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Heritage languages in higher education The Australian Experience Anne Pauwels SOAS, University of London.

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Presentation on theme: "Heritage languages in higher education The Australian Experience Anne Pauwels SOAS, University of London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heritage languages in higher education The Australian Experience Anne Pauwels SOAS, University of London

2 Policy Context 1  1987: Milestone in language policy in Australia –  The National Policy on Languages  English for All  A second language for all  Maintenance of indigenous language  Language services

3 The NPL  'That all Australians gain high levels of literate standard Australian English. That all Australians achieve bilingualism, either by maintaining languages other than English as they acquire English as a second language, or by adding second languages to their existing English. That indigenous and islander languages will be acknowledged as a unique and irreplaceable heritage of Australia and energetic efforts will be made to preserve, restore and secure these languages. That equitable and widespread professional language services will be encouraged.'

4 Language in Education policies  State-based rather than federal:  A series of changes over the past 35 years  Languages as a key learning area or not  Models of LL in schools : primary and secondary  Number of languages that can be examined at end of secondary (A levels)  Compulsory vs optional  Reduced funding  Changes in the list of priority languages  Greater focus on Asian languages

5 Community Languages in Primary and Secondary Education  No ‘major’ distinction between foreign and community languages –  The concept of state-specific priority languages  Recognition of (many) community languages for final examinations (A level)  The establishment of Schools of Languages across the country to offer language classes in approx. 50 languages from Amharic to Vietnamese  Recognition of differential language needs for CL and non-CL ‘background’ learners

6 Linguistic diversity in higher education  18% of Australian (home) students use a language other than English at home  More than 120 languages are used by Australian students  Top ten languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Arabic, other Chinese dialects, Greek, Spanish, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean

7 Community Languages in Higher Education  A mixed picture:  closure of language departments focusing on specific community languages: e.g. Vietnamese, Korean, Hindi  Less languages available  Language departments are shrinking  Introduction of double degree structures to allow inclusion of language.  LL incentives: bonus points for successful completion of language study at secondary level

8 Accommodating Community Language learners  Recognition of the differential needs of ‘background speakers’ – selected languages  Special/separate classes if sufficient numbers  Attitude of teachers changing

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