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ARROW POISONS AND CURARES. David S. Seigler Department of Plant Biology University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA

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2 David S. Seigler Department of Plant Biology University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA

3 OUTLINE: ARROW POISONS AND CURARES Arrow poisons o Chondrodendron (Menispermaceae) + used medicinally + usually a "tube" curare o Strychnos (Loganiaceae) + usually a "calabash" curare Other curares Chemistry Iboga

4 Reading CHAPTER 12 and lecture material

5 Introduction Many plant products are used in "primitive societies" to capture or kill game. These range from those used to coat or tip arrows and spears to those used to poison or stun fish (sometimes called piscicides or barbascos). Although we don't often consider it, we have benefited from these unusual (to us) uses in that we use these compounds medicinally and for insecticides.


7 Curares or arrow poisons Arrow poisons have been used by almost all primitive societies. Similar substances also were used in Western Europe several thousand years ago. They are still used in South America, some parts of Africa, and in Southeast Asia. The term curare is from a South American aboriginal word. The plants upon which the arrow poisons are based, the method of preparation and the utilization of the materials differ greatly from culture to culture.

8 In South America, many are based on Strychnos (Loganiaceae) species (often called calabash curares) and others on Chondrodendron (Menispermaceae) (often called tube curares).

9 Making a blow gun from the petiole of a palm frond J. Man, Jungle Nomads of Ecuador: The Waorani. Time-Life Books, 1982

10 Applying curare to the tips of the darts J. Man, Jungle Nomads of Ecuador: The Waorani. Time-Life Books, 1982

11 Kapok wadding for the darts Notching the darts Courtesy Dr. Walter Lewis J. Man, Jungle Nomads of Ecuador: The Waorani. Time-Life Books, 1982

12 Loading a dart into the blow gun J. Man, Jungle Nomads of Ecuador: The Waorani. Time-Life Books, 1982

13 Hunting with blow guns Courtesy Dr. Walter Lewis

14 Strychnos sp., Loganiaceae Curares made from Strychnos species in South America are often called calabash curares because they are stored in small gourds or calabashes. Curares from other Strychnos species are used in Africa and Asia as well.

15 Strychnos sp., Loganiaceae

16 A Strychnos fruit and seeds

17 Chondrodendron tomentosa, Menispermaceae Curares made from Chondrodendron species in South America are often called tube curares because they are stored in small sections or tubes of bamboo.

18 Chondrodendron tomentosa, Menispermaceae R. Bentley and H. Trimen, Medicinal Plants, London, Churchill, 1880

19 Chondrodendron flowers

20 Squeezing sap out of Chondrodendron lianas J. Man, Jungle Nomads of Ecuador: The Waorani. Time-Life Books, 1982

21 Cissampelos pareira, Menispermaceae


23 It should be noted, however, that calabash and tube curares are terms based on the type of containers used in various cultures and do not say anything about what plants are used to make the arrow poisons. Generally, the correlations noted above hold. Calabashes are small gourds and tube means a section of bamboo. Arrow poisons are also stored in small pottery containers by people of some cultures.

24 The preparation of these mixtures is usually complicated and many plant materials are used in addition to the major active ones. Some of these have been shown to have synergistic effects. Once prepared, the dose is often standardized by shooting small birds or animals of particular species and noting the amount necessary to kill them. Death usually occurs by asphyxiation. Most curares are not considered toxic orally, but some accounts suggest that consuming them can be hazardous.

25 In general, the active compounds are organic bases called alkaloids. The alkaloids from both tube and calabash curares have been used medicinally. They cause complete relaxation of skeletal muscles. They are used in certain types of surgery.

26 In Africa, Strychnos species are also often used to make curares. In Siberia, Alaska, and in Japan (among the Ainu), plants of the genus Aconitum (Ranunculaceae) were favored.

27 Wolfbane, Aconitum napellus, Ranunculaceae

28 In other areas, plants of the Euphorbiaceae and Apocynaceae containing cardiac glycosides were used.

29 Upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria, Euphorbiaceae E. Gilg and K. Schumann, "Das Pflanzenreich. Hausschatz des Wissens.", Fig. 311, Kurt Stüber, ca. 1900

30 Acokanthera venenata, Apocynaceae

31 Jequirity, Abrus precatorius, Fabaceae Other arrow poison plants

32 Erythrophleum spp., Fabaceae

33 Calabar bean, Physostigma venenosum, Fabaceae R. Bentley and H. Trimen, Medicinal Plants, London, Churchill, 1880



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