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What do you know for sure? Explore p. 10. What do you know for sure? Turn to a new page. Put today’s date at the top of the page. Put the thread title.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know for sure? Explore p. 10. What do you know for sure? Turn to a new page. Put today’s date at the top of the page. Put the thread title."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know for sure? Explore p. 10

2 What do you know for sure? Turn to a new page. Put today’s date at the top of the page. Put the thread title “What do you know for sure” next to the date. Write the learning target – I can compare and contrast evidence and inference and understand how they are used in scientific explanations. Update your TOC

3 Entry Task How many different types of scientists can you name?

4 What do you know for sure? Read Introduction on p. 10 Process and Procedure p. 11 Work with your partner to complete steps 1-5 Make sure you examine the pictures and read the captions. They contain important information, too! Read “An Interview with Mary Leakey” p. 14-15 What was Mary’s view on evidence vs. inference? Class discussion “evidence vs. inference”

5 ArtifactHow the Iceman might have used it What it might indicate about the Iceman’s way of life Evidence or Inference?

6 P&P #4 A. The Iceman carried arrows made with flint arrowheads. Evidence: The Iceman was found carrying arrows with flint arrowheads.

7 P&P #4 B. The Iceman used mushrooms as medicine. Inference: the Iceman carried the mushrooms with medicinal properties on a string, but their use is unknown.

8 P&P #4 C. The Iceman spent some time at lower altitudes. Inference: the Iceman had bits of low-altitude wheat on his body, but someone else could have brought them to him.

9 P&P #4 D. The Iceman had bits of wheat from a lower altitude on his clothing. Evidence: this is a direct observation

10 P&P #4 E. The Iceman wore clothing made from animal products. Evidence: this is a direct observation

11 P&P #4 F. The Iceman knew how to sew. Inference: The Iceman wore clothing that was sewn and patched, But he might not have been the person who did the sewing.

12 P&P #4 G. The Iceman was a hunter. Inference: this is a very logical inference because the Iceman carries arrows and uses animal skins for clothing. However, there is no direct evidence that the Iceman used his arrows to hunt. Perhaps he used them to fight his enemies.

13 P&P #4 H. The Iceman used grass for several purposes. Evidence: there is direct evidence that grass provided material for the rope, cape, and insulation or padding in the Iceman’s boots.

14 P&P #4 I. The Iceman lived at a time when people knew how to work with metals. Either evidence or inference depending on your argument/reasoning.

15 P&P #5 EvidenceInference ObservationsLogical idea

16 What do you know for sure? Complete Reflect & Connect #1-4 p. 16-17. SCR: Connect what you learned to today’s learning target.

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