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2 Form Form refers to an element of art that is three-dimensional (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume.

3 EMPHASIS Importance or dominance to some part of an artwork;
something singled out, stressed or drawn attention to.

4 Sculpture – A three-dimensional work of art, or the art of making it
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art Deborah Butterfield

5 Armature – A skeleton-like framework to give rigid internal support to a sculpture
Paper Mache - A material, made from paper pulp or shreds of paper mixed with resin, wallpaper paste, or flour and water, which can be molded or modeled into various shapes when wet and becomes hard and suitable for painting when dry.

6 Pop Art – Pop artists have focused attention upon familiar images of the popular culture such as billboards, comic strips, magazine advertisements, and supermarket products. Pop Art rejects abstract expressionism and instead, celebrates material consumer culture

7 Roy Lichtenstein, Whaam!, 1963
Oil on Canvas Roy Lichtenstein (October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was one of the leading figures in the American Pop Art movements during the 1960’s. Favoring the comic strip as his main inspiration, Lichtenstein produced hard-edged, precise compositions that documented while it parodied often in a tongue-in-cheek humorous manner.

8 Martha Rosler, Vacuuming Pop Art, 1966–72 Photomontage

9 Giant BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich), 1963
Claes Oldenberg – Born in 1929 in Sweden and moved to America as a young child. He is well known for his installations and giant soft sculptures. Very whimsical in nature, & points out the art that can be found in the everyday objects around us.

10 Claes Oldenburg, Soft Toilet, 1966
Claes Oldenburg, Soft Toilet, Wood, vinyl, kapok fibers, wire, plexiglass on metal stand and painted wood base Claes Oldenburg, Paint Torch, 2011, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

11 Coosje van Bruggen – born in 1942, in the Netherlands
Coosje van Bruggen – born in 1942, in the Netherlands. She was a critic, an art historian and an artist known for the colorful public sculptures she created around the world Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen Saw, Sawing, Tokyo, 1996 Saw, Sawing was Oldenburg and van Bruggen's first commission in Japan.

12 Mistos (Match Cover), 1992, Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona Steel, aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastic; painted with polyurethane enamel

13 Spoonbridge and Cherry, 1988 Stainless steel and aluminum painted with polyurethane enamel

14 Pop Art Sculptures Choose an ordinary, everyday object
Use boxes, tubes, cardboard, newspaper, and tape to create an armature Cover with newspaper & papier mache Paint object accurately Pop Art Sculptures

15 Alissa Nemmers Alyssa Mentink

16 Sam Arnston Megan Murvine

17 Rachel Smith





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