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The Pancreas By Dr. Istvan, Moore, and Howze. General Information  The Pancreas is located superior to the Duodenum, and Inferior to the Stomach.  The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pancreas By Dr. Istvan, Moore, and Howze. General Information  The Pancreas is located superior to the Duodenum, and Inferior to the Stomach.  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pancreas By Dr. Istvan, Moore, and Howze

2 General Information  The Pancreas is located superior to the Duodenum, and Inferior to the Stomach.  The Pancreas is a gland that helps to digest food, as well as regulate blood sugar levels.

3 Pancreas Gland  The Pancreas is located below the liver and stomach, and just above the small intestines.  It is next to the gall bladder, with bile ducts surrounding it.  Its location is key, as it is used in digestion. mages/normal_pancreas.jpg

4 Structure of the Pancreas  The Pancreas is separated into two distinct lobes.  Glands of the pancreas can release hormones directly into the duodenum or the blood stream. 1: Head of pancreas 2: Uncinate process of pancreas 3: Pancreatic notch 4: Body of pancreas 5: Anterior surface of pancreas 6: Inferior surface of pancreas 7: Superior margin of pancreas 8: Anterior margin of pancreas 9: Inferior margin of pancreas 10: Omental tuber 11: Tail of pancreas 12: Duodenum

5 Pancreatic Hormones  The Pancreas releases three main hormones: Insulin, Glucagon, and Somatostatin.  There is another polypeptide, but its function is unknown. Insulin is made by Beta cells Glucagon is made by Alpha cells Somatostatin is made by Delta cells Unknown polypeptide is made by Gamma cells

6 Insulin  Small protein made of 51 amino acids  Beta cells have chemo- receptors that detect blood glucose levels, and secrete insulin in response.  Insulin also reduces appetite by affecting cells in the hypothalamus  Stimulates adipose tissue to create fat s/Insulin.jpg

7 Glucagon  A polypeptide of 29 Amino acids  Stimulates the liver to release sugar into bloodstream  Also acts upon fat tissue to release glucose  Has the opposite effect as insulin

8 Somatostatin  Consists of two polypeptides, with a total of 42 amino acids  Works inside the Duodenum to reduce appetite  Slows the rate if which the nutrients are absorbed by the small intestines

9 Diabetes  Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent  Daily injections or inhalations are required to keep blood sugar levels in check  Most common in children and young adults  Caused by autoimmune attack of Beta cells

10 Diabetes  Type 2 diabetes is characterized by irregular blood sugar levels  It is fairly easily treated with oral drugs taken daily  It is most commonly found in adults, especially those that are overweight

11 Diabetes Symptoms  Frequent urination  Loss of circulation  Excessive thirst  Rapid weight change  Irritability  Fatigue  Blurred Vision  Sweet urine

12 Pancreatic Cancer  Pancreatic cancer affects roughly 42,000 people every year in the US.  About 7,000 of those people survive to live long healthy lives. MRI of abdomen, showing Pancreatic Carcinoma _p_cancer/files/page14_2.jpg

13 Pancreatic Cancer  Pancreatic Cancer is responsible for more than 50,000 deaths per year.  Symptoms include : - Clay colored stool - Abdominal Pain - Indigestion - Diarrhea - Loss of appetite - Nausea - Jaundice

14 Pancreatic Cancer  There are several treatment options  Usually pancreatic carcinoma is treated using surgery and chemotherapy.  New advancements in cancer treatment allow laser and gamma knife options.  Future treatment options are always being developed, including viral treatments.

15 Diabetes Support Group  Contact Info: 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311 1-800-DIABETES

16 Pancreatic Cancer Support Group  Contact Info Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer 2990 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 (310) 473-5121

17 Bibliography ·25 Dec. 1999. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.. ·02 July 2001. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.

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