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The American Revolutionary War (1775-1781). British Advantages Over the Americans A. Brits had greater numbers of troops. 48,000 British soldiers + 30,000.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolutionary War (1775-1781). British Advantages Over the Americans A. Brits had greater numbers of troops. 48,000 British soldiers + 30,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolutionary War (1775-1781)

2 British Advantages Over the Americans A. Brits had greater numbers of troops. 48,000 British soldiers + 30,000 Hessians Americans had no standing army. B. Brits had an organized navy. C. Brits were used to American soil. D. The Brits had no European wars going on at this time. E. About 1/3 of the people in America were loyal Tories

3 Issues for the British A. Logistics B. Would population go for a long war? A. No new taxes – however, that would come with war B. Many said good riddance to the colonies

4 Organization of American Military Effort Washington chosen to lead. Why?  Good commander  He’s from Virginia Colonial militias provide foundation  Many were French-Indian War vets. Asked men to enlist for 1 yr terms.

5 Outbreak of War - 1775 Lexington/Concord: April, 1775 Ft. Ticonderoga: May 1775 Bunker Hill: June,1775 Quebec: Dec, 1775

6 War in 1776 Boston abandoned, March 1776 British troops first arrive June, 1776 New York is captured by British, Aug- Sept 1776  Plan was to split the colonies – control the Hudson River  Warm water port (didn’t freeze in winter)  Nathan Hale, Sept 1776 By late 1776, Washington’s army went from 23,000 men to 7,000 American victory at Trenton, Dec 1776

7 Delaware Crossing

8 War in 1777 –the 3 Pronged Attack 3 British armies  Howe – NYC – north to Albany  St. Leger – Montreal - SW to Lake Ontario then east to Albany  Burgoyne – Montreal – South to Albany Cut off New England

9 Results of 3 Pronged Attack What happened  Howe attacks Philadelphia  St. Leger was defeated at Oriskany  Burgoyne defeated at Saratoga, Oct 1777 Turning Point of the War Why?

10 Treaties with French – Spring 1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce  French recognize American Independence  Establish trade ties Treaty of Alliance  Established a military alliance  Neither France nor America would negotiate a separate peace treaty with the Brits.  France declared war – June, 1778.

11 Valley Forge Dec 1777 – June 1778 Winter encampment outside Philly No food, disease, freezing temps Positives  Nathaniel Greene will find food as commissary officer  Lafayette  Von Steuben  American army transforms into a mature army

12 Benedict Arnold Arnold denied promotion Congress failed to reimburse him for expenses from the Quebec campaign He was court-martialed for failure to perform his duties This left him bitter and desperate for money Betrayal  West Point  John Andre

13 Entering the Southern Phase - 1779 Hoped to find loyalists in South  Shifted focus in 1779 Brits take Charleston, SC in 1780 The South was much more of a patriot v. loyalist (Tories) fight British army chases Americans who use hit and run tactics  Battle of Cowpens Tarleton v. Morgan

14 Problems on Both Sides Neither side could sustain a war much longer. American issues 1780-81  Can’t pay troops  Desertions, decline in recruiting  Army disintegrating B. British Issues 1780-81  Too expensive to fight  Civil War brewing: Protestants and Catholics

15 Yorktown – Oct 1781 Cornwallis camps on peninsula French fleet in West Indies (led by DeGrasse). Washington & Rochambeau from NY Lafayette from Maryland French blockaded Yorktown. Washington laid siege to the town - 7 days Cornwallis surrendered

16 Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris (1783)  Brits and Americans work out their own deal Terms  The Brits… recognize American Independence evacuate American territory east of the Mississippi. return confiscated slaves.  American had to… Pay pre-war debts Stop confiscating loyalist property

17 Newburgh Conspiracy The government was broke Officers threaten to revolt Officers offer to support Washington in a coup, but Washington refuses Payouts are not completed until 1820 "Gentleman, you must pardon me, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in service to my country."

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