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Plagiarism DON’T GET CAUGHT RED-HANDED Originally created by Lisa Zaar for Secondary Revised for Elementary with permission by Sue Mellen & Carol Trembath.

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2 Plagiarism DON’T GET CAUGHT RED-HANDED Originally created by Lisa Zaar for Secondary Revised for Elementary with permission by Sue Mellen & Carol Trembath

3 Walled Lake Schools defines cheating as using someone else’s words, work, &/or ideas and claiming them as your own. Report

4  Hiring someone to write a paper  Buying a paper or project  Sharing computer files EXAMPLES OF PLAGIARISM

5  Copying homework  Building on someone else’s ideas without “proper citations” (giving them credit) MORE EXAMPLES OF PLAGIARISM

6  Turning in someone else’s writing  Letting someone else do all the work and just putting your name on the final report  Looking at another’s essay test  Turning in your brother’s or sister’s old work STUDENT PLAGIARISM

7 People’s words, work, and/or ideas are considered “intellectual property” meaning the creator owns them. FOR EXAMPLE: The courts ruled that individuals could not exchange music over Napster because the artists who created the songs owned them. Why You Shouldn’t Cheat X

8 If you do use someone else’s words, work, and/or ideas, give them credit where credit is due. How to Avoid Being Accused of Plagiarism

9 CHEATING: How Teachers Recognize Cheating Teachers know your writing styleTeachers know your writing style Your work is too similar to another’sYour work is too similar to another’s ParaphrasingParaphrasing New technologiesNew technologies

10 WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU?? Copying the work of someone else’s work is a Level II Violation in the Walled Lake Schools Code of Conduct…

11 Plagiarism “A student shall not engage in plagiarism, which includes the copying of language, structure, idea and/or thought of another and represent it as one’s own original work.” (Walled Lake Schools Code of Conduct, p. 23)

12 When in Doubt... Ask a Media Specialist

13 Be Proud of What You Do!

14 You can do it on your own! Take pride in your work. Plan plenty of time to do your research & write your paper. Add your own originality & creativity. Book Report by: Me

15 Work Cited (Ask your teacher for the proper form to use.) “Cheating, An Insider’s Guide to Cheating at Lakeview High School.” (Used with permission.) Purdue University Website: Various clipart images from Google and Microsoft Images. Dec. 2011. Walled Lake Schools Student Code of Conduct Handbook. Revised, June 2011.

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