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The Great State of Texas & The Texas Bluebonnet Award Books Brought to you by Sue Dvorak.

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2 The Great State of Texas & The Texas Bluebonnet Award Books Brought to you by Sue Dvorak

3 So you live in Texas, but what do you know about your state?  What is the state bird? Mockingbird

4 Okay, got another one for you!  What is the state tree? Pecan Tree

5 Can you guess this one?  What is the state insect? Monarch Butterfly

6 This one could be a toughie!  What is the state gemstone? Blue Topaz

7 How about this one?  What is the state song of Texas? “Texas, Our Texas”

8 Want to see the Texas State Seal? The obverse (front) side The reverse (back) side

9 How about a visit to the state capital? Austin, Texas

10 What about two very important flags? State Flag of Texas Flag of The United States of America

11 This symbol is a very important one!  What is the state flower? Bluebonnet

12 What else is a Texas Bluebonnet?  The Texas Bluebonnet Award was established in 1979.  Sponsored by the Texas Library Association.  Cosponsored by the Children’s Round Table & Texas Association of School Librarians.

13  What is the purpose the the reading program?  Encourage Texas children to read more books  Explore a variety of current books  Develop powers of reading discrimination  Identify their favorite books

14 How does it work?  A master list – of 20 books - is compiled from suggestions by students, parents, teachers & librarians.  The books must be published within the last 3 years.  Students in 3 rd – 6 th grades must read or have read to them 5 or more books in order to vote.  Then, the students vote on the best book!

15 Here’s 2004 Texas Bluebonnet Award Winner The author Phil Bildner at the Texas Bluebonnet Award luncheon in San Antonio on March 19, 2004.

16 Here are some past Winners!! 2003 The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring by Ruth Sanderson 2002 Because of Winn-Dixie by Katie DiCamillo


18 Last year – 206,515 children voted for the nominees. Remember – read 5 or more books from the current master list. Talk to your school librarian or the public librarian to see the master list & get registered to vote.

19  This is Booker T. Worm  Has a delectable website   Can find out about  The authors  Cool new books  Reviews about books  Special features


21 Link to lots of great sites!!


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