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Using MidYIS to inform Teaching & Learning

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1 Using MidYIS to inform Teaching & Learning

2 Objectives to gain understanding of reading MidYIS graphs
to share strategies for supporting individual pupils Ideas for sharing MidYIS data with colleagues.

3 What does MidYIS test? Vocabulary Maths Non-verbal Skills
Most culturally linked Maths Measures speed and fluency rather than knowledge Non-verbal Tests 3D visualisation, spatial aptitude, pattern recognition and logical thinking Skills Tests proof reading skills (SPG) and perceptual speed and awareness (e.g. matching symbols under time pressure). Measures fluency and speed necessary in exams and in the work place.

4 Explaining the Graph Nationally standardised Mean value: 100
Each MidYIS band contains 25% i.e. Top 25% are A, next 25% are B etc. 95% confidence within error bars.

5 Interpreting the Graph
Significantly high or low: no overlap with the mean score (100) 95% of pupils score between 70 and 130. Over 130 (only 2.5% of pupils) are gifted and talented. Below 85 may suggest SEN. Significant difference: no overlap between the error bars Overall MidYIS score is best predictor of KS3 and GCSE grades

6 Interpreting the Graph cont.
Even profiles (i.e overlapping error bars in all four sections, and overlapping with their MidYIS score) Uneven profiles (i.e. Pupils who have a significant difference between their four scores)

7 Examples of Individual Pupil Profiles
For each example: the information contained in the graph the issues which may arise for this pupil in your subject strategies you could employ to support that pupil (either for the whole class or for that specific individual)

8 Student A Low vocab

9 Strategies Word banks for each topic
Practice writing with words rather than symbols e.g. To find the common denominator, first of all you ... Discussion groups (although ensure pupils with low vocabulary scores do not all congregate) Wider reading Visits/trips etc to enrich language and cultural experience

10 Student B Low Non-Verbal – NRIT – Coached for test?

11 Strategies May struggle to understand diagrams – use spoken and written explanations, paired work or group work to interpret. THINKING SKILLS Physical/practical/kinesthetic explanations may help (e.g. modelling solar system with clay/string or demonstrate distance between planets on football pitch etc) Use drama/active methods to demonstrate difficult concepts

12 Student C High Vocab –

13 Strategies Pupil may seem more able than is the case, e.g. ‘talks a good talk’. Allow paired work or group discussion to communicate answers orally Describe maths problems Encourage leadership roles as well as debates/T&L/drama Support with scaffolding/writing frames etc

14 Student D Low Skills – Aobhinn Wood Rory O Brian Joel McNeill
Sarah Robinson Patrick Johnson Ben McAnoy Isaac Hart

15 Analysis A pupil like this may:
struggle to proof read his work, therefore achieve a lower grade than he seems capable of. struggle to interpret or understand exam questions either work slowly with more accuracy OR work quickly with less accuracy – result is similar ie lower test score than expected Strategies: allow extra time practice timing e.g. clock on IWB use a range of question words to develop ability to understand instructions Develop proof reading technique eg spotting common errors consider further testing for dyslexia

16 Student E Low Vocab & Skills – Rory Dunne Tara Churchman Olivia Crilly
William Cave James Wright Edward Thompson Conor Mulgrew Megan Monteith Jonathan McShane Patrick McGimpsey Alfie May Hannah Jemphrey Alex Jemphrey Nathan Keown Holly Kielt

17 Literacy!! Strategies In all lessons – not just English!!!
Students need to improve their Literacy Skills Students need to be able to engage in lessons despite their Literacy difficulties.

18 Sharing with Colleagues

19 SEN

20 Now the predictions

21 Monitoring Progress

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