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AMERICAN AMERICAN REVOLUTION PROJECT Brooklyn,2011,7nth Brooklyn,2011,7nth grade.

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1 AMERICAN AMERICAN REVOLUTION PROJECT Brooklyn,2011,7nth Brooklyn,2011,7nth grade

2 TIMELINE  1770  On march 5 1770,Colonist throw snowballs at brit guard on duty, Soldiers fire into crowd five people dead, Known as the Boston Massacre

3  April 1770, new prime minister tried to improve relations with colonists  Townshend acts were repealed, except the tax on tea

4  1772 Adams org. Committees of Correspondence in Mass. Soon formed in other colonists As well.

5  In 1773 the Brits east India comp. asked Lord North for help with financial troubles thus the Tea Act gave them rights to sell directly to Americans w/o paying the tax Sam Adams protest act against Par. laws

6  1773: Fall 3 ships with 500,000 pounds of East India tea on their way to Boston,New York, Phil., and Charles Town, The Sons Of Lib. Dumped over 300 chests of tea into Boston harbor

7  March 1774 Par. Passed the Coercive acts, which closed down Boston harbor until payment for the tea was made.  1774 56 del. Met in Phil. To form First Con. Congress every colonists except Georgia participated  Winter 1774 par. Debated how to respond to colonists  Some wanted a peaceful solution King George wouldn’t listen

8 In spring 1775 brits making plans against militia April 18 th 1775 Paul R. and William D. get on their horses with news that the redcoats were coming 700 brit soldiers marched toward Concord,they reached Lexington and met 70 minutemen May 1775 Second Con. Congress met and appointed G. Washington to build a army,congrees trying to avoid war

9  1775 they sent King G the Olive Branch Petition, but they failed  King declared the American's rebles

10  1776 brit left Boston  Jan. Thomas Paine published Common Sense  July 4 1776 Dec. of Independence was approved by Delegates  Jan. 1777 G. Washington defeated the British at Princeton,New Jersey  Americans attacked Burgoyne brits lost hundreds of men, and tried to retreat but americans surrounded them.

11  In Feb. 1778 the French King Louis XVI signed the treaty of Alliance, giving the Americans support  In 1777-78 Washington’s army endured a cold winter at Valley Forge  In 1778 George Rogers Clark (Virginia) led volunteers on a raid against the British in Ohio valley

12  In 1779 an American warship attacked British warship and won  1,200 loyalists were killed, hurt or taken prisoner during the fight at King Mountain South Carolina 1780,which the Colonists won.  raid of the British by Francis Marion (Swamp Fox) led the raiders

13 Two generals,Daniel Morgan and Nathaniel Greene won battles for the South on Jan. 17 1781 Morgan beat the British In the Battle of Cowpens.

14 CREDITS!!! RRitchie, Donald A., and Albert S. Broussard. American History the Early Years to 1877. New York, NY: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2001. Print.

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