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What is Big Writing? Big Writing is based on the Ros Wilson approach to writing. Based on child friendly, interactive learning. Uses fast, fun and lively.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Big Writing? Big Writing is based on the Ros Wilson approach to writing. Based on child friendly, interactive learning. Uses fast, fun and lively."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Big Writing? Big Writing is based on the Ros Wilson approach to writing. Based on child friendly, interactive learning. Uses fast, fun and lively activities. A focus on the four core targets of Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.

3 Aims To have a positive ethos throughout the school so that pupils develop confidence and pleasure in writing. Teach writing through a structured programme with clear success criteria. Teach writing to ensure progression and consistency. Raise levels of attainment in writing.

4 The Four Elements of Big Writing VVocabulary CConnectives OOpeners PPunctuation

5 Vocabulary To promote the use of “Wow” words in writing. “Wow” words are words which are ambitious for the children to use. Task: Think of at least five words to describe an apple.

6 Connectives These make sentences longer because they join pieces of information together. Make a sentence more interesting. andbutto thenbecausehowever

7 Openers There are different ways of opening sentences. Encourages children to use different words. FirstFinallyIf LaterAfterSometimes

8 Punctuation Using different forms of punctuation makes writing more interesting.

9 Big Writing – The Method Warm up – VCOP activity Short activity – Highlighting VCOP in a passage or editing a passage by adding punctuation Plan – Discuss the type of writing e.g. letter, imaginative story, instructions Discuss Learning Intentions and Success Criteria E.g. L.I. To write a letter S.C. Include an address Use full stops and capital letters Use three wow words

10 Big Writing – The Method Model on the board Talk about what vocabulary could be included and write words on the board Create a plan Start writing Stop after a few minutes to allow class to check if there is more than one type of punctuation, some wow words etc Continue writing Read out some examples to the class Self or Peer assess

11 How can you help? Read with your child. Talk about the wow words in the story. Discuss different connectives. What connectives could you use instead of “and”? Discuss different ways to start sentences. Give your child some punctuation and ask them to give you a sentence i.e. a sentence with a question mark. Encourage them to write letters, keep a diary, take notes and keep lists. Play word games e.g. crosswords, anagrams.

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