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Bell Ringer List three things you know about Mexico, one about each topic: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY HISTORY CULTURE.

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2 Bell Ringer List three things you know about Mexico, one about each topic: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY HISTORY CULTURE

3 Mexico

4 Physical Geography  Desert (Hot & Dry) in the North  Temperate (Moderate) in the Center  Tropical (Hot & Wet) in the South Mexico is located on the Ring of Fire Many volcanoes and earthquakes, like Popocatepetl, and Paricutin.

5 History of Mexico Pre-colonial Period (3000BC to 1521)  Olmecs, Maya, Aztecs New Spain (1521 to 1821)  Part of Spain, Conquistadors  War of Independence from 1810 (Padre Hidalgo) to 1821 Independent Mexico (1821 - 1910)  Santa Ana 1830’s – 1850’s  Mexican-American War (1846-48) Modern Mexico (1911 – Present)  Mexican Revolution (1911-1920’s)  PRI One Party Rule (1929-1989)

6 Demographics  Population is 110 million people – 65% Mestizo, 20-25% European, 10% Indian  75% live in cities.  Largest city is Mexico City, with almost 20 million people

7 Urbanization  Urbanization: The increasing role/importance that cities and their growth are playing globally  About half of Mexico's 105 million people (2002) now live in or near Mexico City and Guadalajara.  Every year, more people move from rural areas to urban areas.

8 Politics  Republic, with three branches of government   31 States, 1 Federal District  Many political parties – largest/oldest is PRI, but PAN is in power currently.  Biggest problem is corruption, due to international drug smuggling through Mexico

9 Culture  Mostly Catholic (89%), 2 nd largest Catholic population in the world.  Catholicism (Christianity) assimilated Aztec and Indian beliefs  Rapid population growth, strong family values in Mexican culture

10 Economy  11 th largest in world. Shifting from agriculture to industry in north, less poverty. Farming areas in south still very poor.  Oil largest part of GNP; #6 producer in world. PEMEX is government owned gas and oil company

11 Border Basics The US-Mexico border is about 2000 miles long. It is the busiest land border in the world:  250,000,000 legal crossings last year (estimated)  500,000 illegal crossings last year (estimated)  Mexico exports about $200 billion to the USA each year.  The USA exports about $140 billion to Mexico each year. According to UMCOC.ORG

12 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement  1994 treaty  Connects economies of USA, Mexico, and Canada  reduce barriers to make trade easier  Some benefits, but also some problems.


14 Maquiladoras  Border factories  Owned by foreign companies  Mexican workers, managers  Ship parts to Mexico  Ship assembled products back to US for sale.  Many are now moving to other countries. Why?

15 Why Do This?  Cheap Labor – Mexican workers get paid less money than Americans, for same kinds of work.  Fewer Restrictions – Fewer laws about safety and pollution in Mexico. Cheaper to run a factory.  Both good and bad – long hours and low pay, but provide jobs, especially for women


17 Mexico’s Drug War 2006 - 2011 Information provided by Stratfor.Com and

18 Drug Smuggling Through Mexico  Mexico is the main smuggling route for cocaine, marijuana, and heroin into the USA. Worth billions of dollars every year to whoever controls the trade.  Originally run by one man, a corrupt federal agent named Miguel Gallardo. In late 1980’s, he divided the business among several associates.  After his arrest, these groups became the modern “Cartels”. They have battled for control of the business ever since.  There are several cartels, that form short alliances with each other. They are named after the cities they control or the families that run them.

19 Mexico’s Response  In December 2006, Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared war on cartels, brought in the army because the police were ineffective or corrupt.  Cartels fought back with bombings and assassinations of govt. officials and police.  Almost 40,000 people dead in fighting since 2006, crime and violence rising. Worst fighting in border cities, like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez  Violence has spilled over into the US, in TX, CA, and AZ. Cartels use US gangs to move drugs and enforce their rule.

20 Effects on Mexico  This money and violence cause corruption in Mexico, weakening society. Police, judges, and politicians are bribed. Crimes go unsolved. Normal people are afraid for their lives.  Mexico’s economy is partially dependent of tourism. Fighting has now spread to previously safe areas like Cancun and Acapulco, driving business and visitors away.

21 CNN Videos  Mexico’s Drug War, Part 1 (12:00):   Mexico’s Drug War, Part 2 (12:00): 

22 Mexico In Maps A B C D

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