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Lecture 24: Survey of the Last Glacial Maximum Part IV, p. 205-206; Chapter 12 (p. 209-224)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 24: Survey of the Last Glacial Maximum Part IV, p. 205-206; Chapter 12 (p. 209-224)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 24: Survey of the Last Glacial Maximum Part IV, p. 205-206; Chapter 12 (p. 209-224)

2 (21 k yrs ago) Continental ice sheets greater than 3 km (1.8 miles) thick covered parts of North America and Eurasia Sea ice around Antarctica and in the North Atlantic was considerably more extensive CN Tower, Toronto, Canada Survey of The Last Glacial Maximum Ch. 12, p. 209-224

3 Differences between LGM and Today The Bering Land Bridge 1.Land-sea configuration glacial ice  high albedo smaller oceans for transferring heat 2.Insolation is similar to today Ice covered ~25% of modern land area (about half of North America) Temperature ~ 4-8°C lower than today Sea level 120 m (or 400 ft) lower than today Windier; dustier; Strong overturning; restricted fauna/flora CO 2 = 180 ppmv now 381 ppmv (in 2006) CH 4 = 350 ppbv now 1751 ppbv (in 2006) N 2 O = 185 ppbv now 310 ppbv

4 Cordilleran Ice Cheet Laurentide Ice Sheet The North American ice sheet was the largest of the N.H. ice sheets. Scandinavian Ice Sheet Permafrost Regions of Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets

5 The lateral extent of the ice sheets? The northern limits? The thickness of the ice sheets? Thick? How Large Were the Ice Sheets? Thin?




9 Glaciers Transform Landscape Norway (near Jostedalsbreen glacier) Glaciers abrade rocks! Glaciers make U-shape valleys! Mount Hood Wilderness

10 Bhutan Himalaya Glaciers form lakes! Glaciers Transform Landscape

11 Grind / scrape / dislodge Freeze-thaw process Carry toward margins Ice sheets erode land! Ice sheets are prolific producers of debris in all sizes. Winds carry deposits downwind. Glaciers Transform Landscape Ice sheets erode land!

12 Pollen Percentages and Climate on the Continents Prairie grasses and herbs are most abundant where rainfall is low. Tree pollen is more common in wetter eastern regions. Spruce trees are common in the colder north, oak in the warmer south.

13 Glacial and Present-day Climate in SW USA Today the southwester US is dry! At the LGM, the southwest was wetter. because of the southward displacement of the jet stream brought increased rain and cloud.

14 Glacial and Present-day Climate in Europe Europe was completely transformed during LGM. Today: extensive forest covers (conifer and deciduous) LGM: mostly tundra and grass- covered steppes, with Scandinavian ice sheet in the north and forests scattered in the south

15 Glacial Climate in Asia

16 Glacial and Present-day Biomes Present-day Tree Cover LGM Tree Cover

17 The Earth’s Climate History 1.Over the last century, the earth’s surface temperature has increased by about 0.75°C (about 1.35°F). 2.Little Ice Age = 1350 A.D. – 1850 A.D. (N.H. temperature was lower by 0.5°C, alpine glaciers increased; few sunspots, low solar output) 3.Medieval Warm Period = 950 A.D. – 1,250 A.D. (N.H. warm and dry, Vikings colonized Iceland & Greenland) 4.Holocene Maximum = 5,000-6,000 ybp (1°C warmer than now, warmest of the current interglacial period) 5.Younger-Dryas Event = 11,000 ybp (sudden drop in temperature and portions of N.H. reverted back to glacial conditions) 6.Last Glacial Maximum = 18,000 ybp (maximum North American continental glaciers, lower sea level exposed Bering land bridge allowing human migration from Asia to North America) 7.We are presently living in a long-term Icehouse climate period, which is comprised of shorter-term glacial (e.g., 18,000 ybp) and interglacial (e.g., today) periods. There were four periods of Icehouse prior to the current one. 8.For most of the earth’s history, the climate was much warmer than today.

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