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Ancient Greece.

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1 Ancient Greece

2 Greek Geography Mount Olympus
Mountainous with small plains & river valleys Warfare devastated Greek society Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Sea Greeks were seafarers

3 Greece NC


5 Mt Olympus Troy Ionian Sea Knossos

6 Greek Civilization Minoan civilization established on island of Crete 2700 B.C. Complex civilization- very advanced- running water, language (linear A) Importance of the Bull 1450 B.C. Minoans were invaded by Mycenaeans

7 Bull Jumping

8 Greek Civilization Mycenaean civilization prospered around 1400 B.C.
Powerful monarchies Wrote in Linear B Tholos tombs Warrior society Large commercial network- occupied mainland, Crete, and many islands

9 Linear B Writing

10 Tholos Tomb

11 Greek Civilization Mycenaeans conquered Crete
States began fighting one another Natural disasters wiped out farm land Invaded by Sea People/ Dorians 1100 B.C. civilization collapsed 1100 – 750 – Dark Age – few records exist

12 King Agamemnon of Mycenaeans

13 Dark Age Few records exist, written or otherwise
Expanded to Asia Minor- Ionia Looking for good farmland Increase of agriculture, trade Rise of Iron Age Replaced Bronze Age

14 Greek Civilization Greeks adopted Phoenician alphabet
Epic poem – long poem that tells the deeds of a great hero Homer The Iliad and The Odyssey Mycenaeans and the Trojan War

15 The Poet, Homer

16 Greek Polis 750 B.C. polis – Greek city-state, was focus of Greek life
Acropolis – fortified gathering place on top of a hill Agora – open area that served as a place where people could assemble, also a market

17 Athenian Acropolis

18 Greek Military Conflict between city-states began
Created need permanent army Hoplites – heavily armed infantry Led to new styles of fighting

19 Hoplite

20 Ancient Greece Phalanx – rectangular shoulder to shoulder military formation Between 750 – 550 B.C. Greeks began to expand Byzantium – modern day Turkey Spread throughout the Mediterranean

21 Phalanx Formation

22 Phalanx Formation

23 Greek Governments Oligarchy Tyranny Rule by a few a.k.a Aristocracy
Large and wealthy landowners Controlled economy Many fell at the hands of tyrants Tyranny Ended aristocrats rule in many states Seized and maintained power by force Support from wealthy merchants who wanted political change Fell by 6th Century BC

24 Greek Governments Democracy Government by the people or rule by many
End of tyranny allowed people chance to participate in government First major polis to adopt was Athens

25 Sparta Oligarchy, military state ruled by 2 kings
Helots – captured people made to work for Spartans Super strict rules, laws, and social structure Closed off to the outside world

26 Athens Unified in 700BCE Draco- 621BCE-
first lawgiver, to end murder- uses harsh punishment- Draconian Solon- given 1 year to fix Athens Becomes known for "giving the law a conscience“ Peisistratus took control, followed by son Cleisthenes takes over in 510BCE Created a council of 500 Start of Democracy

27 Alliances Peloponnesian League Delian League Headed by Spartans
Corinth, Argos, Elis Delian League A.k.a. Athenian League Massive alliance, including many islands and towns across Aegean Sea Different contributions


29 Persian Wars Persia took over Asia Minor and Ionia
Darius seeks revenge, and attacks Athens Athenians defeat Persians at Marathon in 490BC Xerxes vows revenge

30 King Darius of Persia

31 Persian Wars Greece prepares for attack
Athenians built up navy, Spartans led defensive league Xerxes invades Thermopylae – 300 Spartans Athenians abandon city, form army to win

32 Thermopylae Marathon Salamis

33 Athenian Empire Athenians formed an defense alliance against Persians
Golden Age of Greece Age of Pericles 461 – 429 B.C.

34 Age of Pericles

35 Age of Pericles Economy based on farming & trade
Direct democracy- expanded political involvement Ostracism – banning politicians by vote Economy based on farming & trade Women were ignored, expect in religious festivals

36 The Olympics The first Olympic games were held in 776BCE
Greatest festival of sports Held at Olympia every four years

37 Boxing

38 Equestrian

39 Horse Riding

40 Discus

41 Javelin

42 Running

43 Chariot Racing

44 Wrestling

45 Religion Mt. Olympus Believed spirits went to underworld
12 Gods/ Goddesses Believed spirits went to underworld Rituals – ceremonies/rites to please gods Oracle at Delphi

46 Architecture The Acropolis Geometric proportions Symmetry

47 Erechtheum Parthenon

48 Classical Greece- Art Greek sculpture Ideal beauty Pottery
Scientific proportions Pottery

49 Classical Greece-Drama
Greek tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles – Athenian playwright – Oedipus Rex Euripides Thucydides – greatest historian of ancient world

50 Classical Greece- Education
6th century – Pythagoras Hippocrates  “Father of Medicine Sophists – traveling teachers who rejected speculation such as that of Pythagoras as foolish

51 Greek Philosophy Socrates Socratic Method Know Thyself!
Question Everything Only the pursuit of goodness brings happiness Socratic Method Question and answer, leads to students thinking for themselves

52 Greek Philosophy Plato Aristotle The Academy of Athens
Western philosophy and science Aristotle Viewed as most influential thinker of the Western world Scientific method Golden Mean- EQ

53 Peloponnesian War 431 B.C. 405 Athens surrendered
Ruined chance of cooperation among Greek cities Thebes emerges Ignored Macedonia to the north


55 Rise of Macedonia By 5th century, Macedonia emerged as powerful kingdom 359 B.C.- King Philip II takes over

56 Macedonia King Philip II assassinated & left throne to his son, Alexander Alexander the Great invaded Persia Established Alexandria as Greek capital of Egypt


58 Greece Expanded to largest empire in world history, up to this point
Monarchies became part of Alexander’s political legacy


60 Greece Hellenistic Era – imitate the Greeks
Alexander’s empire fell apart after his death Greek cities of Hellenistic Era helped expand Greek culture

61 The Breakup of Alexander’s Empire

62 Hellenistic Era Alexandria was home to largest library
Sculptures become more realistic Developed theory of sun at the center of the universe Calculated Earth’s circumference to within 185 miles

63 Hellenistic Era Philosophers
Epicurus- Epicurians Happiness is the chief goal in life Looking for pleasure Avoid politics Diogenes- Cynics Avoid luxuries Live a simple and humble life

64 Hellenistic Era Philosophers
Zeno- Stoics Nature is expansion of divine True happiness is found in inner peace and great achievements Get involved in politics for the good of all Most popular of the time

65 The & Sciences Science: Aristarchus - heliocentric theory.
Euclid - geometry Archimedes – pulley, pi

66 Hellenistic Art Hellenistic Art:
More realistic; less ideal than Hellenic art. Showed individual emotions, wrinkles, and age! Laocoon and his sons

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