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Supporting & Advancing Recovery in Mental Health Care OCE Advancing Health Partnering Forum May 8, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting & Advancing Recovery in Mental Health Care OCE Advancing Health Partnering Forum May 8, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting & Advancing Recovery in Mental Health Care OCE Advancing Health Partnering Forum May 8, 2015

2 Mental Health Facts

3 Of those who need mental health services in Canada actually receive them 1/3 Of Canadians aged 15-24 die by suicide annually. It is the second leading cause of death for the age group. 1/4 Of chil dho od cas es of me ntal hea lth pro ble ms can be add ress ed thr oug h earl y dia gno sis and inte rve ntio ns. 70% Children in Ontario have a serious mental illness. 500,000 Of adults don’t know the signs of significant mental health problems in children and youth. 40%

4 Open Minds, Health Minds: Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health & Addictions Strategy 1. Improve mental health and well-being for all Ontarians 2. Create healthy, resilient, inclusive communities 3. Identify mental health and addictions problems early and intervene 4. Provide timely, high quality, integrated, person-directed healthand other human services

5 Mental Health Innovation Bootcamp One of our biggest challenges is that mental health and addictions services are fragmented, spread across several ministries and offered in a variety of care settings.

6 Critical Issues Facing Mental Health Organizations Early intervention & assessment Coordination of services & communication is challenging Patients owning their own illness

7 Problem Statement There is no standardized way to collect, maintain, and share patients’ recovery goals to support their treatment

8 What is Recovery in Mental Health?

9 How can we standardize collection & sharing of the patient’s recovery goals to support treatment? Patient & Recovery Goals Hospitals Community Supports Primary Care Natural Supports

10 Contacts Simone Papernick Patient Care Manager, Mental Health Program Mackenzie Health Sanaz Riahi Director, Professional Practice & Clinical Information Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

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