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Lesson Plan 1 Meghan Byrnes. SOLs VS.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement in America by: g) describing the.

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1 Lesson Plan 1 Meghan Byrnes

2 SOLs VS.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement in America by: g) describing the interactions between the English settlers and the native peoples, including the contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the settlers. Dance.15 The student will identify reasons for dancing, including the use of dance as a form of expression, communication, ceremony, and entertainment.

3 Objectives Students will explain in writing the Powhatan’s reaction to the settlers arriving in Jamestown. Given a description of Powhatan dance, students will participate in a dance with similar structure.

4 Pre-Test Short answer questions. 1. What Native American tribe lived in the land around Jamestown when the settlers arrived? 2. What did this tribe do for ceremonies? 3. Describe what a dance by this tribe would have looked like. 4. What is one reason that they performed a dance?

5 Pre-Test 16/19 answered 1 correctly 13/19 answered 2 correctly 2/19 answered 3 correctly 9/19 answered 4 correctly Many left blank

6 The Lesson Read students the excerpts from The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture to teach about structure of traditional Native American Dance Features information from first hand accounts

7 John White Painting

8 Discussion What are the people doing in the narrative? (objective) What are the people doing in the painting? (objective) How would you feel if you were a settle who just arrived in Jamestown? (reflective) How would you feel if you were a Powhatan Indian seeing the settlers? (reflective) Why do you think the Powhatans decided to dance for the settlers? (interpretive) How can you relate to the dance? (decisional)

9 Discussion Students were not used to the structure of discussion Were able to stay focused and on task, though a little bit loud. Thoughtful answers, especially to the reflective questions Many differing answers: scared to interested Confusion to how can you relate to dance “I don’t like dancing.”

10 Review and Dance Ask students to explain step by step how the Powhatan welcome dance would have looked. Tell students that they will be recreating a Powhatan dance with the information they have learned Many students say “I don’t know how to dance” or “I don’t like dancing.” Students were more comfortable when I told them that I would be dancing with them


12 Dance The students seemed to really enjoy the dance Especially hyper because we were outside Afterwards, students asked if we could do it again

13 Post-Test Same questions as pre-test Students scored much higher. Every student did better than their pre-test Lowest score was a 2/4 Majority scored 4/4 No question was missed more than twice

14 Student Data All students did better on the post test. Question 3 had the largest jump in number correct. No students left questions blank on the post test 1 pre2 pre3 pre4 preTotal X1 post2 post3 post4 postTotal X 1 X 1 0 2 B 1 0 3 X 1 0 4 BBB3 0 5XXXX4 X 1 6 XX2 0 7 X1 X1 8 X 1 0 9 0 0 10 XX 2 0 11 BB2 0 12 X 1 0 13 X 1 0 14 XX2 0 15 BBB3 X X2 16 BB2 0 17XXXX4X 1 18 XXX3 X 1 19X X 2 0

15 Reflections for Future Use Divided lesson over two days to include more of the initial interactions between the settlers and the Native Americans Introduce discussions earlier in the year Film dancing to make evaluations easier

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