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Ecosphere Earth friendly products Introductory line of cleaning products that are safe for the environment: Waterless Car Wash Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosphere Earth friendly products Introductory line of cleaning products that are safe for the environment: Waterless Car Wash Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner."— Presentation transcript:

1 ecosphere Earth friendly products Introductory line of cleaning products that are safe for the environment: Waterless Car Wash Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner Glass and Mirror Cleaner Retail price $39.95 w/40PV Product includes: applicator bottle and concentrate that will make sixteen 16oz bottles of product

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7 Pricing and Compensation Introductory Kit $99.95 w/100PV Monthly subscription (retail $24.95) w/20PV

8 Professor Brain Online “realtime” tutor sessions Great for children, grandchildren, or yourself--grades K-12 Onetime session $10.00 w/10PV Monthly subscription $39.95 w/40PV

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