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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و قل رب زدنى علماً ﴿و قل رب زدنى علماً﴾ صدق الله العظيم.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و قل رب زدنى علماً ﴿و قل رب زدنى علماً﴾ صدق الله العظيم."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و قل رب زدنى علماً ﴿و قل رب زدنى علماً﴾ صدق الله العظيم

2 Introduction to Radiotherapy Dr. Ahmed Al Far, M.D. Professor of Radiation Oncology RAD 461

3 What is the Target Volumes?

4 The Target Volumes ◘ ◘ Before Planning: 1.Gross Tumor Volume (GTV): primary tumor + any detectable metastases in LN 2.Clinical Target Volume (CTV): GTV + sub-clinical micro. disease ◘ ◘ During Planning: 1.Planned Target Volume (PTV): CTV + safety margin to account for movement of patient or organ during treatment 2.Organs at Risk: dose limiting normal tissue e.g. spinal cord ◘ ◘ After planning: 1.Treated Volume: enclosed by isodose line (equal or close to PTV) 2.Irradiated Volume : the volume receives 50% of the tumor dose (indicator of the quality of the plan)

5 The Target Volumes Clinical target volume Gross Tumor volume Planning target volume Treated volume Irradiated volume

6 ◘ ◘ Clinical Methods: Clinical examination: inspection, palpation Surgical findings and metal clips at fixed points ◘ ◘ Radiological Methods: Diagnostic x-ray unit: - Comparison with simulator (distance, focus, magnification)? Simulator Unit: Conventional Computed Tomography (CT) Localization of the Target Volumes

7 What is the Simulators?

8 Simulator A diagnostic x-ray machine which: accurately simulates the geometry, optical systems and mechanical movements of a radiotherapy machine. Importance: 1.Localization: the target volume and critical normal tissue with respect to skin marks 2.Simulation: the planned treatment fields with respect to tumor and normal tissue

9 Simulator Z X Y

10 Simulator: Main components Gantry rotation around a horizontal axis Source axis distance (SAD) motion in radial direction Collimator rotation Image intensifier motion in the vertical, longitudinal and radial directions Table movement ( rotation, vertical, longitudinal and lateral) Movement of X-ray field collimators and the wires (ruler)

11 Simulator

12 Shielding Block Tray

13 Localization by conventional simulator

14 Conventional & CT Simulators

15 C.T. Simulator : Uses 1.Localization of tumor and normal tissues 2.Direct determination of body contour in different planes (2D, 3D) 3.Dose calculation in different tissues (pixel density)

16 C.T. Simulator : Specification 1.Wide gantry opening 2.Flat top table 3.Laser system 4.The couch movement 5.Rapid scanning 6.Slice thickness 7.Measurement of CT number 8.Making cuts in different planes

17 Conventional & CT Simulators

18 CT simulation

19 The CT scans are linked with a specialized treatment planning computer providing detailed information which will assist with optimum treatment.

20 Localization by C.T Simulator


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