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Info for this website Taken from: From: Compass Test Information Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Info for this website Taken from: From: Compass Test Information Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Info for this website Taken from: From: Compass Test Information Presentation

2 COMPASS ASSESSME NT TEST Compass Assessment Test The COMPASS is actually a group of exams created by the American College Test Program (ACT) that are designed to evaluate a particular individual's math, reading, and writing skills. The exam is most commonly used in university settings as a means of determining exactly what courses a particular student should be placed in based on their level of ability.

3 These exams are computer-adaptive exams and the questions that the individual receives are therefore based on whether or not the preceding question was answered correctly. If the preceding question is answered correctly and the student is not already at the hardest level of questions, the next question will be harder. However, if the student answers incorrectly and the student is not already at the lowest level of difficulty, the next question will be easier.

4 Test Format Each question is multiple-choice, but the exact number of questions varies from student to student depending upon how skilled the student is in a particular area. The COMPASS consists of three main exam groups known as measures, which includes a mathematics measure, a reading placement measure, and a writing skills placement measure.

5 More on the Test Format Each exam is scored based on the percentage of questions answered correctly. This percentage is weighted based on how many responses are answered at each difficulty level. The COMPASS measures are usually administered at the university or institution that requires them. As a result, the registration procedure, course placement, and fee, if any, depends on the specific university or institution. The reading placement measure includes passages and questions related to those passages regarding topics such as the humanities, practical reading, prose fiction, natural sciences, and social sciences. SAMPLE

6 Helpful reading practice links! The following reading practice links are found in a list of links on this website: Browse the list, locate, and click on these specific links for more practice:  Basic Reading Comprehension  Reading for the Main Idea  Advanced Reading Comprehension  Author's Purpose

7 Compass Practice Tests Practice links found at this website Tests.aspx  Reading Comprehension COMPASS Practice Test 1  Reading Comprehension COMPASS Practice Test 2  Reading Comprehension COMPASS Practice Test 3  Reading Comprehension COMPASS Practice Test 4  Reading Comprehension COMPASS Practice Test 5

8 Additional Support and Practice Websites with more Compass practice %20Websites%20for%20COMPASS%20practice%20tests.pdf

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