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IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects INT/0/085 3-5 September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects INT/0/085 3-5 September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects INT/0/085 3-5 September 2012

2 IAEA Contents Part I:Overview Presentation 1 Part II:BPs Survey Results Part III:BPs Selection and Validation Process Presentation 2 Part IV:BPs Selection and Validation Results Part V:Next Steps 2

3 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects Presentation 1 of 2 INT/0/085 3-5 September 2012

4 IAEA Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects Part I:Overview Presentation 1 Part II:BPs Survey Results 4

5 IAEA Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects Part I: Overview 5

6 IAEA I. Drivers: Why sharing Best Practices? TC mandate supported by IAEA / TC policies, strategy and programme documents, organizational quality culture and people’s quest for knowledge and continuous improvement. Inspiration taken from policy references in the documents:  IAEA Statute  GC Resolutions  Mid-Term Strategy 2012-2017  TC Strategy 1997 / Review 2002  Management Principles for the Formulation and Implementation of Technical Cooperation Programme  INF/CIR267 The Revised Guiding Principles and General Operating Rules to Govern the Provision of Technical Assistance by the Agency  OIOS Audit and Evaluation Reports  Project INT/0/085  Core of BP for the Design and Management of Technical Cooperation Projects  Guidelines for Planning and Design of the IAEA’s TC Programme  Series of Publications on Success Stories in TDs and TC  Guidelines for Advancing Partnerships in the TC Programme 6

7 IAEA II. BPs Process: 1. BPs Definition 2. BPs Quality Criteria (QC) 3. BPs Process Phases 3.1Collection and Organization 3.2Selection √ 3.3 Documentation 3.4Dissemination 4. Incentive Mechanism 7

8 IAEA II. BP Process 8

9 IAEA II. BPs Process *Consultations: 1. TCPC DIR, TC-RDS (Aug.-Sep. 2011) 2. RCA (Oct. 2011) 3. In-House (Nov. 2011) 4. In-House & CPs (Jan. 2012) 5. Field/ Vietnam (Feb. 2012) 6. Preliminary Survey Results (April- May 2012) 9

10 IAEA Direct Stakeholders 10  NLOs (NLAs)  CPs  COE (Centres of Excellence)  RACs  PMOs  TOs  DIR-TCPC  TC-RDs  TCQAS  DIR-TD  UN ResReps  RepsResM II.BPs Selection Process Indirect Stakeholders *Stakeholders

11 IAEA “Best Practice” is an experience of a standing policy, strategy, procedure, process, tool, technique or method that at a given time leads to enhanced compliance with relevant performance indicators in the effective and efficient attainment of a TC project objective or task. This is in line with one or more relevant key aspects derived from the Agency’s policy framework, which includes the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination. 11 II. BPs Process: 1. Best Practices Definition

12 IAEA  Criteria: 1. The Setting √ The TC programme / project quality criteria are embedded in the TC Strategy and have been implemented since 1997. They were incorporated into the PCMF system in 2005. Relevant guidelines and IT tools have been regularly updated to facilitate the application of the quality criteria. 12 II. BPs Process 2. BP Quality Criteria

13 IAEA  Criteria: 2. One or More of the following: √  Relevance: It is the degree of enhanced compliance to which the programme or project objectives are consistent with end users’ requirements, country needs, and stakeholders’ policies.  Ownership: It is the degree of enhanced compliance demonstrated when Member State or any other stakeholder exercises effective leadership over their programmes and projects.  Sustainability: It refers to the degree of enhanced compliance with the continuation of benefits after the completion of a programme/project; probability of continued long term benefits; and resilience to risk of the net benefit over time.  Efficiency: It is the degree of enhanced compliance with performance indicators, addressing the question: “Could the same results have been attained at a lower cost and less time than originally planned?”  Effectiveness: It is the degree of enhanced compliance to which programme/project objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance. An aggregate measure of (or judgment on) the merit or worth of an activity, that provides the extent to which it is contributing towards institutional development in the Member State.  Others 13 II. BPs Process: 2. BP Quality Criteria

14 IAEA There are four main processes:  Collection & organization of Best Practices  Selection  Dissemination  Documentation 14 II. BP Process 3. BP Process Phases

15 IAEA 15 II. BPs Collection & Organization Process  Collection Process:  On calling a round for BPs submissions, the survey is sent out under a covering email to NLOs, Regional Coordinators/Regional Agreements’ Chairs, TC Regional Directors and TD Directors for further distribution to TC stakeholders in the MSs and the Agency.  Responses are collected at TC Department by TCQAS assigned administrator.  Submissions are reviewed for completeness of information, organized and sent out to the Members of the Selection Committee. 3. BP Phases

16 IAEA Survey Questionnaire and Guidelines:  A questionnaire was developed by the TCQAS and cleared by TC management in August 2011. The questionnaire was reviewed and fine-tuned collaboratively with the TCQAS Team and Consultant in the August-September 2011 mission. Further refinements took place upon the conclusion of the first preparatory in-house workshop was in November 2011. In addition, guidelines for filling out the questionnaire were developed to facilitate the application of quality criteria on BPs process and to link with TC’s Core of Best Practices which were further validated in the Jan. 2012 Consultation.  The survey was launched on the 21 st of February 2012. The deadline for survey return was set on 15 th April 2012. Joint submissions by multiple stakeholders were encouraged, without jeopardy to single submissions. 16 II. BPs Process  BPs Collection

17 IAEA  Prominent features of the BP Survey Guidelines  Joint and/or individual submissions are possible  Working definition of what would comprise a BP  QC included with explanation  Benefit of survey responses to the community of practice, learning, innovative and knowledge sharing emphasized  Timeline for submission  Confidentiality (questionnaire coding)  Selection process  Acknowledgement for selected BPs 17 II. BPs Process  BPs Collection

18 IAEA Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects Part II: Survey Results 18 BP Collection Process  Survey Results

19 IAEA BP Collection Process  Survey Results I. Who Submitted? II. What Submitted? III. Few Observations! 19

20 IAEA I. Who Submitted? A. Regions B. Countries C. Stakeholders D. Gender E. Language 20

21 IAEA I. Who Submitted? A. Regions 21

22 IAEA I. Who Submitted? B. Countries = 18 + Secretariat 22

23 IAEA I. Who Submitted? C. Stakeholder(s) 13% 41% 12% 10% 5% Other: Academic Professors, Research Officers, etc. 23

24 IAEA I. Who Submitted? D. Gender 48% 53% Distribution almost even! 24

25 IAEA I. Who Submitted? E. Languages Language should not be any hindrance to any exchange of knowledge! 25

26 IAEA II. What Submitted? A. Type of Submission (joint / individual) B. Word Count C. Field of Activity (FoA) D. Quality Criteria E. Categories (generated form the key principles that are contained in the core of Best Practices in the design of TC Projects and Programmes) 26

27 IAEA II. What Submitted? A. Type of Submissions: Joint vs. Individual 30% 70% Team work 27

28 IAEA II. What Submitted? B. Words Count 28

29 IAEA II. What Submitted? 8 out of 10 FoAs Except: Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry & Radiation Medicine & Health C. Unidentified: relate to Regional Agreement or to any management category in the field of BP which does not comply with any of the FoAs 29

30 IAEA II. What Submitted? D. Quality Criteria 30

31 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. CategoriesHitsRank 1. CPF/Regional Profile Process5703 2. PCM12302 3. LF Methodology12701 4. Coordination Arrangements4105 5. Regional & Interregional Cooperation3206 6. Partnerships4504 7. Project Results1907 31

32 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 32

33 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 33

34 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 34

35 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 35

36 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 36

37 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 37

38 IAEA II. What Submitted? E. Categories 38

39 IAEA IV. Where Are We? The BP initiative has 13 Major Milestones! 0.Consultative Process 1.Collection 2.Selection 3.Dissemination 4.Documentation 5.Main Streaming TCQAS PCMF/ In-Touch/External Web TCDIR-TC-RDIR / RCA 4-TC Regions Selection Dissemination Documentation Start 2011/2012 TC Departments/ Stakeholders Collection 39

40 IAEA Sharing Best Practices for the Design and Management of TC Projects- Part 1 of 2 Thank you! 40

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