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Utilizing Tripod Surveys to Drive Improvement Shelby County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing Tripod Surveys to Drive Improvement Shelby County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing Tripod Surveys to Drive Improvement Shelby County Schools

2 Goals  Deepen educator understanding of the Tripod survey purpose and structure.  Facilitate analysis of school and teacher-level Tripod results.  Highlight strategies for continuous improvement.

3 Tripod Facts  Surveys are observational.  Based on more than a decade of research.  Assesses teacher performance in relation to 7 constructs.  National and local results are reliable measures of effective teaching and predictive of student growth.  Provides a different lens into instructional practices than classroom observations and supports multiple measures.

4 Survey Differentiated by Developmental Stages Grades K-2 Fewer Questions Fewer Choices Should be read to students Grades 3-5 Shorter than the Secondary Version Uses More Simplistic Language Grades 6-12 Designed for older students Includes more items

5 Care Control Clarify Challenge Captivate Confer Consolidate Examples of Tripod Constructs My teacher in this class makes me feel like she really cares about me. Our class stays busy and doesn’t waste time. My teacher has several good ways to explain each topic that we cover in class. In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes. My teacher makes lessons interesting. My teacher gives us time to explain our ideas. My teacher takes the time to summarize what we learn each day.

6 Items and Favorability Ratings  Favorability Ratings are provided for each item.  Based on percent of students responding favorably to each item.  Neutral responses do not count toward ratings.  Blank responses do not count against the teacher.  Some items are reverse coded.  The negative response is actually the favorable one.  Example: This class does not keep my attention; I get bored. Although ‘no’ is a negative response typically, it is actually the favorable response here. As a result, the answer ‘no’ is what counts toward the favorability percentage for this item.  The vendor then switches students’ responses to count toward favorability.

7 Calculation of Tripod Levels using NCEs  The ratings for Tripod are calculated based on the comparison of all teachers in each SCS survey level.  For example:  Ms. Jones is a 2 nd grade teacher.  Her students completed the SCS Early Elementary survey.  Ms. Jones scored higher than 68% of her peers. Her overall NCE (Normal Curve Equivalent) is 68.  Ms. Jones’ Tripod level is a 4, based on the Tripod quintile ratings (1-5).

8 District Level Report Early Elementary % Agreement Secondary Middle% Agreement Care89%Clarify68% Control69%Care59% Elementary % Agreement Secondary High% Agreement Care/Clarify85%Challenge67% Control56%Confer48%

9 Crosswalk Tripod, TEM 3.0 and CCSS TRIPOD Captivate TEM 3.0 TEACH 1 TEACH 2 TEACH 3 TEACH 7 CLE 1 CLE 3 CLE 4 CCSS MATH 4 MATH 5 ELA 4 ELA 5 ELA 6


11 Crosswalk Tripod, TEM 3.0 and Strategies TRIPOD Captivate TEM 3.0 TEACH 1 TEACH 2 TEACH 3 TEACH 7 CLE 1 CLE 3 CLE 4 Strategies Begin with the End 4 M’s Name the Steps At Bats Call and Response Simple to Complex Brighten the Lines

12 Next Steps School-wide Support: P.A.R. Consulting Teacher or P.I.T. Crew available by appointment through your administrator Individual Support: No-Nonsense Nurturer course in My Learning Plan

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