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Capacity Building in National Communications Role of UNEP RISOE CENTRE Presentation at side event on: financial and technical support on NC, Bonn 9 June.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Building in National Communications Role of UNEP RISOE CENTRE Presentation at side event on: financial and technical support on NC, Bonn 9 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building in National Communications Role of UNEP RISOE CENTRE Presentation at side event on: financial and technical support on NC, Bonn 9 June 2003

2 What financial and technical support can UNEP RISOE provide in support of the preparation of second national communications from non-Annex I countries?

3 Adapted GHG Abatement Guidelines to address country needs TECHNICAL SUPPORT Reviewed inventories based on IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories Provided technical assistance in preparation of NC

4 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Undertook abatement costing studies Energy sector studies National case studies Economics of GHG Limitations studies - Energy, agriculture, forestry, waste management, and transport - National studies, Regional studies -Guideline development and application -Expanded cost assessment framework to include local environment, employment, and income distribution

5 LEAP Offered training to country teams on tools TECHNICAL SUPPORT Developed tools and adapted some GAMCO

6 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Key outputs from studies u A: Handbook series –Extended Cost Assessment Framework –Sectoral Assessment B: General technical guidelines –Analytical structure: Scenarios, time frame, policy evaluation. –Concepts: Costs, GHG reduction, broader social impacts. –Technical inputs and assumptions: emission factors, technologies etc.

7 TECHNICAL SUPPORT C: Extended cost assessment –Local air pollution, income distribution, employment. –Case studies including Mauritius and Hungary.

8 u Capacity Development for CDM -CDM manual -Manual for assessing CDM and sustainable development -Technical material on CDM baseline approaches. -Technical material on CDM legal issues facing host countries. -Technical material on finance and institutional issues. -Recommendations for SD criteria

9 u - UNEP/Risø case studies and methodological guidelines available at u - Development and Climate Change: u - CDM capacity building: Summary of Available Material

10 Financial support?

11 Thank you

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