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A Conversation with Funders Work Plan & Budget Workshop Toronto Newcomer Office (TNO) & Toronto North LIP (TNLIP) Community Meeting, April 30, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "A Conversation with Funders Work Plan & Budget Workshop Toronto Newcomer Office (TNO) & Toronto North LIP (TNLIP) Community Meeting, April 30, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Conversation with Funders Work Plan & Budget Workshop Toronto Newcomer Office (TNO) & Toronto North LIP (TNLIP) Community Meeting, April 30, 2015

2 Agenda: o Introduction: City of Toronto – Shelter Support and Housing Administration Division Programs o Two Key Components of Grants Proposals:  Work Plan  Budget

3  The City coordinates investments from all orders of government in the creation and operation of subsidized housing and services for people who are experiencing homelessness.  More than 340 not-for-profit community organizations work with the City to help vulnerable residents find, keep and live in affordable and permanent housing.

4 SSHA Social Housing Administration Streets to Homes Hostels Services Housing Stability Policy & Strategic Investments (HSPSI)

5  Tenant Hotline and Outreach  Streets to Homes Program  Shelters  Drop-in programs  Multi-lingual and case management services in partnership with the community including housing help and tenants services

6  Birkdale Residence  COSTI Reception Centre  Christie Refugee Welcome Centre  Family Residence  WoodGreen Red Door Family Shelter  Sojourn House  Toronto Community Hostel

7  Capacity Building Networking & Collaboration Public Education & Advocacy Multi-stakeholders: community service providers, academia and City staff

8 Writing Proposal for Grants

9  Finding grant funding opportunities  Reviewing the application requirements  Preparing an Application/Proposal  Initial and final application submissions  Seeking funder feedback on proposal  Managing approved funding

10 Work Plan  Outlines key components of your project - what you’re doing, why it matters, and the impact on the community  As a tool to: ◦ Plan and identify project goals ◦ Manage project implementation ◦ Report on results ◦ Evaluate the project

11 Key Elements of a Work Plan  Clear and Measureable OBJECTIVES  Detail ACTIVITIES include timelines  Achievable OUTPUTS  OUTCOMES that demonstrate the impact/progress

12 Work Plan - Objectives  Objective(s) providing direction to the project  Link with the objectives of the funder or the grants’ strategic plan or priorities  Develop SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based/timely)  Promote results-oriented project with elements of long term impact.

13 Work Plan – Activities  Define clearly the activities to be accomplished  Link Activities to stated objectives  Include details such as inputs, who, what, how  Add Milestone Schedule (timeframes and progress)  Identify the role of partnerships and stakeholders

14 Work Plan – Outputs  One or more target (Outputs) for each proposed Activity  Quantitative or qualitative  Must be measureable during the term of project  Each outputs should be a result of the activities and include details such as milestones

15 Work Plan – Outcomes  Specific and linked to Objectives  Outlining what will change as a result of the project and in what way  Qualitative and/or quantitative  Demonstrate progress, change, sustainability


17 The Budget

18 o Review RFP for financial and budget related information and definitions of terms o Assess feasibility of your project within the RFP timelines and parameters o Identify your other revenues and resources including partnerships and in-kind contributions

19 o Proposal reviewers may look to see the budget: o Is realistic o Reflects direction of project expenses o Shows efforts to secure best value o Includes other sources of revenues and contributions o Shows reasonableness and sustainability o Shows financial health of the organization

20 o Review RFP budget information guide o Budgeting variations: o Budget by cost category o Budget by objectives or tasks o Budget narrative o Other formats

21  Budgeting considerations: ◦ Pre-Application costs ◦ Project Costs ◦ Organizational Overhead Costs ◦ Matching contributions/Cost-Share ◦ Leveraging and in-kind contributions ◦ Future Funding

22  Direct expenditure costs vary by funder objectives and the type of projects.  Examples of costs: ◦ Project staffing ◦ Professional and purchase of service ◦ Project supplies ◦ Project space, Rent ◦ Project transportation ◦ Office materials/supplies ◦ Equipment rental

23  Review RFP for allowable costs and maximum Overhead Costs  Examples: ◦ Administrative staff costs ◦ Administrative professional and purchase of service costs (accounting, lawyer, etc) ◦ Building operational costs such as utilities, maintenance ◦ Insurance, security, etc.

24 Presenter: Azar Farahani, Agency Review Officer 416-392-0068 For more information about SSHA:

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