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The Holy Spirit. The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity He is the Lord of Life & Giver of life. The Holy Spirit is a Person, not a force. He is consubstantial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Spirit. The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity He is the Lord of Life & Giver of life. The Holy Spirit is a Person, not a force. He is consubstantial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holy Spirit

2 The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity He is the Lord of Life & Giver of life. The Holy Spirit is a Person, not a force. He is consubstantial with the Father & Son  (consubstantial = of the same substance)

3 The Church explains the Holy Spirit The Nicene Creed professes (explains) that the Spirit “proceeds from the Father & the Son” Through Sacred Scripture and Tradition –  The “Church”, in her doctrine, life, & worship transmits to every generation all that she believes about the Holy Spirit.

4 The Church Teaches The Holy Spirit:  Is worshipped & glorified with the Father/ Son  Creates an indwelling of the Trinity in the soul  Makes us Temples of the Holy Spirit;  Guides the Magisterium in Transmitting the Church’s teachings;  Inspired the writings of Sacred Scripture;  Enables us to perceive God, & to know ourselves, the existence of sin, and the work of Christ’s redemption.

5 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament In the beginning, the Book of Genesis refers to the Holy Spirit as the “Breath” of God that “hovers over the waters” and is the “Source of life” It is the Holy Spirit (H.S.) who appeared in the great theophanies (manifestations) of the O.T. As the Israelites left Egypt it was the H.S. who appeared in the pillar of cloud & column of fire of the Exodus.

6 Pentecost & The Holy Spirit Before Jesus ascended into Heaven he told them to wait in Jerusalem for the promised Holy Spirit The Jewish feast of Pentecost was commerating the giving of the Law to Moses 50 days after the Israelites departed from Egypt. The Catholic feast of Pentecost is 50 days after Easter, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit

7 Power of Pentecost

8 Pentecost = Power The Apostles waited in the upper room in Jerusalem praying to receive the Holy Spirit. They needed the Holy Spirit power for this world changing work (Acts1:4) Jesus said “the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power” (1Cor 4:20)

9 Sharing in God’s very life Gk word theosis (divinization) is the Holy Spirit’s essential work in us: “that you may become partakers (sharers) of the divine nature” 2Peter 1:4 We are allowed to share in God’s very life  Transformation from merely human life to participation in divine life God’s life in us  “is as great a transformation as the ones in the fairytales, from a frog to a prince, or from a wooden puppet to a boy” Peter Kreeft

10 The Spirit is God’s “Breath” When we breathe  air actually enters into our lungs & becomes one with us. Similarly  the Holy Spirit in Baptism unites man with God He is too intimate, too close to see When he is within us  our soul breathes God as our lungs breathe air “The Spirit is to our souls –  what our souls are to our bodies”

11 The Source of LOVE Everyone knows that love  is the meaning of life,  life’s highest value (greatest good) Not everyone knows how & where to get it?  ANSWER : THE HOLY SPIRIT “God’s love has been poured into our hearts  through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” Romans 5:5 Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit


13 Sacrament of Confirmation The Sacrament of Initiation (Confirmation) is necessary for the completion of the baptism(al) grace  In this sacrament of Initiation the gifts & seal of the Holy Spirit are received By the sacrament of Confirmation (the baptized) are more perfectly bound to the Church & are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit

14 Simony In the New Testament the Holy Spirit is bestowed  given & received by the laying on of hands. Acts 8:18 Simon the magician amazed  by the power of the Holy Spirit asked Apostle Peter for this power in exchange for money.  Peter responded: “Your silver perish with you because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money”... “Repent”. Acts 8:20  Simony is defined as the buying or selling of spiritual things or ecclesial offices ccc 2120

15 Holy Spirit in the life of the Church Almost every page of the New Testament  bears evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life Jesus before his Passover (death) told the Apostles that he would send them a Paraclete. Gospel of John uses  Paraclete to describe the work of the Holy Spirit  translated into English as “counselor”, “teacher” “advocate”, “intercessor”, “helper”, or “comforter”

16 Symbolic Images of the Holy Spirit Dove Fire Cloud Light Water Hand Anointing

17 How to get the Holy Spirit We cannot “get” him; we can only let him get us. He is God. Only God can give him. Christ gives him The Holy Spirit comes from the Father through the Son “Ask, and it will be given you.... How much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” Lk 11:9-13  The Holy Spirit is Free – He is God’s gift

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