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David Williams, Cerebra. Relief Fear Grief Blame So I’m not going mad then? What do I do now?

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Presentation on theme: "David Williams, Cerebra. Relief Fear Grief Blame So I’m not going mad then? What do I do now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 David Williams, Cerebra

2 Relief Fear Grief Blame So I’m not going mad then? What do I do now?

3  Learning to be a parent all over again  Becoming the expert  Who do I go to for help and information?  Isolation  I thought the diagnosis would sort things out

4 Asperger’s Syndrome Atypical Autism Autism Childhood Autism Childhood Disintegrative Disorder High Functioning Autism Hyperlexia Kanner’s Autism Mild Autism Moderate Autism Nonverbal Learning Disorder Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome PDD-NOS Rett’s Syndrome Severe Autism Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder

5 ‘Well, Mr Williams, your son has Asperger’s Syndrome. I can recommend an excellent book by Tony Attwood..’ Internet Books Support groups Cerebra’s Regional Officers

6  IEPs  School Action  School Action Plus  Statementing  Which school? Barriers: ‘He’s really quiet at school’; ‘He’s an intelligent boy’; ‘He’s not severe enough to need help’; ‘He’s not actually disabled, is he?’

7  Mental health or learning difficulties?  Getting an assessment  Getting a social worker  Direct payments

8  Disability Living Allowance  Carer’s Allowance  Increases to other benefits Barriers: complexity of claim forms; stigma; negativity of claim form; lack of information; mis-information; lack of expert help

9 10 Regional Officers – 1 in Wales, 9 in England General information on condition and support after diagnosis Completing benefit forms, tribunal representation Help with all stages of SEN process Assistance with getting help with social services

10 Parent Help- Line 0800 32 81 159

11 SupportInformation Parent to parent contact Quarterly bulletin Postal lending library Days Out E-learning News & events Signposting 11

12 12 Speech Therapy Vouchers Wills & Trusts vouchers Grants Sensory Toys Holiday House Portfolios Sleep Service Stress Counselling Satellites


14 David Williams Parent Support Cerebra

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