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FIRST SCREEN In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRST SCREEN In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST SCREEN In 1929, we were introduced to the “First Screen” Still today, Television advertising is a tremendously effective way to market

2 Second Screen In 1992 the world was introduced to the “browser” featuring 26 live web pages. Second Screen was born. This has been the fastest growing and in most cases, most cost effective form of marketing for businesses... until now...

3 Third Screen 2008 saw the evolution of the “Third Screen” Immediately, 87% of American homes had at least one mobile web capable device in them including: o Mobile phones, iPads, iPods, Nintendo DS, Mini Notebooks, etc

4 With a new screen brings new ways to market

5 Always on, always available Mobile provides a means for brands to engage their consumers! Which not only builds brand equity but also refreshes their relationship with their customers.

6 SMS Text Message Marketing Mobile Applications Mobile Gaming Mobile Web Sites Bluetooth Proximity and Wifi Mobile Marketing Techniques Mobile Search Location Based Services QR/2D Barcodes 3D/Augmented Reality Mobile Video

7 Mobile Marketing is for your 20 percenters (the 20% of your customers that spend 80% of the money) Mobile is an OPT IN ONLY channel Subscriber based opt in database marketing Best practices provided by mobile marketing association

8 SMS is the workhorse of mobile marketing

9 Text Message Marketing Methods Text to Vote Text to Win Text to Screen Mobile Alerts Reminders URL/Link Delivery Application Download Mobile Coupons Mobile Donation Mobile Business Cards

10 QR Codes Every business has the ability to use a QR Code in some fashion QR Codes can send customer to: Mobile landing page Video Your social media sites Map to your business Exclusive coupons, discounts, or giveaways Customer feedback form or email

11 Is your business mobile friendly? Can your consumers connect with you anytime anywhere? By 2013, more people will access the internet via a mobile device than through a PC (Forrester Research) Today 1 in 7 Google searches originate from a mobile device o Google estimates 1 in 4 searches will originate from a mobile device in 2012 43% of Americans own a smart phone o (82.5 million users)

12 Currently Less than 10% of web sites are mobile friendly If you have a Web site, you’re already in the mobile world — and the chances are you’re making a terrible impression on your audience. Traditional web sites have WAY TOO MUCH content! Smart Phones have different browsers and screen sizes Mobile users need quick answers and bite-sized content in easy-to-digest formats (e.g. video/audio vs. text)

13 First Develop a Mobile Strategy What do your customers or potential customers need from you when mobile? B2B Mobile differs from B2C Mobile because it is driven by efficiency rather than entertainment You must strive to make their work related activities BETTER, FASTER & EASIER.

14 Once you have created a plan to take your web site mobile, you must decide: To create a simple mobile version of your site in HTML OR Get more advanced and create a mobile web app using advanced languages like HTML5 or JQuery Decision time

15 Either way, you MUST include browser detection and redirect as part of your mobile web strategy. That means that when a user visits your MAIN WEB SITE with a mobile device, they will automatically be redirected to a mobile friendly web experience.

16 Sports Text for seat upgrades Text food orders (premium seats) Text game updates/lineups Text customer relations (emergencies) Team promotion reminders URL/Link Delivery to game preview/coverage articles Mobile alerts

17 Mobile marketing is a very powerful tool for sports teams and organizations. It allows them to engage and interact, on a personal level, with their customers (fans), both at the stadium and throughout the season Mobile marketing is a communications medium ideal for the sports fan demographic - young, educated and tech savvy

18 Chicago Bulls o A mobile marketing campaign enabled Bulls fans to receive self-driven updates, scores and player stats on their mobile phones o Live scores originate from the NBA’s dynamic game feed and are sent via SMS messages to fans who text ‘SCORE’ to BULLS o Fans who are interested in real-time statistics for a particular player can receive a live stat update by texting the player’s last name to BULLS Case Study

19 Results o In a short amount of time, the campaign attracted 4,000 unique users, as fans have taken up the opportunity to stay connected to the team Case Study

20 Pittsburgh Penguins o The Penguins are active in the mobile space and have a free mobile app service for the iPhone, Blackberry and Android devices o The Penguins have been steadily growing a mobile “Pens Mobile Club” database for the last five years o The database now has over 94,000 opted-in fans, who have opted- in by texting ‘PENS’ to a short code Case Study

21 Results o When signed up, fans receive communications directly from the Penguins, including commercial offers and team news o The Penguins utilize their own content and create engaging messages, which they deliver using Web-based, self-serve platform. These messages keep their fans engaged and the team top of mind o The Penguins ran a text-to-win contest in which a mobile communication was sent to the entire consumer database, that asked fans to reply “FAN” for a chance to win two tickets to the team’s final regular-season game, as well as an autographed helmet.  The contest generated 55,196 unique entries - 59% of it’s mobile database Case Study

22 Your pitch and pricing here A = $ B = $ C = $ D = $

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