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Published byFerdinand Byrd Modified over 9 years ago
With placeholders for inputs from OSD and Services - TBD
NDIA Systems Engineering Division Annual Planning Meeting Summary and 2014 Plans Action Plan Status Committee Reports December 11-12, 2013 With placeholders for inputs from OSD and Services - TBD
Introduction Status of 2013 NDIA SE Division activities
Relative to 2013 Plan SED plan from 12/12 meeting, briefed at 2/13 meeting Committee Reports 2013 Accomplishments 2014 Plans
NDIA SED 2013 Tasks - Derived from DoD/Services Initiatives (Voice of the Customer)
ASA (ALT) OCSE Dev Planning SE Workforce SE methods/ tools Reliability Security protection ExportabiIity Soldier/Small Unit Challenge DASD (SE) ERS Anti-Counterfeit Risk Mgmt Schedule risk Supplier risks Security design SE models (MBx) SoSE Verbal Inputs Provided SAF AQRE Policy (levels) Process Tradespace Architecture Cost Assessment Specialty Engrg People / Workforce (specialists vs. generalists) DASN (RDT&E) SEP Agile in acquisition SoS mission reqts R&D assessment
NDIA SED 2013 Action Plan Status
# NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan 1 Quantitative risk management guidance. [DASD(SE)] SEEC (Brown, Rassa) Ongoing action. Feb workshop planned. Risk workshop planned, deferred. No action in 2012 or 2013 – drop it? 2 Support Engineered Resilient Systems (ERS) initiatives. Link ERS with M&S? [DASD(SE)] SED (Rassa) M&S IEEE/NDIA ERS workshop in planning. Other actions pending. Division organizational emphasis? No action yet, still pending. 3 Anti-counterfeit – SE role, industry feedback for supply chain risk management, augment body of knowledge [DASD(SE)] SED (Henry) Issue SED request for 1:1 company inputs provided direct to DASD(SE). Potential follow-up workshop. Could be company proprietary? Coordinate with other NDIA, AIA, etc. No request from OSD; no action 4 Design Patterns for Security – share SERC research findings (UVA) [DASD(SE)] Schedule Dr. Horowitz (UVA) for NDIA SED briefing. Done, Feb 2013 SED meeting.
NDIA SED 2013 Action Plan Status
# NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan 5 Advanced Modeling: Model Based for “X” (MBx) – how could acquisition strategies be enhanced to use models (RFPs, etc.) [DASD(SE)] M&S (Coolahan) M&S committee study or report. Collect industry input, examples. See M&S plan. 6 SoSE: how to demand articulation and insertion of SoS context during life cycle acquisition? [DASD(SE)] SoS (Dahmann) SoS committee study or report and recommendations. International issues? 7 Soldier / Small Unit Challenge [ASA(ALT)] SED WG (Serna) WG to consider soldier and small unit architecture. Discontinued; lack of Army support 8 Design for Reliability – need RFP language. [ASA(ALT)] LCS (Cothran) Consider input on RFP language. LCS committee is inactive; no chair 9 Security / Protection for coalition operations [ASA(ALT)] System Assurance (Croll) SA committee to consider security issues for coalition – provide recommendations to SED for action SA committee rechartered to SSE
NDIA SED 2013 Action Plan Status
# NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan 10 Design for Exportability – BBP 2.0, foreign military sales (FMS), direct commercial sales (DCS) [ASA(ALT)] No SED action 11 Reconcile Agile development with DoD acquisition practices, requirements, IPT structure, cost, skills [DASN (RDT&E)] SW (Draper) Conduct workshop. Collect best practices (cross-discipline, SEI, DHS, AFEI, INCOSE, … Partner with SEI, ADAPT. See Agile guidance. Kickoff ‘Agile and SE’ at NDIA SE Conf – WG formation in 2014. 12 Consider how to move tradespace for architecture early in the life cycle (pre-MDD) Architecture (Sheeley) MA (Lohse) Start initially with white paper vision on use of architecture to bound/expand the trade space (solution agnostic) See Arch and MA status briefings 13 Collect industry best practices for growing and retaining specialists vs. generalists E&T (Gelosh) How does industry keep its specialists? See E&T briefing for status
NDIA SED 2014 Actions # NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan / Status 1
Brief the existing M&S life cycle cost model report at the NDIA SED February meeting M&S (Bergenthal, Coolahan) Plan for Feb 2014 NDIA SED meeting. 2 Review the Top 5 SE issues report on technical authority and consider if any NDIA actions are appropriate. Consider best practices (industry or government) to implement technical authority. NDIA SED (Henry, Rassa, Draper, Serna) 3 Request DoD briefing on how program startups work (Dave Ahern). Provide industry best practices on program startup/assist teams. (Henry, Rassa) Schedule for NDIA SED meeting briefings. 4 Support MORS affordability handbook development and community of practice initiatives. Affordability WG / NDIA SED Serna 5 NDIA to provide recommendations on deployment of SE and standards (e.g., RFP language, transition, governance, compliance). (Draper / Rassa / Roedler / Henry) Coordinate with joint IEEE/DoD/industry WG. 6 Assess new DoDI and provide recommendations on any NDIA implementation actions needed (impact analysis). SEEC (Brown) or short term WG Focus on industry clarification, adoption and impact analysis. 7 Collect industry best practices for quantitative risk management. (Rassa, Forbes) Establish risk management WG, with meetings held following NDIA SED meetings. 8 Support Engineered Resilient Systems (ERS) initiatives. NDIA SED / IEEE (Rassa) Follow on from open 2013 actions. IEEE activity with NDIA support.
NDIA SED 2014 Actions # NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan / Status 9
Schedule committees for special topics and detailed briefs at NDIA SED meetings. NDIA SED (Henry) Feb: SoS – Aug? April: SSE (PPP) – June? June: M&S August: E&T October (SE Conf plenary?): DT&E 10 Consider ways to increase NDIA SED collaboration internally (committees, other NDIA divisions) as well as externally (other organizations, company representatives) NDIA SED Consider a consolidated and managed list of NDIA external stakeholders at the SED level. Ensure integration without duplicating effort. 11 Several committees could use more industry and government participation – consider ways to build more involvement, given current constraints. Collect all needs and descriptions in a consolidated request to Eng VPs? 12 Document and publicize the procedures for releasing reports through NDIA. Identify which committee products are in draft form that need to be formalized. NDIA SED (Rassa, Britt) Reports need to go through NDIA (Britt) prior to sending to the SED steering group for review. For web publishing send to Britt Bommelje and Rebecca Danahy. 13 Britt to provide a copy of the NDIA SED charter. NDIA Distributed via . 14 Look at M&S use assessment and identify areas for further tasks to support MBSE. M&S This could be useful to drive other research.
NDIA SED 2014 Actions # NDIA SED 2013 Tasks Committee Plan / Status 15
Some NDIA SED web pages are badly out of date – SED leadership and committee to update web pages under their areas of control. NDIA SED / Committee Leads 16 ODASD(SE) to provide guidance on next steps for SE Effectiveness study (e.g., briefing SAEs) NDIA SED / ODASD(SE) Dona to provide feedback. 17 Consider a follow-on to the root cause analysis study of PSR findings. Potential POCs: Bob Rassa, Jim Thompson, Pete Nolte, Gary Bliss, …
Committee Inputs - 2013 Task Progress / 2014 Task Plans
Architecture (Arch) Automatic Test (ATC) Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) Education and Training (E&T) Enterprise Health Mgmt (EHM) Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) Human-System Integration (HSI) – no slides Joint Committee on Systems Engrg in Manufacturing (JCSEM) – no slides Life Cycle Support (LCS) – no slides Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Mission Analysis (MA) Systems Engineering Effectiveness Committee (SEEC) Software Committee System of Systems (SoS) Systems Security Engineering (SSE)
Architecture Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Meetings: 7 Virtual meetings 1 Face-to-face meeting SE Conference: 15 papers Accomplishments: Completed the DoDAF Recommendations Report Delivered it to Steve Henry Posted on the website Presented Architecture Metrics results (worked in 2012) at the INCOSE Symposium Participated in SEI SoS Architecture workshop Received architecture informational briefings / demos from C.Gedo, Architecture Stnds Group (DISA & GTRI), and on J6 Architecture portal from B.Piazza (JS J6) In-work: Reviewing whitepaper “Role of Architecture to Influence the Development Planning Tradespace” with the Mission Analysis subcommittee Open system architecture discussions with Dr. Flietz (AFRL)
Architecture Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Complete joint Architecture/Mission Analysis white paper “Role of Architecture to Influence the Development Planning Tradespace” Investigate status and make proposals around subject of Open System Architectures Initiate joint discussions with Test Committee Deliverables/Products “Role of Architecture to Influence the Development Planning Tradespace” whitepaper Schedule / Resources Release whitepaper 1Q Initiate Open System Architecture discussions 1Q Initiate joint Architecture – Test discussions 1Q Issues / Concerns: Availability of committee members
Automatic Test Committee – 2013 Status
Automatic Test Committee - 2014 Task Plan Projects Working Group
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Government/Industry Liaison Reports Detail, Staff, Schedule & Initiate new ATC tasks: Industry Survey for Smart Automatic Test System Opportunities Software Architecture for Synthetic Instrumentation Deliverables/Products Semi-annual Reports posted on ATC Web-site: US Army ATS Liaison Report USAF ATS Liaison Report US Navy/USMC-Air ATS Liaison Report USMC-Ground ATS Liaison Report DoD AMB Liaison Report Commercial ATS Liaison Report Deliverables from new tasks: TBD Schedule / Resources Status/Review/Present at regular ATC meetings: March/April (adjacent DoD ATS Management Board (AMB) Meeting – Gov’t participating committee) at NDIA HQ September in St Louis (AUTOTESTCON) December with SED (TBD) No resource issues or support anticipated Issues / Concerns: Only one concern specific to ATC: Reduced defense budgets and fallout from the Las Vegas GSA meeting has had a significant impact on Government (AMB) participation in many events involving travel – not just NDIA - including holding virtual AMB meetings. Response: ATC is holding its meeting at NDIA HQ adjacent AMB scheduled meetings, and will remain flexible in scheduling our meetings to maximize attendance, participation, etc.
Steve Scukanec, Northrop Grumman
Developmental Test and Evaluation Committee Status and Plans December 2013 Beth Wilson, Raytheon Steve Scukanec, Northrop Grumman Industry Co-Chairs
DT&E Committee 2013 Status Activity Plans for 2013 Status/Plans
Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques STAT for T&E Effective use of statistical approaches for test optimization (including DOE) with examples White paper complete Preparing journal publications Presented results at SE conference Modeling & Simulation Evaluate test as a stakeholder Joint meetings with SED meetings Propose for 2014 Architecture NDIA T&E Conf DT&E panel, STAT report Conference cancelled NDIA SE Conf DT&E tracks Joint tracks, metrics/STAT reports Added Task Dec 2012: Metrics Provide more information on leading indicators for T&E Status: draft report Plans: results at SE conference Reliability Develop a better test strategy for reliability (collaborate with IEEE Reliability Society) Discussed at June 2013 meeting Leads identified Nov 2013 Added Task Jun 2013: Cyber Testing Develop recommendations for Cyber Guidelines 2.0 in 2014 Lead and team identified Kicked off Nov 2013 (joint with ITEA) Chief Developmental Tester Develop recommendations for industry interaction with Chief Developmental Tester role Complete In Process Cancelled
DT&E Committee - 2014 Task Plan Projects Working Group
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Cyber Testing Project Chief Developmental Tester Project Collaboration with IEEE Reliability Joint meetings with SED Committees Modeling and Simulation Architecture Systems Security Engineering Education and Training Deliverables/Products Cyber Testing Recommendations white paper Chief Developmental Tester white paper Candidate KSABs for role (E&T) Industry interaction recommendation Tutorial on role for SE conference Inputs to reliability standards effort Joint meeting notes Schedule / Resources Cyber Testing Draft Recommendations Feb 2014 Weekly teleconferences started 12/3/2013 Full white paper later in 2014 Chief Developmental Tester Joint meeting with E&T with SED meeting Tutorial at SE conference Reliability standards input for Jan/Aug meetings Test as a Stakeholder joint meetings with SED Modeling and Simulation Architecture Systems Security Engineering Issues / Concerns: Industry engagement NDIA T&E conference may be cancelled (Seattle in March) ITEA conference (Denver in September) may be postponed and moved
Summary of DT&E Committee 2013 Results/2014 Plans
Topic Activity T&E Test Optimization 2013: Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques report/articles Cyber Testing : Industry recommendations for cyber testing Chief Developmental Tester : Industry interaction with new role SE Performance Measurement 2013: Requirements Verification leading indicators report Reliability : Recommendations for better reliability testing Modeling and Simulation 2014: T&E Perspective for Modeling/Simulation products Architecture 2014: T&E Perspective for Architecture views Education and Training 2014: Chief Developmental Tester role Systems Security Engineering 2014: Cyber testing guidelines connections to Program Protection Planning Completed Current Proposed
DT&E Committee 2012-2013 Statistical Test Optimization
Activity Plans for 2013 Status/Plans Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques STAT for T&E Examples of effective use of statistical approaches for test optimization (including DOE) for an implementation framework White paper complete SE Conference track: 2012 and 2013 ITEA journal publication MORS conference Nov 2013 2012 SE Conference summit/workshop thread Tutorials on Monday 10/22 Presentations on Wednesday 10/24 Synthesis Panel on Wednesday 10/24 Follow-on Results: DT&E Committee white paper ITEA Journal article SE Conference track Oct 2013
DT&E Committee 2012-2013 Leading Indicator Metrics
Activity Plans for 2013 Status/Plans Metrics (with Performance Measurement WG) Provide more information on leading indicators for T&E Draft report Presented results at SE conference 2012 SE Conference workshop Follow-on workshop with System Performance Measurement WG Focused on Requirements Verification not addressed in first report Potential Measures Identified: System Maturity Level Verification Requirement Maturity Technical Measures and Stakeholder Need
DT&E Committee 2012-2013 Reliability Testing
Activity Plans for 2013 Status/Plans Reliability Testing (with IEEE) Develop a better test strategy for reliability (collaborate with IEEE Reliability Society) Solicit feedback on existing standards Identify recommendations to improve reliability testing Reliability Testing Focus Software reliability standard Cyber testing initiatives Data for reliability growth measures Input/Feedback Opportunities: IEEE meetings January and August Periodic revision periods Project Leads: Lou Gullo, Taz Daughtrey
DT&E Committee 2013-2014 Cyber Testing
Activity Plans for Status/Plans Cyber Testing Review what industry does for cyber testing, expand focus to include interoperability Recommendations for Cyber Testing guidelines Project Lead: Dave Desjardins Joint Project with ITEA
DT&E Committee 2013-2014 Chief Developmental Tester
Activity Plans for Status/Plans Chief Developmental Tester Review service policies for new role and industry implementations Propose model for industry interaction White paper T&E/SE conference presentations The Secretary of Defense shall require that each major defense acquisition program be supported by— ‘‘(A) a chief developmental tester; and ‘‘(B) a governmental test agency, serving as lead developmental test and evaluation organization for the program. Coordinating DT&E activities Insight into Contractor activities Oversee T&E activities Inform government PM about contractor DT&E results Project Lead: Joe Manas
DT&E Committee Results 2008-2013
Backup DT&E Committee Results
Summary of DT&E Committee Test and Evaluation Efforts
Topic Activity DT&E Committee DoD T&E Policy Study 2006 – 2008: Workshops and Study Report Improving T&E in the DoD Acquisition Process Integrated Testing 2008 – 2010: Integrated Test Study NDIA presentations and tutorial ITEA journal article RFP Language for T&E 2010 – 2011: Comments for Update to OSD Guide Incorporating T&E into DoD Acquisition Contracts Test Optimization 2012: Statistical Optimization Conference Thread 2013: Scientific Test and Analysis Techniques report/articles Cyber Testing Started 2013: Industry recommendations for cyber testing Chief Developmental Tester Started 2013: Industry interaction with new role
Summary of DT&E Committee Systems Engineering Efforts
SED Committee Activity SE Collaboration Software 2009: SW T&E Summit Recommendations System of Systems 2010 – 2011: T&E for SoS Workshop and Initiatives 2012: Final Report on Best Practices Model Performance Measurement 2012: Leading Indicators for T&E workshop 2013: Requirements Verification leading indicators report Modeling and Simulation 2011: Effective Use of Modeling and Simulation for T&E 2012: Distributed Model-Based Testing Reliability Started 2013: Recommendations for better reliability testing
DT&E Committee Current Structure Since 2010
NDIA Systems Engineering Division NDIA Test and Evaluation Division SED Committee Collaborative Projects T&E Themes For Conferences NDIA Industrial Committee on Test and Evaluation (ICOTE) NDIA DT&E Committee Project Results DT&E Themes SE Themes & Issues T&E Themes & Issues NDIA Systems Engineering Conference (Q4) Collaborative Projects NDIA Test and Evaluation Annual Conference (Q1) Periodic T&E Committee-Focused Conferences Cooperation with other NDIA Divisions DT&E Committee Focus: T&E initiatives aligned with SE, DT&E
DoD T&E Policy Study August 2006: DT&E Committee Kickoff Policy Study:
“Improving T&E in the DoD Acquisition Process” Industry T&E policy recommendations Workshops: August 2007 January 2008 Focus Areas: 1. Earlier contractor and tester involvement 2. Integrated DT/OT and DT operational relevance 3. Suitability April 2008: Report Summarized Results: 10 Findings 15 Recommendations
Integrated Testing (CT/DT/OT) Implementation Framework
Software Test and Evaluation Software Summit
RFP Language How Much Testing is Enough? Lifecycle and End-to-End Software T&E Changing Paradigms Training & Competency Model Policy, Guidance, and Standards Tools, Automation, Methodologies, Process 2009
RFP Language Industry Comments for Update:
Master # Reviewer Line # Comment and Rationale Recommended Input A/R/P Industry Comments for Update: Incorporating Test and Evaluation Into Department of Defense Acquisition Contracts Recommendations from SW Summit
Test and Evaluation for Systems of Systems
2009: “Sleepless Nights” List of Issues 2010: Workshop 2010: “Sominex” Resulting Initiatives 2011: Best Practices Wave Model 2012: Final Report
Effective Use of Modeling and Simulation for Test and Evaluation
Joint Meeting in August 2011 Distributed Testing, the Joint Mission Environment Test Capability (JMETC) and the Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) DoD M&S Community of Interest Data Management Working Group LVC Architecture Roadmap Implementation (LVCAR‐I) Gateways Effort Applicability to T&E OSD T&E Working Group Raytheon Presentation on M&S for T&E Potential Topics for November AMSWG Meeting 2011
Modeling & Simulation for Distributed Testing
Benefits: Find integration issues earlier Test to learn in ‘safe’ environment Protect proprietary information Facilitate DT to OT transition Increase performance testing range in operating environments Support end to end studies throughout the program Barriers: Security Lack of persistent network Early consideration of technical issues Perceived value Disconnect between the communities (M&S and T&E) Recommendations: Harmonize the standards for M&S and Test for the life cycle perspective (HLA, TENA, Metadata) Create a framework for reusing and repurposing M&S through the product model Establish M&S as part of statistical test design Determine what tests are conducted to acquire data for model validation. Fewer test events with better models. Recommend the use of M&S to do I&T Recommend establishment of JMETC as a persistent node for industry to engage in MBDI&T Joint Meeting August 2012 Joint Track SE Conference October 2012 2012
Education and Training Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Established a Joint Competency Working Group (JCWG) Includes members from E&T Committee and INCOSE Competency WG Main objective is to evolve to a globally accepted* and marketed standard competency framework, based on systems engineering effectiveness, that can be used to produce competency models tailored to the needs of the customer organizations. Developed white paper and proposal to evolve current INCOSE UK Competencies Framework along four paths: Evolve to an SE role-based competency framework that is extensible, scalable, and tailorable by the customer organization. Evolve by adding the concept of classes. This is where the competencies achieve their interdependence with each other. Evolve by including a Professional Class that covers leadership and soft skill competencies. Evolve by adding a new level of proficiency called the Senior Practitioner to the existing four levels in the INCOSE UK Competencies Framework. * Approved for release as an INCOSE product.
Education and Training Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Develop crisp definitions of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Behaviors and Experience. Develop better definitions of the six classes. Refine definition of the Senior Practitioner level. Develop better definitions for each version (0.5, 0.75, and 1.0). Explore how system complexity affects SE Roles. Develop use cases. Ensure consistency with INCOSE Certification program and SE Handbook. Deliverables/Products Competencies Framework V 0.5 Competencies Framework V 0.75 Competencies Framework V 1.0 Conference Papers and Presentations Final Report Schedule / Resources: Two weeks before INCOSE IW 2014, send draft Version 0.5 to JCWG members. Conduct working session at IW 2014 to finalize Version 0.5. Conduct working session at IS 2014 to finalize Version 0.75 Ultimate Goal: Produce Version 1.0 by IW 2015. Issues / Concerns: Few outside UK use framework – Need to seek broader buy-in early and throughout development process and show how we can use evolved competencies framework to clarify what a SE is, what they do, and why they are important. Project may face analysis paralysis – Need to set reasonable POA&M, stick with schedule, discuss, move forward, exhibit strong leadership along the way.
EHM Committee – 2013 Task Summary
2013 Tasks Planned Status Accomplishments (deliverables, etc.) - Comments Integrated Diagnostics Handbook update In-work Accomplishments: OSD/ATL has been working on rewrite of Mil-Hdbk EHM participation from May Effort to continue through mid 2014
(EHM Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: working with OSD and rewrite of Integrated Diagnostic handbook Deliverables/Products Review/Comments of Integrated Diagnostics Handbook as it progresses Schedule / Resources Status/Review/Present at regular EHM meetings: March/April EHM Meeting September EHM Meeting December with SED No resource issues or support anticipated Issues / Concerns: No Risks, Barriers or Concerns specific to EHM; However, reduced defense budgets has had a significant impact on Government, and defense contractor participation in many events
ESOH Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Completed 2013 Tasks: Supplemented the new Defense Acquisition Guidebook Chapter 4, Systems Engineering Teaming with DoD Acquisition ESOH IPT “Handbook for Human Systems Integration (HSI) & Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) in Pre- Milestone A Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) and Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) Activities,” published October 2013 “Guide to ESOH in the Systems Engineering Plan (SEP); Programmatic Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Evaluation (PESHE); and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Executive Order (EO) Compliance Schedule,” published October 2013 Coordinated with Aerospace Industrial Association (AIA) on rewrite of National Aerospace Standard 411 (NAS411) Goal of rewrite: provide detailed implementation instructions to contractors on implementation of the MIL-STD-882E, DoD Standard Practice for System Safety, Task 108, "Hazardous Materials Management Plan" NAS 411, “Hazardous Materials Management Program,” published 30 September 2013 NAS 411-1, “Hazardous Materials Target List,” published 30 September 2013 Key element: List of hazardous materials categorized per Task 108 as Prohibited or Restricted Planned the NDIA SE Conference ESOH Track Combined HSI and ESOH Track and coordinated abstracts with the HSI Committee Six abstracts to address MRAP Lessons Learned for Rapid and Urgent Program ESOH management, streamlining ESOH documentation initiatives, and updates on DoD Policy
ESOH Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Focus on improving implementation of current DoD Acquisition SE ESOH policy Continue work with AIA on NAS list of Tracked materials Work with DSOC/SOH Council on memo regarding 15 Nov 2013 Army CAE memo on ESOH risk management and reporting MIL-STD-882E implementation work Develop mechanism and collect Industry and Government feedback on policy and guidance Quarterly webinars Deliverables / Products List of Tracked Hazardous Materials Memo co-signed by P&R and DUSD (I&E) MIL-STD-882E corrections and DIDs Comments on improving DoD ESOH policy and guidance, and MIL-STD-882E Webinars Schedule / Resources NAS list of Tracked materials – ECD Dec 2014/funding by AIA and DoD participants Memo regarding 15 Nov 2013 Army CAE memo – ECD Jun 2014/funding by DoD participants MIL-STD-882E implementation work – TBD Develop mechanism and collect Industry and Government feedback on policy and guidance – ECD Dec 2014/funding by participants Quarterly webinars – ECD June 2014/DoD funded Issues / Concerns: Agreement between DoD and AIA on Tracked list Time for staffing and advocacy for proposed P&R and DUSD (I&E) memo Funding for MIL-STD-882E update development Time and funding for questionnaire development OSD support
Modeling and Simulation Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Final report on M&S use assessment Briefing on product given at October 2013 Systems Engineering Conference Key spreadsheet completed and shared with ODASD/SE/SA liaison Final report draft in progress – to be completed in mid-December Committee meetings Meetings held in February, April, June, and August 2013 Presentations posted on committee web site Report on essential elements of a System Model Subcommittee formed in August 2013 Expect final report in July 2014
Modeling and Simulation Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Complete study to determine essential elements of a “System Model” that evolves over the life cycle (started in 2013) Provide continuing situational awareness for M&S Committee members (ongoing) Motivate submittal of abstracts to populate full-length M&S track at 2014 SE Conference Deliverables/Products Final report on essential elements of a System Model Committee meeting presentations posted on committee web site Schedule / Resources Final report on essential elements of a System Model – July 2014 Have some volunteers; need to recruit more Committee meetings in February, April, June, and August 2014 Need organizations to volunteer to host Issues / Concerns: Finding volunteers to work on unfunded study efforts is getting much more difficult in current fiscal environment. Continuing Government restrictions on travel and fees for professional society activities is creating difficulties in maintaining perception of value of society activities to industry participants.
Mission Analysis Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Collaborated with ASD R&E/Research on the integration of S&T/IR&D Industry involvement in the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) process Increase Industry awareness and use of Defense Innovation Marketplace Developed draft whitepaper on “The Role of Architecture in the Development Planning Trade Space” with the Architecture Committee Collaborated with the Government DPWG on Development Planning Activities Models Best Practices, Techniques, Methodologies, and Tools Completed all actions from June 2012 NDIA DPWG Workshop, except: Intellectual Property as a barrier to successful DP OCI as a barrier to successful DP Final DPWG Workshop Report not submitted
Mission Analysis Committee - 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Support the Government DPWG and ASD R&E/Research on an as needed basis Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) Task Collaborate with the Government DPWG to address OCI Develop a clear and concise understanding of the FAR / DFARS language Communicate findings across Gov’t/ Industry Complete the “Role of Architecture in Development Planning” Whitepaper with the Architecture Committee Deliverables/Products “Role of Architecture in Development Planning” Whitepaper w/ the Architecture Committee Final Report on OCI Task findings and recommendations Schedule / Resources “Role of Architecture in Development Planning” Whitepaper – April 2014 OCI Findings and Recommendations – June, 2014 OCI Final Report – August, 2014 Issues / Concerns: Diminishing number of contributing committee members Developing Planning instantiation across Government and Industry has been largely successful. It is questionable as to the need to continue the Mission Analysis Committee. Resources may be better utilized elsewhere.
SE Effectiveness Committee – 2013 Task Summary
Widely disseminated the results of the SE Effectiveness Study through numerous channels Released detailed survey results report Discussed follow-on work ideas with DASD(SE) SE self-assessment tool for programs “Lightweight” Pre-PSR program assessment Government presentations DASD(SE) USD(AT&L) DoD SE Forum Army SE Forum DoD DPWG Conference presentations IEEE Syscon INCOSE IS2013 NDIA GVSETS NDIA SE Conference (panel) Presentations for INCOSE chapters Finger Lakes chapter Space Coast chapter Chicagoland chapter Corporate presentations Westinghouse Nuclear Northrop Grumman Corp. Harris Corp. Boeing Other presentations MITRE INCOSE webinar Podcast for SEI
Systems Engineering Effectiveness Committee – 2014 Task Plan
Proposed 2014 Tasks: Task 1: Develop a means of measuring risk management process value - Enable the evaluation of risk management in programs - Enable the comparison of alternate risk management paradigms - Enable the improvement of risk management processes Task 2: “Get this* out to the SAEs.”, (awaiting further instructions from DASD (SE) – some possibilities listed below) - Periodic self-assessment of programs Pre- Program Support Reviews (PSR) assessment of programs Task 3: Establish collaboration effort with INCOSE SE Effectiveness Working Group * The SE Effectiveness Study results (per The Honorary Frank Kendall, USD (AT&L)) Deliverables/Products Task 1: Presentation at Annual SE Conference Task 2: Report out at year-end Planning Meeting Task 3: TBD Schedule / Resources Task 1: Oct 2014 Task 2: Dec 2014 Task 3: TBD Task 1 & 2: Assigned liaison from DASD (SE) office Issues / Concerns: Working agreement with INCOSE SE Effectiveness Working Group
SoS SE Committee 2013 Task Summary
Committee inputs to TTCP Product addressing SoS at key points in the systems development process February 2013: Initial presentation of TTCP draft March 2013: Inputs from committee members on TTCP draft November 2013: Shared Updated Product, with request for added inputs December 2013: Inputs coming in now SoS Webinar Series: SoS Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange (SoSECIE) 14 Webinars, each with between participants Presentations are posted on SoS SE Website Committee participation SEI workshop on SoS SW Reuse Patterns Committee Meetings focused on Issues of Interest February - TTCP Product Review April – T-Area-SoS – EU SoS Research Agenda Development Projects July – Army Victory Architecture (with Architecture Committee) August – M&S and SoS (with M&S Committee) Six SoS tracks at SE Conference, most joint with other committees Drafted annex for systems of systems accepted for revision
SoS Committee 2014 Task Plan
Deliverables/Products Feedback on inputs to TTCP work product Presentations on SoS SE Committee Area on NDIA Website Webinars slides posted on DASD SE site Proposed 2014 Tasks Input and Feedback from TTCP Regular committee exchanges Focus on new and emerging Service SoS Initiatives Joint meeting with SSE on SoS/SSE SoS Webinar Series: SoS Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange (SoSECIE) Schedule / Resources Bi-Monthly committee exchanges Bi-Weekly Webinars Issues / Concerns None
Systems Security Engineering Committee Status and Plans December 2013
Holly Coulter Dunlap, Raytheon Beth Wilson, Raytheon Industry Co-Chairs
SSE Committee 2013 Status: NEW
Activity Plans for 2013 Status/Plans Added Task Apr 2013: New SSE Committee Continue work of Systems Assurance Committee to follow up on May 2012 Program Protection Planning (PPP) workshop Kickoff held June 18, 2013 Committee renamed Systems Security Engineering (SSE) Committee NDIA SE Conference: SSE track, joint SSE/SoS track Progress on 5 priorities identified May 2012 Follow-on Workshop planned for May 2013 Complete In Process Cancelled
SSE Committee - 2014 Task Plan Projects Working Group
Proposed 2014 Tasks: PPP Implementation Workshop Joint meetings with SED Committees Developmental Test and Evaluation: Connections between PPP and cyber testing guidelines Systems of Systems: PPP leverage points in the SoS Wave Model Deliverables/Products Workshop Recommendations NDIA SE Conference Progress Briefings Comments on PPP related guidance Schedule / Resources PPP Workshop Apr/May Joint meetings with SED Committees Jun/Aug Developmental Test and Evaluation Systems of Systems Issues / Concerns: Industry and government engagement © 2006 by Carnegie Mellon University
Summary of SSE Committee 2014 Plans
Topic Activity SSE PPP Workshop 2014: Follow-on to 2012 Workshop Focus on Taxonomy and Metrics May 20-22: MITRE facility in McLean, VA Industry Inputs Comments on guideline documents Inputs into PPP implementation SED Systems of Systems 2014: PPP leverage points in the SoS Wave Model Developmental Test and Evaluation 2014: Cyber testing guidelines connections to Program Protection Planning Completed Current Proposed
Systems Security Engineering
2013 Systems Security Engineering Restart Former Systems Assurance Committee New Systems Security Engineering Committee Kick-off June 18th Track at SE Symposium Planning follow-on workshop in 2014 on Program Protection Plan
NDIA SE Conference 2013 Issue Short Title NDIA SE Conference Paper 1
Taxonomy 16290 – Critical Program Information Test Vector (Geoff “Ninja” Donatelli, Raytheon) 2 Metrics 16185 – Software Assurance and NDAA 2013: Software Code Quality Checking (John Keane DoD VA IPO, Vik Chauhan Deloitte Consulting) 3 Contracts and Acquisition Strategy 16223 – System Security Engineering and Comprehensive Program Protection (Melinda Reed, OSASD SE) 4 Threat and Attack Vectors 16051 – Engineering Your Software for Attacks (Bob Martin, Mitre) 16077 – Security Engineering in a Systems of Systems Environment (George Rebovich, Mitre) 16001 – Strategic Cybersecurity Threat Analysis Framework: Know Your Enemy to Defeat Your Enemy (Michele Myauo, Microsoft) 16111 – A Supply Chain Attack Framework to Support DoD Supply Chain Security Risk Management (Dr. John Miller, Mitre) 5 Education 16153 – A Practical Educational Approach to Program Protection Planning (Dr. Don Gelosh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
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