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 Term has two meanings:  Theory of personality  Method of therapy  Both emphasize unconscious conflicts in mental life  Typically shaped.

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6  Term has two meanings:  Theory of personality  Method of therapy  Both emphasize unconscious conflicts in mental life  Typically shaped by childhood experiences

7  Born in 1856 in the small Austro-Hungarian town of Freiberg  Attended medical school at the University of Vienna  No real interest in the practice of medicine  Started a career in laboratory research  Left Vienna and went to study with Jean- Martin Charcot in Paris (between 1885-1886)

8 Demonstration of hysteria

9  Collaborated with Joseph Breuer (1842-1925) on an investigation into hypnosis and hysteria  Freud sees hysteria as unitary disease with a single cause  Searched for the “source of the Nile.”  Argued that hysterics fell ill because of repressed trauma  Experience is relived under hypnosis.

10  Freud claimed that childhood sexuality was at the root of neuroses  Believed that a single traumatic event was at the heart of hysteria  All were seduced during childhood  Eventually gave up the seduction theory and saw the reported events as fantasies

11  Freud believed that much of our mental life is beyond our reach  The Unconscious (1915) –mind is a space in which ideas move between consciousness and unconsciousness




15  Unconscious  Freud gave us a much better attitude towards people who were mentally ill (bad early experiences can stick with us)  We are all in conflict – human condition

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