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Slides 9 – Audits Cleaner Production Audit. Slides 9 – Audits CP audit  Knowing where you are and what you have got is the essence of good management.

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Presentation on theme: "Slides 9 – Audits Cleaner Production Audit. Slides 9 – Audits CP audit  Knowing where you are and what you have got is the essence of good management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slides 9 – Audits Cleaner Production Audit

2 Slides 9 – Audits CP audit  Knowing where you are and what you have got is the essence of good management and yet it is surprising how many organizations are not aware of their environmental positioning.  Audio = to listen

3 Slides 9 – Audits Purpose of a CP audit  Identify “low hanging fruits” to generate immediate savings and to motivate the project team  Set priorities for the project

4 Slides 9 – Audits Context of a cleaner production audit  First company visit: Convince the company to participate in a project with the NCPC.  Start of the cleaner production project: Collect initial data for project planning, identify options to motivate the team.  EMS initial review: Obtain an overview of environmental impacts and the organization.  Within a cost reduction audit: Obtain an overview of the reduction potential.  Within continuous improvement: Determine benchmarks and ask for an expert opinion.

5 Slides 9 – Audits How to conduct a CP audit?  Scope:  Technical (data, technology, special observations)  Legal compliance  Organization  Preparation:  Team, participants  Date  Materials to prepare (company brochure, layout, flowcharts, etc.)  Checklist

6 Slides 9 – Audits The tasks of an audit Training Planning Learning Identifying options ?

7 Slides 9 – Audits Before the company visit  Plan the first visit to the company - Team - Timing - Questions  Draw up a form for the documentation of the first visit - Company information and data - Flowchart - Data - Observations

8 Slides 9 – Audits Three steps  Step 1 – PREPARE Define responsibilities Define the scope Collect documents Develop a schedule Prepare checklists and inform staff  Step 2 – CARRY OUT Audit Evaluate findings Organize a wrap-up meeting  Step 3 – FOLLOW-UP Follow up on corrective action Report to the management Document and report

9 Slides 9 – Audits Key qualifications of auditors  Diplomacy  Ability to listen and good communication skills  Attention to detail  Flexibility in adapting to a company’s culture  Authority, acceptance and support within the organization  Access to expert knowledge on relevant laws, regulations, codes and organizational standards  Access to staff or advisors who are able to convert legal and other obligations into daily organizational procedures  Access to all levels of the organization  Access to senior decision makers

10 Slides 9 – Audits Schedule for a quick scan  Meeting with the director (company policy, products, plans)  General technical introduction (introduction to site, responsibilities, layout, flowchart)  Site visit (in operation)  Take notes (preliminary data, flowcharts, pictures: ASK FIRST!)  Feedback session

11 Slides 9 – Audits Audit checklist

12 Slides 9 – Audits Question techniques  Open questions  Closed questions  “Mirror” questions

13 Slides 9 – Audits PRODUCTS Primary and coupled MATERIAL EMISSIONS Solid waste Gases Wastewater OBSERVED SYSTEM MATERIAL Raw material Process material Other material ENERGY CARRIERS Fuels, e.g. gas, oil, coal ENERGY Mass free, e.g. electricity or district heating ENERGY EMISSIONS Waste heat Noise

14 Slides 9 – Audits Data sources Materials Energy Products Waste, emissions Office Process A Process B Process... Energy balance AccountingReceipts Records on waste Stock Process datadisposal Verbal information Measurements

15 Slides 9 – Audits Audit  Report completed within three weeks and submitted to the EMS coordinator  Subsequent audits shall in particular address previous non-conformities and ensure that the corrective action taken prevents their recurrence  The audit procedure should be reviewed annually

16 Slides 9 – Audits Where auditors look... Auditors will carefully check  Stacks  Waste pipes  Storage locations for chemicals  Non-labelled containers  Contents of containers to find items that do not belong there  Items that are not supposed to be thrown away  Leaking valves, tanks and pipes, broken trays  Storage of chemicals in their respective designated locations

17 Slides 9 – Audits What auditors ask...  Who empties the containers?  Where does the waste go?  How are hazardous chemicals disposed of?  How is their use monitored?  What would you do if a container with a chemical was spilled onto the floor?

18 Slides 9 – Audits Audit interviews Audit interviews are to check whether:  Rules and procedures are observed  Operational controls are in place  Employees understand their role in the EMS  Significant impacts are addressed  Important documents are accessible

19 Slides 9 – Audits Audit outcomes  Report to management  Identification and implementation of corrective action  Recording of audit results

20 Slides 9 – Audits Quick scan: Where to look – 1 (General information)  Talk to staff (about training, experience, health and safety, problems, ideas, approximate data)  Measuring equipment  Storage (cleanliness, waste, losses)  Logistics (handling losses, space, problems)  Accounting (structure of accounts, figures)  Cleaning (product recovery, time, chemicals, dosage)

21 Slides 9 – Audits Where to look – 2 (Plant and process)  Plants and machinery (follow the process flow):  Type  Design  Age  Maintenance  Control  General impression  Consumption of energy and water  Waste generation per plant, type and quantity

22 Slides 9 – Audits Where to look – 3 (Options and low hanging fruits)  Heating system (piping, leaks, insulation, boiler, quantities of fuel, type, price)  Cooling system (insulation, compressor, etc.)  Compressed-air system (leaks, compressor, etc.)  Water preparation and distribution (dosage of chemicals, leaks, quantities, costs)

23 Slides 9 – Audits The audit iceberg

24 Slides 9 – Audits Tips for auditees  Understand the scope of the audit.  Review and familiarise yourself with procedures and work instructions in your area.  Familiarize yourself with the audit plan and find out at what point you may be involved.  Be prepared for questions about your job as well as about the procedures and work instructions that you use.  Ensure that you know the location of documents relevant to the audit.

25 Slides 9 – Audits Listen, listen, listen!  Listen to a question completely before answering it.  Answer ONLY the question you are asked.  Do not offer any additional information that you THINK the auditor might find interesting.  Do not avoid questions, answer directly.

26 Slides 9 – Audits Get help if you need it!  Find the most competent person available for a certain area of expertise.  Do not guess responses, try to find the person who can provide the answer.  Ask supervisors or team leaders for assistance.

27 Slides 9 – Audits Correct non-conformities  If possible, correct minor non-conformities before the final meeting of the audit  Thus you demonstrate your intention to comply with the requirements

28 Slides 9 – Audits It’s about time...  You have worked with your processes. The audit is the time for you to show how much you have done and how well you have done it.  Enjoy the opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism.  You have done everything you could do and now you’re READY!

29 Slides 9 – Audits Analysis of the sources of waste

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