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BizTalk Adapter Pack (SAP) Installation
Microsoft Corporation SAP-Microsoft Competence Center (Tokyo)
BizTalk Adapter Pack (SAP) setup procedure
Whole setup flow Adapter setup on Development environment (SQL Server BI Dev studio or Visual Studio) Adapter setup on SAP Server Adapter setup on Production environment (SQL Server, .NET Application Server etc)
Step by step guide (1): BizTalk Adapter Pack Installation
Development and Test SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) SAP R/3, SAP ERP SQL Server BI Development Studio WCF LOB Adapter SDK SAP Production (or Quality Assurance) Custom RFC SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) WCF LOB Adapter SDK
1. Adapter setup on Microsoft development systems (SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
Please refer to SAP note 32-bit development SQL Server Integration Services (32-bit) or Visual Studio (32-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (32-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework, Visual Studio Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (32-bit) download and setup File copy to c:\windows\system32 (*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (32-bit) download and setup for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 WCF LOB Adapter SDK (32-bit) Setup BizTalk Adapter Pack (32-bit) setup 64-bit development SQL Server Integration Services (64-bit) or Visual Studio (64-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (64-bit) Package setup File copy to c:\windows\sysWOW64 WCF LOB Adapter SDK (64-bit) Setup
2. Custom RFC setup on SAP systems
SAP Server 2. Custom RFC setup on SAP systems T-cd: STMS
Check: Required authorizations for SAP user
SAP Server Check: Required authorizations for SAP user T-cd: PFCG S_RFC S_TABU_DIS Z_EIP_TABL
3. Adapter setup on Microsoft production systems (SQL Server Integration Services, .NET Framework)
Please refer to SAP note 32-bit production SQL Server Integration Services (32-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (32-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (32-bit) download and setup File copy to c:\windows\system32 (*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (32-bit) download and setup for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 WCF LOB Adapter SDK (32-bit) Setup BizTalk Adapter Pack (32-bit) setup 64-bit production SQL Server Integration Services (64-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (64-bit) Package setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (64-bit) download and setup (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (64-bit) download and setup for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 WCF LOB Adapter SDK (64-bit) Setup BizTalk Adapter Pack (64-bit) setup
BizTalk Adapter Pack (SAP) setup procedure
Whole setup flow Adapter setup on Development environment (SQL Server BI Dev studio or Visual Studio) Adapter setup on SAP Server Adapter setup on Production environment (SQL Server, .NET Application Server etc)
Production (or Quality Assurance)
Landscape Development and Test SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) SAP R/3, SAP ERP SQL Server BI Development Studio WCF LOB Adapter SDK SAP Production (or Quality Assurance) Custom RFC SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) WCF LOB Adapter SDK
1. Adapter setup on 32-bit development (SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
SQL Server Integration Services (32-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (32-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (32-bit) download and setup Confirm that SAP GUI for Windows is not installed Uninstall SAP GUI if installed Get RFCSDK at SAP software download center ( Download RFC_ SAR (RFC) and extract using SAPCAR.exe From command prompt execute SAPCAR –xvf <file path> Copy required files (icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll, librfc32u.dll, libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll) to c:\windows\system32 File version of icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll : File version of librfc32u.dll : File version of libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll :
1. Adapter setup on 32-bit development (SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
(*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 Get attached file of SAP note ( Related files : msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, mfc71.dll, mfc71u.dll File version of msvcr71.dll : File version of other files : (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (32-bit) download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 Windows X86 (32-bit) : WCF LOB Adapter SDK (32-bit) Setup Execute AdapterFramework.msi Custom setup – runtime (at least) BizTalk Adapter Pack (32-bit) setup Execute AdapterSetup.msi (Adapters folder) Custom setup
1. Adapter setup on 64-bit development (SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
SQL Server Integration Services (64-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (64-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (32-bit) download and setup Confirm that SAP GUI for Windows is not installed Uninstall SAP GUI if installed Get RFCSDK at SAP software download center ( Download RFC_ SAR (RFC) and extract using SAPCAR.exe From command prompt execute SAPCAR –xvf <file path> Copy required files (icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll, librfc32u.dll, libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll) to c:\windows\sysWOW64 File version of icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll : File version of librfc32u.dll : File version of libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll :
1. Adapter setup on 64-bit development (SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
(*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 Get attached file of SAP note ( Related files : msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, mfc71.dll, mfc71u.dll File version of msvcr71.dll : File version of other files : (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (32-bit) download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 Windows X86 (32-bit) : WCF LOB Adapter SDK (64-bit) Setup Execute AdapterFramework.msi Custom setup – runtime (at least) BizTalk Adapter Pack (32-bit) setup Execute AdapterSetup.msi (Adapters folder) Custom setup
1-1. RFCSDK download
1-1. RFCSDK download
1-1. RFCSDK download
1-2. RFCSDK Extract SAPCAR_ exe -xvf RFC_ SAR SAPCAR_ exe -xvf RFC.SAR
1-3. RFCSDK copy
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio
1-3. RFCSDK copy
20 Note # : 684106
1-4. R3DLLINS.exe download Note # :
1-4. R3DLLINS.exe execution
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-4. R3DLLINS.exe execution
Search keyword: Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-4’. vcredist_<platform>.exe (Visual C SP1 Redistributable) setup Search keyword: Visual C SP1 Redistributable
1-5. WCF LOB Adapter SDK install
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-5. WCF LOB Adapter SDK install
1-5. WCF LOB Adapter SDK install
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-5. WCF LOB Adapter SDK install
1-6. BizTalk Adapter Pack install
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-6. BizTalk Adapter Pack install
1-6. BizTalk Adapter Pack install
SQL BI studio , Visual Studio 1-6. BizTalk Adapter Pack install
BizTalk Adapter Pack (SAP) setup procedure
Whole setup flow Adapter setup on Development environment (SQL Server BI Dev studio or Visual Studio) Adapter setup on SAP Server Adapter setup on Production environment (SQL Server, .NET Application Server etc)
Production (or Quality Assurance)
Landscape Development and Test SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) SAP R/3, SAP ERP SQL Server BI Development Studio WCF LOB Adapter SDK SAP Production (or Quality Assurance) Custom RFC SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) WCF LOB Adapter SDK
2. Adapter setup (on SAP server)
Extract from “BizTalk Adapter Pack installation guide” Installing the Custom RFCs You must perform this step only if you want to use the Data Provider for SAP. For instructions on installing the custom RFC refer the to the "Installing the Custom RFCs for SAP ADO Provider" topic in the SAP adapter documentation. The document is installed along with the adapter at <install drive>: \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack\Documents.
2. Adapter setup (on SAP server)
Extract from help(SAPAdapter.chm) “Installing the Custom RFCs for SAP ADO Provider” To install the RFCs 1-(1) Copy files from the computer running the adapters to the SAP application server. Log in as the SAP R/3 system administrator to the SAP application server of your development system. Necessary files exist in “c:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack\Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite\” on the server running the adapter 1-(2) Copy the transport file with the naming pattern K9*.BI1 from the installation directory on the computer running the adapters to the following directory on the SAP application server: <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\trans\cofiles 1-(3) Copy the transport file with the naming pattern R9*.BI1 from the installation directory on the computer running the adapters to the following directory on the SAP application server: <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\trans\data 1-(4) Load the transport into the transport buffer on the SAP application server. At the command prompt, navigate to the transport program directory on the SAP application server: <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\trans\bin 1-(5) To load the transport into the transport buffer, execute the following command at the \usr\sap\trans\bin directory and replace sysid with the system ID of your development system: tp addtobuffer <TransportNumber> <sysid> pf=TP_DOMAIN_<sysid>.PFL where TransportNumber is the actual transport number (for example BI1K900488) Ex) tp addtobuffer BI1K DJE pf=TP_DOMAIN_DJE.PFL (*) sid = DJE
2. Adapter setup (on SAP server)
To install the RFCs (Cont.) 1-(6) After the tp command finishes, you will see a report similar to the following: This is tp version (release 620) Addtobuffer successful for TransportNumber tp finished with return code: 0 Return code "0" means that everything is OK. A return code of 0 or 4 is acceptable. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) if you receive a return code of 8 or above. Note : You can easily derive the actual transport number from the cofile file name. For example, a cofile named K BI1 provides a transport number of BI1K 1-(7) Import the transport into SAP. Execute the following command at the command prompt: tp import <TransportNumber> <sysid> client=clientnumber pf=TP_DOMAIN_<sysid>.PFL Replace sysid with the system ID of your development system. Replace clientnumber with the client number of your development system. You can use the U2 parameter to overwrite previously installed objects, as follows: tp import <TransportNumber> <sysid> client=<clientnumber> U2 - OR - tp import <TransportNumber> <sysid> client=<clientnumber> pf=TP_DOMAIN_<sysid>.PFL U2 Note : You can easily derive the actual transport number from the cofile file name. For example, a cofile named K BI1 provides a transport number of BI1K900503 Ex) tp import BI1K DJE client=clientnumber pf=TP_DOMAIN_DJE.PFL (*) sid = DJE 1-(8) After the tp command finishes, you will see a report similar to the following: This is R3trans.exe version 6.08 (release :54:00). R3trans.exe finished (0000). 1-(9) Check the transport log. Check the transport log in SAPGUI Transport Organizer using transaction SE09 to verify that there are no errors.
SQL Server BI dev studio
2-1. Custom RFC copy
SAP Server 2-1. Custom RFC copy
SAP Server 2-2. Custom RFC setup T-cd: STMS
SAP Server 2-2. Custom RFC setup
SAP Server 2-2. Custom RFC setup
(*) 2. Adapter setup (on SAP server)
What kind of authorizations are required for SQL Server to connect to SAP via the adapter ? The user for SQL needs to be assigned “S_TABU_DIS”, “Z_EIP_TABL”, “S_RFC” “Z_EIP_TABL” is created by the CustomRFC “SAP_ALL” also works on test system How to confirm successful setup of customRFC ? Test “Z_EXTRACT_DATA_OO” at SE37
Check: Required authorizations for SAP user
SAP Server Check: Required authorizations for SAP user T-cd: PFCG S_RFC S_TABU_DIS Z_EIP_TABL
Check: Test of custom RFC
SAP Server Check: Test of custom RFC T-cd: SE37
BizTalk Adapter Pack (SAP) setup procedure
Whole setup flow Adapter setup on Development environment (SQL Server BI Dev studio or Visual Studio) Adapter setup on SAP Server Adapter setup on Production environment (SQL Server, .NET Application Server etc)
Production (or Quality Assurance)
Landscape Development and Test SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) SAP R/3, SAP ERP SQL Server BI Development Studio WCF LOB Adapter SDK SAP Production (or Quality Assurance) Custom RFC SAP Connection components (RFCSDK etc) WCF LOB Adapter SDK
8. Adapter setup on 32-bit production
SQL Server Integration Services (32-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (32-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (32-bit) download and setup Confirm that SAP GUI for Windows is not installed Uninstall SAP GUI if installed Get RFCSDK at SAP software download center ( Download RFC_ SAR (RFC) and extract using SAPCAR.exe From command prompt execute SAPCAR –xvf <file path> Copy required files (icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll, librfc32u.dll, libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll) to c:\windows\system32 File version of icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll : File version of librfc32u.dll : File version of libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll :
8. Adapter setup on 32-bit production
(*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 Get attached file of SAP note ( Related files : msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, mfc71.dll, mfc71u.dll File version of msvcr71.dll : File version of other files : (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (32-bit) download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 Windows X86 (32-bit) : WCF LOB Adapter SDK (32-bit) Setup Execute AdapterFramework.msi Custom setup – runtime BizTalk Adapter Pack (32-bit) setup Execute AdapterSetup.msi (Adapters folder) Custom setup - ADO Provider for SAP
8. Adapter setup on 64-bit production
SQL Server Integration Services (64-bit) setup .NET Framework 3.0 Redistributable (64-bit) Package setup Windows, SQL Server, .NET Framework Service pack setup RFCSDK 7.0 (Unicode) (64-bit) download and setup Confirm that SAP GUI for Windows is not installed Uninstall SAP GUI if installed Get RFCSDK at SAP software download center ( Download RFC_ SAR (RFC) and extract using SAPCAR.exe From command prompt execute SAPCAR –xvf <file path> Copy required files (icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll, librfc32u.dll, libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll) to c:\windows\system32 File version of icudt30.dll, icuin30.dll, icuuc30.dll : File version of librfc32u.dll : File version of libsapu16vc71.dll, libsapucum.dll :
8. Adapter setup on 64-bit production
(*) R3DLLINS.exe download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 6.40 and 7.00 Get attached file of SAP note ( Related files : msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, mfc71.dll, mfc71u.dll File version of msvcr71.dll : File version of other files : (*) vcredist_<platform>.exe (64-bit) download and setup (SAP Note ) for SAP release 4.6D EX2, 6.40 EX2, 7.10 Windows X64 (64-bit): WCF LOB Adapter SDK (64-bit) Setup Execute AdapterFramework.msi Custom setup – runtime BizTalk Adapter Pack (64-bit) setup Execute AdapterSetup.msi (Adapters folder) Custom setup - ADO Provider for SAP
SQL BI development studio (x64) and SQL Server Integration Services (x64)
The BI dev studio (Visual Studio) runs in 32-bit mode even if it’s set up as x64 Hence 32-bit version of RFCSDK files, Visual C++ redistributable and BizTalk Adapter Pack (ADO .NET Provider for SAP etc) are necessary on development environment On 64-bit production server (SSIS etc) only 64-bit version of RFCSDK files, Visual C++ redistributable and BizTalk Adapter Pack for SAP are required
My x64 server for development and production
Only 64-bit 32-bit for development and 64-bit for production Only 64-bit 32-bit for development and 64-bit for production Only 64-bit Only 64-bit
My x64 server for development and production
64-bit RFCSDK files 32-bit RFCSDK files
(*) Re-installation of the adapter
On Microsoft Server (with adapter) Uninstall BizTalk Adapter Pack Uninstall WCF LOB Adapter SDK WCF LOB Adapter SDK install BizTalk Adapter Pack install On SAP server Overwrite the custom RFC (on SAP) with the new one in C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack\Microsoft .NET Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite\ (on Microsoft Server)
(*) 1. Adapter setup (on SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
How to download RFCSDK 7.0 Unicode The current RFC library is available from the SAP Software Distribution Center under: ' To download it: Navigate as follows in the frame on the left-hand side of the screen -> Download -> SAP Support Packages and Patches -> Entry by Application Group Then switch to "Support Packages and Patches" in the right-hand frame: 7.00: SAP NetWeaver -> SAP NETWEAVER -> SAP NETWEAVER 2004S -> Entry by Component -> Application Server ABAP -> SAP KERNEL 7.00 <32/64-BIT [UNICODE]> -> <your platform> -> #Database independent Download RFC_ SAR (x86) or RFC_ SAR (x64) Extract files using SAPCAR.exe From command prompt execute SAPCAR –xvf <file path>
(*) 1. Adapter setup (on SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
How to setup SAP connection Preparing Your SAP Client Perform the following tasks on the computer that has the SAP client and SAP adapter installed: Make sure the librfc32u.dll is available on the computer where you will install the SAP adapter. Make sure the DLLs available from SAP as part of the package UCLIB.SAR, are installed on the computer where you will install SAP adapter. See SNOTE* for more information. Make sure the Microsoft runtime DLLs, required by the librfc32u.dll are available on the computer. These DLLs are available in the file, which is available for download from the SAP site. This file unzips to create a folder, NTPATCH. Run the R3DLLINS.EXE file available in the folder to copy the required DLLs. Refer to SAP note, SNOTE for more information. For SAP 7.0 you must have an additional DLL, Libsapu16vc71.dll. This DLL is available from the UCLIB.SAR package for SAP 6.0. Make sure you add these DLLs to the PATH variable.
(*) 1. Adapter setup (on SQL BI Development Studio / Visual Studio)
R3DLLINS.EXE and R3DLLCON.EXE ============================= SAP R/3 (4.0) is compiled for using shared system Dlls. Unfortunately there exist some minor bugs in some NT 4.0 Dlls. Microsoft has fixed these bugs. Currently no official NT ServicePack includes these fixed Dlls (up to ServicePack 3). R3DLLINS and R3DLLCON install fixed versions on your system. See "filelist.txt" for a complete list of effected files. On Windows 2000 protected system files are not effected by these programs. In most cases a system reboot will be necessary after installation. Both programs can reboot your system on your advice. R3DLLINS.EXE is a Windows Dialog Application for interactively updating your system from the desktop. R3DLLCON.EXE is a Console Application for use in a command shell. It writes diagnostic output to stdout and stderr. Program exit Codes: -1 Error during installation (see diagnostic output in stderr) 0 No reboot necessary 1 Reboot necessary (see diagnostsic output in stdout) By using the optional command line parameter "-reboot" R3DLLCON.EXE will try to reboot your system if necessary. Note: Both programs read the list of files to be installed from "filelist.txt" and search for that files in the executable directory. If you copy R3DLLINS.EXE or R3DLLCON.EXE to a different location, you have to copy "filelist.txt" and all files listed in “filelist.txt” too.
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