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Printing: This poster is 48” wide by 36” high. It’s designed to be printed on a large-format printer. Customizing the Content: The placeholders in this.

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Presentation on theme: "Printing: This poster is 48” wide by 36” high. It’s designed to be printed on a large-format printer. Customizing the Content: The placeholders in this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Printing: This poster is 48” wide by 36” high. It’s designed to be printed on a large-format printer. Customizing the Content: The placeholders in this poster are formatted for you. Type in the placeholders to add text, or click an icon to add a table, chart, SmartArt graphic, picture or multimedia file. To add or remove bullet points from text, click the Bullets button on the Home tab. If you need more placeholders for titles, content or body text, make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. Want to use your own pictures instead of ours? No problem! Just click a picture, press the Delete key, then click the icon to add your picture. Child Psychology Tamaris Ratliff| Methods My project initially started out really rough. I asked myself many questions that finally led me to what I wanted to know. “Is child psychology the right career for me?” I realized that psychology may be something I am interested in and loving children is just another bonus. Discussion IntroductionResults Bibliography  McKenzie, K. and Cossar, J. (2013), The Involvement of Clinical Psychologists in Child Protection Work. Child Abuse Rev., 22: 367–376. doi: 10.1002/car.2205  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Urquiza, A. J., and C. Winn. “Treatment for Abused and Neglected Children: Infancy to Age 18.”Treatment for Abused and Neglected Children: Infancy to Age 18: Conclusion. N.p., 1994. Web. 20 July 2014.  Coleman, Marilyn, Lawrence Ganong, Tyler Jamison. “Remarriage and Stepfamilies.” Encyclopedia of Family Health.Ed. Martha Craft-Rosenberg, and Shelley-Rae Pehler. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE publications, Inc., 2011. 883-87. SAGE knowledge. Web. 13 July 2014.  Chat with Jasymn Broadnax From the research I have done so far I think the answer to my question will be yes. I plan to look more into disadvantages of the job to more clearly see what I’m up against. If all is well and I get all the training needed I may someday be a child psychologist. That somewhat makes me nervous but at the same time excited because if this is truly something I will like I would have reached my goal in being successful in something I am happy with. It may be questions I have yet raised about the job but it’ll come in time with more research. I used The schools Library website as a resource to help me find databases. From that I found different written works in the topic I was interested in. I would consider the Child Welfare source as a primary source. I plan to use Caps as another primary source. As a secondary source I found information on child protection and the roles played by psychologist within it. While headed in the direction of another question I found sources that are no longer useful. The most useful source I have is the Child Welfare source because it gives definitions, guidelines, and job instructions. When I started my researched I was aimed towards the question “What effect does step- parents have on children?” I had a great start but eventually started hitting dead ends. When doing research on the question many articles about psychology popped up and it was only a coincidence that I thought about being a psychology major. At that point I decided to start all over with a fresh new question that I felt was more important to me and my future. In my findings I came across the confidentiality of a psychologist with its clients and I found that its not as secretive as I thought it was. When I think of a therapists, psychologist, or any other clinical help I imagine that you can tell them anything but they are still put under rules in which they can disclose your information. The law can even be involved in serious cases. I also was unaware that therapists get paid for phone calls as well as meeting sessions. I often hear that they are underpaid and my next research will be on the gross income of one. I came across some dangers as well of being I psychologists, such as emotional distress, time consumption, and attachment to clients(especially dealing with children).

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