8 8 MTBF and End of Life  MTBF is a measure of quality and has nothing to do with the expected lifetime  To visualise this, think of a candle. After three hours, the wax will all be used up and it will have reached its end of life. This is its expected lifetime.  However, a quality candle (higher MTBF) will be less likely to fizzle out half way down. If we light a new candle, just as each old one runs out of wax, the mean time between being unexpectedly plunged into darkness is the MTBF

9 9 Failure Rate (Graphical Representation) Failures per hour Time The failure rate is the size of this gap

10 10 Example: Typical Hard Disc  Rated or expected life = 5 years  Guaranteed life = 3 years  MTBF = 1,000,000 hours (approx. 114 years)  Modern hard discs are fairly reliable, but being mechanical, they wear out after a few years

11 11 Disc Replacement Strategy  Observation: The expected life is much less than the MTBF and discs are the “weak link” in the system  Conclusion: Replace the discs just before they wear out under a preventative maintenance program

12 12 Example MTBF Figures

13 13 Operational Life Phase  Reliability theory only works in the operational life phase, where the failure rates are constant  With this proviso, the maths is well established and closely related to statistics  There is a large amount of statistical theory concerned with sampling procedures, aimed at estimating the MTBF of components  From now on, we are only concerned with the operational phase

14 14 Probability of Survival 1 0 Time Probability of survival MTBF,  p= e - t 0.37

15 15 Non-Redundant System Reliability  For a system S, made up of components A, B, C, etc.  1 / MTBF S = 1 / MTBF A + 1 / MTBF B + 1 / MTBF C + etc.  or S = A + B + C + etc.  These formulae are used to calculate the MTBF or failure rate of equipment, using published tables covering everything from a soldered joint to a disc sub-system

16 16 Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)  The formulae discussed earlier assume zero maintenance, i.e. if a device breaks down, it is not fixed.  Often, it is important to know the probability of fixing a broken system within a given time T  For this we need to know the MTTR, which is worked out by examining all the steps involved and the failure modes  The probability of fixing the broken system within time T can then be predicted using similar exponentials as seen already

17 17 Operational Readiness  Operational readiness is the probability that a system will be ready to fulfil its function when called upon  E.g. The probability that an email sent at a random time will get through  Operational readiness = MTBF / (MTBF + MTTR)

18 18 Active Redundancy Device 1 Device 2 Either device can do the job

19 19 Active Redundancy Calculations  MTBF S = 1 / 1 + 1 / 2 - 1 / ( 1 + 2 )  Probability of survival = e - 1 t + e - 2 t - e - 1 t. e - 2 t  For an active redundancy system, S made from two identical sub-systems, A MTBF S = 1.5 x MTBF A MTBF S = 1.5 x MTBF A  Note: The failure rate is no longer constant with time

20 20 Passive Redundancy Device 1 Device 2 When device 1 fails, switch over to device 2 (Device 2 not normally powered)

21 21 Passive Redundancy Calculations  For a passive redundancy system, S made from two identical sub-systems, A and ignoring the reliability of the switch-over system  Probability of survival = e - A t x (1+ A t) MTBF S = 2 x MTBF A MTBF S = 2 x MTBF A  Note: The failure rate is no longer constant with time

22 22 Error Detection and Correction  There are two trivially simple ways to guard against errors  Send the information twice: Then at the receiver, if they are different, we have detected an error  Send the information three times: Then at the receiver, accept the majority verdict to correct an error  But we can do better than this.....

23 23 The Hamming (7,4) code  0 1 0 0 1 0 1Pink are parity check bits  0 0 1 0 1 1 0Green are information bits  1 0 0 0 0 1 116 codes can be obtained  0 0 0 1 1 1 1by adding any rows mod 2  All 16 codes have Hamming distance of 3 or more, so the code can correct a single error ------------------  The Golay (23,12) code has 12 information bits and 11 parity check bits and can correct 3 errors

24 24 Redundant Array of Independent Discs  There are 5 RAID levels:  1Mirrored discs  2Hamming code error correction  3Single check disc per group  4Independent read and write  5Spread data and parity over all discs  In each case, disc errors are corrected; the differences are largely in the system performance

25 25 Effect of Non-Maintenance  Consider a file server with 6 discs in an array  The probability of getting a disc failure in a 6 disc RAID array in one year is about 5% which is fairly high. Assume that this happens and the problem is left unfixed for a further 3 weeks  The probability of another disc failing in this time is about.25% If this happens too, you loose the server!  The odds for this happening in any year are 5% of 0.25% or 1 in 8000 divided by the number of RAIDs

26 26 Effect of Improving the MTTR  If the MTTR of the RAID had been 3 hours instead of 3 weeks, the odds are somewhat different:  The probability of the first failure is still 5%. But now the probability of getting a second failure in the ensuing 3 hours is.0003% instead of.25%  So the odds of loosing the RAID in any year improve to 1 in 6,666,675 from the previous 1 in 8000 Moral of the story: Fix the First Fault Fast

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