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AFFLUENCE AND ANXIETY America: Past and Present Chapter 29.

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1 AFFLUENCE AND ANXIETY America: Past and Present Chapter 29

2 The Postwar Boom  1945-1960--rapid economic growth  1960--fear of another depression wanes

3 Postwar Prosperity  Stimuli to consumer goods industry baby boom population shift to suburbia  Increased defense spending  Increase in capital investments  Employment expands

4 Birthrate, 1940-1970

5 Postwar Prosperity: Lingering Problems  Agricultural overproduction, low prices  Older industrial areas decline  1957-1958--recession slows decade’s economic growth

6 Life in the Suburbs  Suburbia inhabited by middle class  Characteristics of suburbs dependence on the automobile family togetherness  Traditional feminism discouraged  Entrance of more women into workplace stimulates new feminism

7 The Good Life?  Consumerism the dominant social theme of the 1950s  Quality of life leaves Americans anxious and dissatisfied

8 Areas of Greatest Growth  Church membership  School attendance  Television watching

9 Critics of the Consumer Society  Social critics of suburban culture John Keats William Whyte David Riesman  C. Wright Mills criticizes corporations  Jack Kerouac, “Beat” artists promote counterculture

10 The Reaction to Sputnik  1957--Russians launch Sputnik  American response National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Defense Education Act--upgrade the teaching of science  Sense of failure, decline by 1960

11 Farewell to Reform  Spirit of reform wanes in postwar years  Reasons: growing affluence reduces sense of grievance Americans eager to enjoy their new prosperity

12 Truman and the Fair Deal  Fair Deal attempts to expand New Deal  Limited achievement consolidates Roosevelt's reforms sets the agenda for future attempts

13 Eisenhower's Modern Republicanism  Eisenhower leaves New Deal intact  1954--Democrats regain Congress  1956--Highway Act creates interstate highway system stimulates the economy shapes metropolitan growth patterns

14 The Interstate Highway System


16 The Struggle Over Civil Rights  Cold War prompts quest for American moral superiority  Legal discrimination against African Americans challenges U.S. self-image

17 Civil Rights as a Political Issue  Truman’s civil-rights legislation fails  1948--African American vote gives Truman his margin of victory  Civil rights made part of the liberal Democratic agenda  Truman integrates the armed forces

18 Desegregating the Schools  1954--Brown v. Board of Education segregated schools unconstitutional desegregate "with all deliberate speed"  Massive resistance in Deep South  1957--Eisenhower’s actions federal troops sent to Little Rock, Arkansas Commission on Civil Rights established

19 The Beginnings of Black Activism  NAACP--press for civil rights in courts  1955--Martin Luther King, Jr. leads Montgomery bus boycott  1956--Southern Christian Leadership Conference directs anti-segregation  Sit-ins protest segregation laws  1960--Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

20 Restoring National Confidence  American people more optimistic in 1960 than in 1950  Fear of economic depression wanes  Fear of Cold War continues  Growing recognition of incompatibility of racial injustice with American ideals

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