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EFFECTIVE WRITTEN FEEDBACK. Subject Learning Intention Context Success Criteria (What you need to do to achieve the learning intention). These are.

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4 Subject Learning Intention Context Success Criteria (What you need to do to achieve the learning intention). These are planned, determine the teaching of the lesson and are gathered from the children and written up just before they begin work Art To use line and tone effectively Sketching houses Use straight lines to draw house Use straight lines to draw house Shade in front door Shade in front door Houses must have 4 windows, a door, a chimney and a roof Houses must have 4 windows, a door, a chimney and a roof

5 PLANNING FORMAT learning objective To use knowledge of inverse operations context addition and subtraction multiplication and division success criteria To switch numbers in number sentence To switch addition to subtraction and / or multipicaton to division To check that answers make sense using a calculator if appropriate To explain thinking using rules if possible Teaching sequence inc. key questions and timings What could missing number in sentence be? 1.2 + ? = 9.1 How do we know? What about ? x 15 = 18 What are the rules for this operation? (5 mins) Model and demonstrate with more examples (5 mins) Ask pupils to feedback in pairs (5 mins) Would these be written or mental strategies? Model solving word problem discuss strategies and sequences of problem solving. (10 mins) independent activities sen - (L2a) TA FOCUS GP What is the difference between 199 and 403... build up to a bottle holds 1 ltr of lemonade. Sam fills 5 glasses of 150 ml each. How much left? la - (L3c - 3b) TEACHER FOCUS GP Would you use? activity 23.5 x ? = 176.25 How many cartons of juice costing 30p each can I buy for £2 ma - (L3a-4c) If 7 x 8 = 56 what is 0.07 x 8? Give other decimal facts that are linked to this multiplication fact. Pupils to feed back in plenary ha - (L4b+) Pupils solve place value spider diagram problem and develop rules to test: 0.4-:-0.1=4 400x0.01=4 40x0.1=4 4000-:-1000=4 Plenary Would you use a written or mental method to solve the following problem? 25.5 x 176.25? Explain your thinking Pupils feed back from L3a-4c group

6 FEEDBACK The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement is feedback. The simplest prescription for improving education must be ‘dollops of feedback’ Prof John Hattie, University of Auckland, Influences on student learning, August, 1999

7 SHAPE OF FEEDBACK opening sentence linked to effort, progress, resilience or attitude to learning 2 stars linked to the learning intention /objective A wish or a learning question linked to the learning intention or objective

8 WHAT THIS MIGHT LOOK LIKE... Billy, you worked very hard to sequence these decimal numbers and didn’t give up. Well done! *I like the way you ordered numbers using the largest number first *You remembered the value of each digit in the each decimal number Your next learning step is to apply this skill in solving this word problem... What is the largest decimal number you can make using the digits 512? What is the smallest decimal number you can make using the same digits? Find the difference between the two numbers.

9 TYPES OF NEXT STEPS... Knowledge next steps... Can you describe the properties of square number What will be the next square number in the sequence 4, 9, 16 ? Skills next steps... Can you describe the rule or pattern in predicting square numbers Application next steps... Can you use what you have learnt to solve this word problem... The totals of which 3 square numbers, when added together, give you the sum of 115

10 Feedback 1. Praise determination, resilience and hard work Attitudes such as persistence, resilience, courage are arguably more accurate predictors of future success than facts and knowledge are, so spot them, praise them and encourage them 2. Refer to progress rather than ability Praising ability or intelligence can lead to a fear of failure and personal fragility (Dweck, 1999) so give feedback relative to the progress only 3. Ensure your feedback and praise is credible Give only credible feedback based on attitudes, skills and/or knowledge. Avoid giving undeserved praise as this could undermine sincerity and credibility



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