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Combined State Feedback Controller and Observer

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Presentation on theme: "Combined State Feedback Controller and Observer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combined State Feedback Controller and Observer
Combined State Feedback Controller and Observer Formulation Separation Principle Transfer Function Representation Combined State Feedback Controller and Reduced Order Observer Illustrative Examples

2 Motivation In most control applications all state variables are not measurable A full or reduced order observer may be used to estimate needed states Separation principle allows independent controller and observer design

3 Combined Controller-Observer Formulation
Plant: Controller: Observer:

4 State Feedback Observer Block Diagram
u y System L x y H z-1 C G Observer -K

5 Closed-Loop System Closed-Loop Control Subsystem:
Closed-Loop Observer Subsystem: Overall Closed-Loop System:

6 Separation Principle Eigenvalues of the closed loop systems are the union of eigenvalues of Closed-loop poles, i.e., eigenvalues of G-HK and Observer poles GA-LC

7 Separation Principle--Transfer Function
Closed-Loop System Laplace Transform: Closed-loop transfer function Closed-loop transfer function is the same as full state feedback Observer dynamics are canceled

8 Laplace Domain Representation
Plant: Controller: Observer: Laplace Transform of Observer Controller in z-domain:

9 Transfer Function Block Digaram Representation
Control Input: Solving for U gives where Y R F1 G F2

10 D.C. Motor Example Consider a d.c. servomotor system given by the transfer function y: position output u: input voltage the motor. Motor parameters: k/J=1 and b/J=5.

11 Feedback Control Design for D.C. Motor Example
Desired Closed-Loop System: damping ratio =0.8 and natural frequency n=500 rad/sec (less than 3% maximum overshoot and settling time of 0.01 sec.): System in Controllable Form: Control gain

12 Servo Example Observer Design
Observer Dynamics (2 times faster than controller): =0.8 and n=1000 rad/sec Observer gain: Observer State Equations

13 Equivalent Transfer Function of Servo Example
Feedback and Feedforward Block: where

14 Closed-Loop Transfer Function
G F2 Pole-zero Cancellation

15 Combined Controller Reduced Order Observer (CCRO)
Plant State Equation: Reduced Order Observer

16 Transfer Function Representation of CCRO
Partition State Feedback Gain: Reduced Order Observer Transfer Function Substitute Z in Control Law: where

17 Transfer Function Block Digaram Representation of CCRO
Y R F1 G F2 F1 and F2 are of order n-q (lower than FOO)

18 D.C. Motor Example

19 Closed-Loop System of CCRO Example

20 Matlab Solution %Simulation Example of Combined Observer
%System: G(s)=b/(s^2+bs) % Observable form: dx1/dt=x2, dx2/dt=-ax2+bu %System Matrices b=1; a=5; A=[0 1;0 -a]; B=[0;b]; C=[1 0]; D=0; plant=ss(A,B,C,D);

21 MATLAB Example Control Design
%desired closed-loop damping and natural frequency zeta=0.8; wn=500; pd=-zeta*wn+sqrt(zeta^2-1)*wn; %desired closed-loop poles %Ackermans's formula to find gain K=acker(A,B,[pd;conj(pd)]);

22 MATLAB Example FOO Design
%Full-order observer r=2; pdo=-r*zeta*wn+r*sqrt(zeta^2-1)*wn; %desired observer poles L=(acker(A',C',[pdo;conj(pdo)]))'; Ao=A-L*C; ff=ss(Ao,B,K,0); %Part of feedforward block fb=ss(Ao,L,K,0); %Feedback Block g=-(K/Ao)*L;

23 MATLAB Example ROO Design
%Reduced-order observer pr=-r*wn; A11=A(1,1); A12=A(1,2); B1=B(1); A21=A(2,1); A22=A(2,2); B2=B(2); K1=K(1); K2=K(2); Lr=(A22-pr)/A12; Ar=A22-Lr*A12; By=A21-Lr*A11+Ar*Lr; Bu=B2-Lr*B1; ffr=ss(Ar,Bu,K2,0); fbr=ss(Ar,By,K2,K1+K2*Lr); gr=-(K2/Ar)*By+K1+K2*Lr;

24 Simulink Block Diagram

25 Simulation Parameters
Slow Observers: r=0.5, Fast Observers: r=5 Mismatch: b=1.5 Random input and measurement noise

26 Slow Observer Plots FOO,ROO

27 Fast Observer Plots FOO,ROO

28 Comments on Simulation Results
Slow ROO performs better than slow FOO High speed ROO and FOO are similar

29 End of Lecture 18 Next Lecture: Optimal Control

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