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IASC Membership website 1 International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council Certifies Aloe Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS.

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Presentation on theme: "IASC Membership website 1 International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council Certifies Aloe Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS."— Presentation transcript:

1 IASC Membership website 1 International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council Certifies Aloe Certifies Aloe for Content & Purity PLUS for Content & Purity PLUSIASC R IASC Protecting the INTEGERITY of products “with Aloe” Certifies or Inspects Facilities Certifies or Inspects Facilities Membership R

2 IASC Membership website 2 Aloe raw material at cost $110 Billion Estimated Aloe Market Size: $125 million Retail market value of finished products that contain Aloe

3 IASC Membership website 3 415 E. Airport Freeway #260 Irving, TX 75062 Fax: 972-258-8777 Tel: 972-258-8772 email Web Page IASC RR Membership International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council

4 IASC Membership website 4 After many months of research Dr. Santiago Rodriguez, a well-versed and respected industry leader developed a study with estimates related to the size of the Aloe Industry Aloe Raw Material & Aloe Finished Products. Aloe Finished Products. International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council

5 IASC Membership website 5 For the complete study on the Aloe Market size, go to the IASC website How large is the aloe market (Updated 10/19/04) market (Updated 10/19/04) Dr. Santiago Rodriguez Go to the Home Page and and Click Here Click Here On the right side of the home page click on

6 IASC Membership website 6 with Members in over Members in over 60 Countries IASC Founded in 1981 International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council

7 IASC Membership website 7 Advance the Aloe Industry IASC Mission Statement: Research Education &Education & with State Federal &Federal & International Regulatory BodiesInternational Regulatory Bodies through R R Related to Truth in Labeling

8 IASC Membership website 8 Promote the integrity of the Aloe Industry through the IASC Mission Statement: Finished ProductsCertification of Aloe Finished Products Certification of Aloe Raw MaterialsCertification of Aloe Raw Materials and

9 IASC Membership website 9 MonitorMonitor IASC Mission Statement cont : Make information available to members regarding theMake information available to members regarding the CollectCollect and Aloe Industry

10 IASC Membership website 10 IASC Mission Statement cont. : Function as the spokesperson for the to the Worldwide Media Aloe Industry

11 IASC Membership website 11 Many companies print the Aloe vera plant picture Many companies print the Aloe vera plant picture "with Aloe” on the front panel of their label along with the well-worn phrase

12 IASC Membership website 12 Aloe was the highlighted ingredient in 1,557 new product launches worldwide in a 12-month period. Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun Grape Seed Extract was the second most popular with 350 new product launches during the same period of time.

13 IASC Membership website 13 BUT! Please remember 2 things: BUT! Please remember 2 things: The magic words “with Aloe” has benefits!

14 IASC Membership website 14 Many products "with Aloe" are manufactured with only one or two percent Aloe content. #1.

15 IASC Membership website 15 IASC Certification requires that of the total contents of the finished product. a finished product must contain IASC Certified Aloe equal to a Minimum of 15%

16 IASC Membership website 16 “with Aloe” IASC is in the on-going process of professionally educating the public of the great benefits “with Aloe” provides!

17 IASC Membership website 17 manufacturers are realizing that Aloe content of “at least” 15% in Finished Products Through education and IASC Certification, will greatly magnify the benefits to “end user” customers resulting in increased customer satisfaction and Sales!

18 IASC Membership website 18 IASC Certification Objective: IncreaseAloe content to “at least” 15% content to “at least” 15%IncreaseAloe in finished products “with ALOE”

19 IASC Membership website 19 “end user” customers resulting in increased customer satisfaction and Increased Sales! Result: Greatly improved benefits to

20 IASC Membership website 20 Estimated Aloe raw material cost with 15% Aloe content in Finished Products “with Aloe” raw material cost with 15% Aloe content in Finished Products “with Aloe” $125 Million Current Aloe Market at cost: $750 Million

21 IASC Membership website 21 Aloe has little or no value. The tragic part of the Aloe story is Aloe can easily be adulterated by improper processing to the point that the #2.

22 IASC Membership website 22 IASC Certifies the IASC R R of Aloe Product. of C ontent P urity & Q uality

23 IASC Membership website 23 1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy 2. A/A For Calcium & Magnesium 3. L malic Acid Testing 4. Total Solid testing IASC Certification testing used to protect the Integrity of products “with Aloe”

24 IASC Membership website 24 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun the highest level of interest. Aloe vera is one of the oldest plants known to man and still receives

25 IASC Membership website 25 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun Beauty-obsessed Cleopatra used it as part of her skin care regime. used it as part of her skin care regime. Records from 1500 BC detail Egyptian use for burns, infections and parasites. Aloe vera is known as the is known as the “miracle plant” and the “plant of immortality”

26 IASC Membership website 26 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun In a Glamour Magazine article, Aloe vera Aloe vera was second only to vitamins was second only to vitamins when readers were asked what ingredient what ingredient they wanted to see in their they wanted to see in their skin care skin care products. products.

27 IASC Membership website 27 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Recently developed Aloe Vera applications have been baby wipes - baby diapers surgical gloves Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun Aloe vera has long been used in has long been used in skin and hair care products.

28 IASC Membership website 28 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun Utilizing new technology called micro encapsulation, micro encapsulation, Aloe vera is now being added to textiles to make garments to make garments beneficial to the skin.

29 IASC Membership website 29 Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Sources: According to the German publication, SOFW and the Vancouver Sun Aloe vera has remained in the top 10 listing of ingredients top 10 listing of ingredients with the largest contribution with the largest contribution to product sales in health food health foodand health care stores.

30 IASC Membership website 30 “with Aloe” Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! consumers’ trust in Join with IASC and be a part of protecting the Consumers trust Aloe vera! Aloe vera!

31 IASC Membership website 31 IASC Members & Subscribers Voting Member categories: Suppliers of equipment, auxiliary products and services Suppliers of equipment, auxiliary products and services Associate Member categories: Manufacture Sales Representative Members: Aloe Raw Material Sales Representatives that sell to Finished Goods Manufacturers Aloe Raw Material Sales Representatives that sell to Finished Goods Manufacturers Aloe Grower Aloe Grower Aloe Raw Material Manufacturer Finished Aloe Products Manufacturer Aloe Marketers & Retailers - Entities that Sell Finished Aloe products Aloe Marketers & Retailers - Entities that Sell Finished Aloe products Subscribers Companies and or individuals that seek information about Aloe products and the benefits of Aloe related to consumption by “end user” consumers Companies and or individuals that seek information about Aloe products and the benefits of Aloe related to consumption by “end user” consumers

32 IASC Membership website 32 IASCIASC Aloe Marketers & Retailers - Entities that Sell Finished Aloe Products Aloe Marketers & Retailers - Entities that Sell Finished Aloe Products Aloe Grower Aloe Grower Voting Members function in one or more of the following categories: Finished Aloe Products Manufacturer Aloe Raw Material Manufacturer International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council

33 IASC Membership website 33 Companies and individuals that qualify as a Voting Member cannot be an Associate Member or Subscriber. IASCIASC IASC Voting Membership with Benefits

34 IASC Membership website 34 Be a part of an association dedicated Establishment and Monitoring of rowth of the Aloe Industry to the growth of the Aloe Industry and the Ethical Market Standards as the Primary Objectives IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.: Related to Truth in Labeling

35 IASC Membership website 35 Voting Members receive the IASC magazine Inside Aloe 6 – 8 times a year The official newsletter of the industry. Save $75 IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.:

36 IASC Membership website 36 Receive Up to 100 pages of Reference Material from the IASC Reference Guide each year Save $50 IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.:

37 IASC Membership website 37 1 Free Registration for the IASC Annual Scientific Conference Plus Conference Binder with all the Scientific Presentations included IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.: Save $600

38 IASC Membership website 38 Eligible for special pricing for booth display space at the Annual Scientific Conference IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.: Save $60

39 IASC Membership website 39 Discount price for Certification of your first new product each year IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.: R Save $500

40 IASC Membership website 40 Discount price for Re-Certification of your first new product each year IASC Voting Membership with Benefits cont.: R Save $375

41 IASC Membership website 41 IASC Voting Membership with Benefits Certification fees are separate from membership Company’s Annual Revenue $1,100 $ 999,999 $ 4,999,999 $ 9,999,999 $24,999,999 $1,250 $1,600 $1,800 $2,000 -$0 $ 1,000,000 $ 5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,00015 3 7 10 - - - - # of People Eligible for Newsletter Membership is billed annually. The first year dues are prorated based on the time of the year you join IASC. prorated based on the time of the year you join IASC. Annual Dues Dues

42 IASC Membership website 42 Is available to branches or divisions of Voting Members Associate membership IASCIASC Plus Companies and individuals who are interested in the Aloe Industry as being suppliers of equipment, auxiliary products and services.

43 IASC Membership website 43 Associate Membership and the Establishment and Monitoring of Ethical Market Standards as the Primary Objectives Be a part of an association dedicated rowth of the Aloe Industry to the growth of the Aloe Industry

44 IASC Membership website 44 Voting Members of IASC IASC look to Associate Members FIRST for Service and Products. Associate Membership

45 IASC Membership website 45 Associate Membership Eligible for special pricing for booth display space at the Annual Scientific Conference Save $60

46 IASC Membership website 46 IASC Associate Membership $250 Annual Fee Companies and individuals that qualify as a Voting Member cannot be an Associate Member or Subscriber.

47 IASC Membership website 47 Subscribers Companies and/or individuals that seek information about Aloe Products Companies and/or individuals that seek information about Aloe Products IASCIASC The International Aloe Science Council The International Aloe Science Council are welcomed as Subscribers and related benefits including “end users”

48 IASC Membership website 48 Receive the IASC magazine Inside Aloe 6 – 8 times a year. The official newsletter of the industry Associate Member & Subscriber :

49 IASC Membership website 49 ISCA Subscriber Member Annual Fee $100USA $125International Companies and individuals that qualify as a Voting Member cannot be an Associate Member or Subscriber.

50 IASC Membership website 50 IASC is a non-profit association and does not Process, Buy or Sell Aloe. IASC can provide a list of Qualified Consultants Consultants are independent contractors and work on a fee basis. You will select and negotiate on a direct basis with the consultant you select. and Equipment Manufacturers that can assist you in building your business.

51 IASC Membership website 51 Will keep you Informed! When it happens in the Aloe Industry The International Aloe Science Council International Aloe Science Council The International Aloe Science Council IASCIASC Stay informed!

52 IASC Membership website 52 Dr. Warren Goux "Chemical Characterization of the Immunomodulating Polysaccharide of Aloe Vera L." Dr. John P. Heggers "Combating Anthrax: The Anti-Infective Armamentarium" Dr. Ahmed Abdullah "Aloe Vera Based Skin Care Exfoliation without Inflammation" Stay informed! Look at the lASC speakers list and topic of titles presented last year at the IASC Annual Scientific Seminar held in eoul, Korea. IASC Annual Scientific Seminar held in Seoul, Korea.

53 IASC Membership website 53 Dr. Chong- Kil Lee "Immunomodulatory Activities of Aloe Polysaccharide" Dr. Qi Jia "UP Regulating Gene Expression is a Mechanism of Action for Immunomodulatory Properties of a Modified Aloe Barbadensis Polysaccharide" Stay informed! Stay informed! Speaker List & Topics Dr. Jai Youl Ro "New Drug Development for Allergic Disease with Aloe vera Single Component" Dr. Akira Yagi "Anti-inflammatory and Radical Scavenging Effect of Aloes in Derivatives and Glycoprotein in Aloe Vera"

54 IASC Membership website 54 Dr. Han Bojun "Activity Analysis of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in Active Powder of Aloe Arboresence Mill" Stay informed! Stay informed! Speaker List & Topics Dr. Carlos Macias "Survival in a rat model of lethal hemorrhagic shock is prolonged following resuscitation with a small volume of a solution containing a drug-reducing polymer derived from Aloe vera" Dr. Yin-Tung Wang "How to Grow the Best Aloe" Dr. Santiago Rodriguez "Aloe Production and Distribution in the World"

55 IASC Membership website 55 Dr. Young Ho Kim "Aloe and Alzheimer's Disease (AD): Identification of AD Drug Candidates from Aloe Fraction" Dr. Byung Pal Yu "Aloe - Functional Supplement of the Future" Stay informed! Stay informed! Speaker List Topics The 24th Annual Scientific Seminar sponsored by The International Aloe Science Council returns to Texas September 9-10, 2005. returns to Texas September 9-10, 2005. A similar list of outstanding speakers and subjects will be presented. This year's seminar and tour after the event promise to be better than ever.

56 IASC Membership website 56 Stay Informed about the Aloe Business! Be There! Be There! Be There! Sheraton South Padre Island Beach Hotel South Padre Island, Texas September 9-10, 2005. Three airports are conveniently located in the southern part of Texas at Brownsville, McAllen and Harlingen. Harlingen is the most convenient airport to Padre Island. The IASC will supply you with information and various types of transportation you can easily take to make your trip as pleasurable as possible. September is a great time of the year to visit South Texas. The VERY HOT weather is over and the meteorologist has already assured me great weather conditions. This is a historic place for those of us that are involved in the Aloe business to come and attend a great seminar. Only a few years ago, a large amount of Aloe grown commercially was grown in this part of the world. This region still commands a significant amount of Aloe used worldwide. What a perfect place for an Aloe seminar.

57 IASC Membership website 57 Protecting the INTEGERITY of “with Aloe” 3 Ways! IASC Certified Raw Material IASC Certified Raw Material Re-certification required annually Re-certification required annually IASC Certified Finished Product IASC Certified Finished Product Re-certification required annually Re-certification required annually Step 1. Step 2. IASC Facility Certification or Inspection IASC Facility Certification or Inspection Re-certification required every 3 years Re-certification required every 3 years Step 3. R R R

58 IASC Membership website 58 Product Certification Fee Schedule 1. Initial certification fee for first product $1,000$1,500 MemberNon-Member $500$700 $1,000$1,500 $500$700 2. Fee for each additional product certified at same time 3. If other products are certified after the initial certification date, they will be subject to the same fee schedule as the initial certification. 4. Fee for each additional product recertified at the same time Certification fees are separate from membership fees

59 IASC Membership website 59 5. Inspection Fee Per Day (Any part of a day is considered an entire day) $455$455 $0.28$0.28 Per Day Per Mile 6. Airline, cab, car rental exact cost and/or mileage allowance per mile (Inspector to/from airport or at certification location) Product Certification Fee Schedule cont. MemberNon-Member Certification fees are separate from membership fees

60 IASC Membership website 60 1. Annual Recertification Fee - First Product Product Annual Recertification Fee Schedule $1,000$750 $500$700 $400$600 $400$600 2. Each Additional Product at the same time 4. Fee to certify products with the exact same formula but with different labels (The company displaying the seal must be a member or pay the higher Non member fee) 3. Raw Material Supplier Change MemberNon-Member Certification fees are separate from membership fees

61 IASC Membership website 61 Additional Expenses: All transportation, food and lodging costs will be paid for by the requesting certification company. IASC will arrange for airline tickets, car rental and hotel when required. Certification fees are separate from membership fees

62 IASC Membership website 62 Fee to Certify a Facility The certifier’s fee, airline, travel, meals, and lodging will be an additional expense if the certifier is only validating the facility. If the certifier is also certifying product/s at the facility, these additional fees are not duplicated. If the certifier is required to re-visit the facility due to just cause or because the facility has moved, these additional expenses will be charged for the re-visit. MemberNon-Member $1,000$1,000 Certification fees are separate from membership fees

63 IASC Membership website 63 Annual monitoring and random sampling of all certified products or facility inspections will be conducted at the discretion and option of the IASC Certification Committee. Should a product not pass certification or revalidation is required, the certifier will be requested to revisit the manufacturing facility and the company being revisited will pay only the airline (if any), travel, certifier’s fee, meals, lodging and lab fees. This random review insures that the companies maintain product certification compliance. Revised 7/04 Certification fees are separate from membership fees

64 IASC Membership website 64 Contact us about Membership & Aloe Information email International Aloe Science Council web page Aloe passed the REMARKABLE test of time! Consumers Consumers trust trust Aloe Aloe vera! vera! Protect the “with Aloe” consumers’ trust consumers’ trust of of Beauty-obsessed Cleopatra Cleopatra used Aloe as part of her used Aloe as part of her skin care regime. skin care regime. Dr. Joe Vincent, Aloe Research Bio-Availability of C & E Dr. Robert Davis, Aloe Research Wound healing – Blood Sugar - Nutrient delivery Sugar - Nutrient delivery Dr. Lawrence Plaskett, Aloe Research Cancer remission studies Dr. Byung Pal Yu, Aloe Research Longevity - Cancer Heart Attacks - Strokes Dr. Terry Moule, Aloe Research Restraining cancer cells from spreading Records from 1500 BC detail Egyptian use of Aloe for burns, infections and parasites. Aloe vera is known as the “miracle plant” and the “plant of immortality” “plant of immortality” Ask for IASC Certified Aloe for C ontent + P urity = Q uality = Q uality Aloe ingredient added in 1,557 new product launches new product launches in a 12-month period. R Aloe was there! Aloe is there! Dr. Byung Mu Lee, Aloe Research Lab animal liver cancer study Aloe is NOW! IASC

65 IASC Membership website 65 REMARKABLEAloe is when it is R

66 IASC Membership website 66 C ERTIFIE D IASC Seal Seal IASC R International Aloe Science Council

67 IASC Membership website 67 C ontent C ontent P urity P urity Q uality Q uality International Aloe Science Council IASC Protecting the integrity of “with Aloe” IASC is the way UP! R

68 IASC Membership website 68 C ontent C ontent P urity P urity Q uality Q uality International Aloe Science Council IASC Protecting the integrity of “with Aloe” R Insist on the Certified IASC QUALITY of “with Aloe”

69 IASC Membership website 69 IASCIASC The International Aloe Science Council The International Aloe Science Council For Additional Membership & or Subscription Information, Please : It will take you to IASC Home Page On Home Page Click here Fill in the Information 1. 2. 3. 4. Click here To submit You will receive a prompt response.

70 IASC Membership website 70 International Aloe Science Council Thank You! web site Contact us about Membership & Aloe Information email International Aloe Science Council web page

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