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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 1 Open Knowledge Initiative CSG - Princeton, 05/07/03.

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Presentation on theme: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 1 Open Knowledge Initiative CSG - Princeton, 05/07/03."— Presentation transcript:

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 1 Open Knowledge Initiative CSG - Princeton, 05/07/03

2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 2 Elements of an enabling architecture/framework for learning systems  What are strategies for interoperability, scalability, and maintainability?  How might we migrate from an environment based on proprietary legacy tools to a standards-based environment that promotes interoperable systems?  What are the requirements for development/authoring tools that enable rapid prototyping, ease of maintenance, content adaptation, and collaborative development?

3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 3 Elements of an enabling architecture/framework for learning systems  What is the impact of emerging specifications and standards (e.g., XML, SCORM, IMS, OKI SPECS, the semantic Web.....) on IT-enabled learning, and on managing rapid changes in the technology/tools environment

4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 4 Data Specifications – IMS/SCORM Enterprise Application A Enterprise Application B Data

5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 5 An Application Before O.K.I. OKI in a Nutshell

6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 6 An Application Before O.K.I. OKI in a Nutshell An Application After O.K.I.

7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 7 Web Application on O.K.I. Services HTML Web Server Stellar

8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 8 Web and Client App Interoperability HTML Stellar

9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 9 O.K.I. is:  Learning Technology Services Architecture  Open Service Interface Definitions (OSIDs)  Open source implementations  Open source educational applications  Community

10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 10 O.K.I. Service Interface Definitions (OSIDs)  OSID's define how components of a learning technology environment communicate with:  Other learning technology components  Other campus systems  Common infrastructure services  OSID’s are:  Described abstractly and cast as Java APIs  Royalty free  Stable – license/branding prohibits modification  Supported by reference implementations and documentation

11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 11 The OSIDs “Common Services”  Authentication  Authorization  DBC  Logging  Shared  Filing  Dictionary  Hierarchy “Extended Services”  User Messaging  Scheduling  Workflow “Educational Services”  Class Admin  Digital Repository  Assessment  Grading

12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 12 OSID Abstraction and Bindings Abstract Service Definition Generators Java Interfaces Documentation Other…

13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 13 OSID Based Projects University of Michigan Stanford University VUE -- Tufts University Scorm Player --University of Cambridge Digital Library Systems -- Dspace, Fedora MIT Indiana University

14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 14 Current O.K.I. SID Community  Institutional Partners  MIT, Stanford University, Dartmouth College, North Carolina State University, University of Michigan, Indiana University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Cambridge  IMS Global Learning Consortium Members  Assorted Institutional Projects

15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 15 O.K.I. Status  Common Service OSIDs 1.0rc in community review  SourceForge Publication SOON!  Educational Service OSID's in beta release  Reference implementations and reference code available for some OSIDs  “LMS” systems expected Summer 2003  OKI “Starter Kit” release in Summer 2003  Vendor Engagement  Sun Microsystems  Apple  WebCT  Blackboard  OKI/IMS Interoperabilty Lab 2003 -- July 8,9,10

16 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 16 Example: Digital Repository OSID

17 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 17 OKI Digital Repository OSID  What functions do Educational Applications need from Digital Repositories?  How can we complement existing and future data Specifications?  How do we allow for systems of record for learning assets?  How do we support multiple Repositories with multiple protocols

18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 18 Many Repositories IDC iMac I BM Remote Local IDC Institutional

19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 19 Many Protocols IDC iMac I BM IDC SOAP SRW HTML Z39.50 File System METS Remote Local Institutional

20 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 20 Many Data Specs/Standards IDC iMac I BM IDC SOAP SRW HTML Z39.50 File System OAI Remote Local Institutional Mark DC LOM SCORM METS IMS CP

21 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 21 DR Demo…

22 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 22 Application Profile Technology Profile Service Definitions Data Definitions Domain Profile

23 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 23 Application Profile Technology Profile Service Definitions Data Definitions Domain Profile

24 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 24 Dimensions of Interoperability Data Definitions Technology Choices UI/Application Frameworks Service Definitions

25 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 25 Dimensions of Interoperability Service Data UI Tech Gov.CorpHESchool

26 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 26 Open Knowledge Initiative Service Data UI Tech Gov.Corp. H.E. School J

27 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Page 27 End

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