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RWE Innogy UKPAGE 1 Meeting 5 – February 13 th 2014 Katy Woodington 07825 608095 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Community Investment.

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Presentation on theme: "RWE Innogy UKPAGE 1 Meeting 5 – February 13 th 2014 Katy Woodington 07825 608095 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Community Investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 1 Meeting 5 – February 13 th 2014 Katy Woodington 07825 608095 Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Community Investment Advisory Panel

2 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 2 Potential Gwynt y M ôr Fund Structure 20/08/2015 Fund Administrator RWE Flagship Project Annual Payment Decision making board Funding Advice Panel - Theme 3 GyM Support Worker Funding Advice Panel - Theme 2 Funding Advice Panel - Theme 1

3 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 3 20.08.2015 Fund Administrator >The legal entity to whom the funds are paid >An appropriate independent organisation >Ideally North Wales based but not essential >Primarily charitable aims but flexibility to support the private sector, and administer loans - through a partner organisation if necessary >With grant making experience >Ability to invest any unspent funds for future years if required Potential Gwynt y M ôr Fund Structure

4 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 4 Gwynt y Môr Support Worker >Likely to be a full time post, paid from the fund, based in North Wales >Post either hosted by the Fund Administrator or an appropriate local organisation >Providing administration support to the decision making board, the advisory panels, and administration of the awards from the fund. >Responsibilities could include : initial assessment and due diligence of applications, advising applicants (referring to CVC’s where appropriate), award payment and monitoring administration and promoting the fund. 20/08/2015 Potential Gwynt y M ôr Fund Structure

5 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 5 Potential Gwynt y M ôr Fund Structure RWE Flagship Project >Will receive funding for X years >Selected by RWE 20/08/2015

6 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 6 Role of Decision Making Panel >Final decision makers on awards from the fund after receiving advice from the themed advisory panel >Would enable flexibility in the application of the funds across the three themes >Access to a toolbox of options to support applicants (grants, loans, proactively using a commissioning approach, advice to develop applications) >Meeting minimum quarterly 20/08/2015 Potential Gwynt y Môr Fund Structure

7 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 7 Themed Advice Panels >Made up of representatives with expertise in the theme >Role to advise the Trustees on applications >Responsible for the strategic delivery of their theme >With flexibility to recommend package of funding measures >Including young people and representatives from individual community members (community champions?) where appropriate 20/08/2015 Potential Gwynt y Môr Fund Structure

8 RWE Innogy UKPAGE 8 Potential Gwynt y Môr Fund Structure Application Process >Appropriate to level of funding >More detailed application criteria to be developed for each theme and potentially different application routes >Possibility for applicants to complete an expression of interest form pre-application. 20/08/2015


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