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Big Issues in VET Role of Clusters Community Colleges NSW Conference 20 May 2009 Gina Perks, ACE Unit Coordinator Jan Howard ACE Project Officer

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Presentation on theme: "Big Issues in VET Role of Clusters Community Colleges NSW Conference 20 May 2009 Gina Perks, ACE Unit Coordinator Jan Howard ACE Project Officer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Issues in VET Role of Clusters Community Colleges NSW Conference 20 May 2009 Gina Perks, ACE Unit Coordinator Jan Howard ACE Project Officer

2 Big Issues in VET Goal To optimise the ACE Cluster Support Program so that colleges can effectively address objectives of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (COAG Agreement).

3 Big Issues in VET The Cluster Review Survey was a method to engage colleges in discussion on the current purpose and future direction of the Cluster Support Program. The statistics and comments will be used inform the 2010 Cluster Support Program funding application.

4 Big Issues in VET Question 1: Do you think that the current Cluster Support Program works? 64.5% said Yes

5 Big Issues in VET Question 2: A selection of current Cluster functions were listed and the colleges were asked to rate their importance using - Very Important; Important; Not important but useful; Pointless

6 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Implementing the Disability Strategic Plan 91% said it was Very important or important

7 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Promoting industry/business links 78% said it was Very important or important

8 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Record keeping/Data Management 71% said it was Very important or important

9 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Improving Governance 72% said it was Very important or important

10 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Supporting Partnering 87% said it was Very important or important

11 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Accessing New Business 75% said it was Very important or important

12 Big Issues in VET Question 2 cont: Identifying Funding Opportunities 91% said it was Very important or important

13 Big Issues in VET Question 3: There will be no increase in the funding to Clusters for 2010. Do you see this as a problem? 56% said no

14 Big Issues in VET Question 4: Should funding for clusters be supplemented by funds from other ACE funded programs? 87.5% said no

15 Big Issues in VET Question 5: Do you see a future for the Cluster Support Program? 94% said Yes

16 Big Issues in VET

17 The 2008 and 2009 Cluster Support Program funding applications were examined to understand the role of clusters in helping colleges meet state and federal government objectives for funded vocational education and training.

18 Big Issues in VET The previously funded projects and activities were divided in three groups. Core means projects that are funded time after time – and should perhaps be part of a college business operations – not a separately funded activity Innovative – were ideas that were looking to the future; had an awareness of current objectives; looking across the sector

19 Big Issues in VET Cluster Support Program funding Applications Comparison 2008 and 2009 Core VET Network Innovation

20 Big Issues in VET Core Cluster meetings Governance Record Keeping Basic Business Planning Software Support CCNSW Conference Coordination Administration

21 Big Issues in VET VET Network Quality systems ELLN Moderation Validation VET Compliance AVETMISS/NCVER

22 Big Issues in VET Innovative Online induction to support Disability Action Plans Collaborate on options for student data management systems and training Develop capacity statements for each college Develop a platform for scope sharing, MOUs and joint tendering Collaborate with local industry to deliver industry specific forums

23 Big Issues in VET

24 The following slide was taken from the Key Policy Directions presentation given by Gina Perks at the CCNSW Conference. Project and activities for the 2010 Cluster Support Program funding applications should attempt to address these key objectives.

25 Big Issues in VET Challenges and Opportunities for ACE How can we demonstrate that non-accredited VET and Certificate I and II levels are truly pathways to higher level qualifications? Increase our offerings in Certificate III and above Analyse what the completions data really means. Improving completions – Is this a data issue or a delivery issue? Share our successes in working with industry Raise the profile of community colleges by meeting the changing agendas in VET

26 Big Issues in VET Clusters 2010 Activity What activities should be funded under ACE Cluster Support Program? How can Clusters support colleges to meet the objectives of the COAG Agreement ?

27 Big Issues in VET

28 What next …..

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