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El Camino de santiago (The way of Santiago) The Camino de Santiago is a route travelled by pilgrims from all over Spain and across Europe to reach the.

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1 El Camino de santiago (The way of Santiago) The Camino de Santiago is a route travelled by pilgrims from all over Spain and across Europe to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela, where they venerate the relics of St. James the Great. Throughout the Middle Ages was well attended, and then was slightly forgotten. in modern times it has retaken a boom.

2 THE ORIGINS OF THE SANTIAGO´S RIDE: The origins of the cult of Santiago in the Roman Hispania are unknown, but it appears that in the year 812 were found relics attributed to the apostle. At the end of the ninth century the cult spans Christian Europe. In the eleventh century the number of pilgrims increased considerably thanks to cultural contacts among European nations. King Alfonso II of Asturias built a church on the site where, according to legend, the remains of St. James were. From the eleventh century, this church became a major pilgrimage center of Christianity and gave rise to the Camino de Santiago. In this way the Peninsula expanded in the new architectural styles that prevailed in Europe.

3 VARIETIES OF THE SANTIAGO´S RIDE Although the ways in which the faithful come to Santiago are very numerous, one of the tours will become the most famous road. It is the French way, as all four ancient roads passing through France join in one : · · · Via Turonensis · · · Via Lemovicensis · · · Via Podiensis · · · Via Tolosana In Spain the original route crossed the Pyrenees through the pass of Palo Huesca (Echo Valley), but soon it would be abandoned to use the pass of Somport, Huesca (via Tolosana), as described by the Codex Calixtino, which mentions the Hospital of Santa Cristina in Somport, now in ruins.

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