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Science Starter 4/16/15 Grab your notebooks and find your assigned seat Watch the video and answer the following questions Turn in any assignments from.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starter 4/16/15 Grab your notebooks and find your assigned seat Watch the video and answer the following questions Turn in any assignments from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starter 4/16/15 Grab your notebooks and find your assigned seat Watch the video and answer the following questions Turn in any assignments from this week 1.What is happening in the video? 2.How can we provide a solution? Ghana video:

2 Why is it important to keep our water clean? Cholera, a bacteria that thrives in feces-contaminated water, causes severe diarrhea and vomiting that can dehydrate and kill its victims in hours without treatment. The rate of severe cases, about 30 to 40 percent, is far higher in Ghana than the 25 percent in a typical outbreak because of extreme poverty, unsanitary conditions and lack of medical facilitiesdiarrheavomiting


4 Cholera Victims

5 Agenda Ghana’s Cholera Epidemic We all live downstream Water Pollution Stations What is a Wetland? Exit Ticket

6 We all live downstream! You have each inherited $10 MILLION for a riverfront property! On your sheet of paper, draw your river Then, draw anything that you want to use your riverfront property for! What are you passionate about? If you could build anything, what would it be?

7 Draw Here

8 Questions to think about 1.What did you draw? Why did you chose to draw that? 2.Is there anything on your property that you think may pollute the water ways? 3.What is nonpoint source pollution? 4.What is point source pollution? 5.What are some ways that humans pollute water? 6.How does pollution occur naturally?

9 We all live downstream Finish your drawing and come up to the front of the room Place your drawing along the floor at the front an stand by your drawing Wait for further directions once everyone is standing up by their property I will hand you some items and rearrange a couple properties

10 On the back of your picture… Respond to these questions in full sentences: 1.How does what happened upstream affect what happens downstream? 2.Does a small amount of litter make a big difference over time? 3.What are some things you can do now that you have seen first hand what litter can do to water? 4.How does this litter affect the water cycle?

11 There are 5 different types of water pollution… Water Pollution ChemicalsRadioactivity Thermal Pollution SedimentsSewage

12 Quick Vocabulary Stations Walk around the room to get the definitions for your note sheet You should define the following: Watershed Point Source & Non-point source The 5 types of pollution (Type & Definition) Important parts of definitions are in BOLD UNDERLINE When you are completed return to your seats, you have 10 minutes!!

13 Watershed A watershed is all the land and river systems from which water drains toward a common point You live in a watershed!

14 Sources of Pollution Point Source: A single identifiable source of water pollution Non-Point Source: Water pollution that comes from a variety of sources picked up by run-off moves

15 1. Chemicals May be toxic Examples: Acids, fertilizers, pesticides, gas, & oil Results from oil spills, roadway runoff Causes Health effects, eutrophication (increase ‘bloom’ in phytoplankton leading to hypoxia and reduced animal life)

16 2. Radioactivity Solid and liquid radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants leak into groundwater

17 3. Thermal Pollution  Human activity increases water temperature  Increases the fish metabolism  The fish consume more oxygen  Causes water to hold less oxygen  Destroys developing fish eggs and kills young fish

18 4. Sediments Soil run-off causes cloudy water, blocking sunlight for photosynthesis; Waters become more shallow Clogs fish gills

19 5. Sewage Human & animal waste causes a decrease in dissolved oxygen in the water May contain pathogens that are then passed on to humans

20 What is a wetland?

21 Exit Ticket Write down on a sheet of paper a few things that you would like as a reward if your group were to win This could include: Drinks Chips Candy Snacks Something bought at a store (<5$)

22 Answers 1. Wetland or marsh 2. a. Control floods b. Filter water c. Provide a home for living things 3. All over the world 4. Stream, forest 5. Estuary, river, ocean 6. 1/3, endangered species 7.Sponge

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