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LIA The Role of the Pensions Ombudsman Paul Kenny 25 November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "LIA The Role of the Pensions Ombudsman Paul Kenny 25 November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIA The Role of the Pensions Ombudsman Paul Kenny 25 November 2010

2 What is an Ombudsman? ombudsman (plural ombudsmen)ombudsmen An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such as consumers or taxpayers, against institutions such as companies and government departments.appointedofficialinvestigate complaintsindividuals consumerstaxpayersinstitutions companiesgovernment departments A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution and other problems and to serve as independent consultant to recommend changes to policies or procedures to improve organization effectiveness and efficiency.mediatorconflict resolutionconsultant - Wiktionary

3 Less Formality An Ombudsman is able to investigate and determine complaints with greater speed and flexibility and with less formality than would be the case with the Courts The Ombudsman service should be available free of charge to the consumer /taxpayer /customer

4 Why is there a Pensions Ombudsman? To fill a gap in the Pensions Act: Pensions Board can investigate, prosecute, but not order redress if financial loss incurred Pensions (Amendment) Act 2002Pensions Ombudsman office established –To investigate complaints of maladministration in relation to pension schemes, PRSAs and “Trust RACs” (group self- employed arrangements) –To award redress in case of financial loss –To decide matters of fact or law Maladministration and non-compliance with the Pensions Act are not always the same thing

5 The legal angle Determinations are binding on all parties Can be enforced by Order of the Circuit Court - on the application of the Complainant or of the Pensions Ombudsman* May be appealed to the High Court within 21 days *Minister SFA pre-March 2010

6 Who Can Complain? an actual or potential beneficiary –a member or a former member –a surviving dependant –a person claiming to be a member or a surviving dependant –a contributor to a PRSA –a personal representative of a member or contributor –a widow or widower of a member or contributor If a person cannot act for themselves, a representative may make the complaint

7 Against Whom? Former / trustee Former / employer Former / PRSA provider Other category “to be prescribed” –That means Regulations – Statutory Instrument* Regulations: “Administrator” includes persons Providing administration service To whom S.59 duties delegated Interpreting or applying scheme rules To whom PRSA provider has delegated * SI No 397 of 2003

8 Time Limits If event complained of occurred before “Appointment Day” (28 April, 2003),time limit is six years back from date of signature of 2002 Act – i.e., 13 April 1996. If post- Appointment Day, either –Six years from the date of the event, or –Three years from the date complainant knew or ought to have known…. Whichever is the later

9 Before a Complaint is Taken Internal Disputes Resolution Complaint in writing To trustees (Occupational Pension Scheme and Trust RAC) To Minister (Public Authority) To Provider (PRSA)

10 Unless…… Dispute or complaint already subject to investigation by the Board –Which certifies –“completed or terminated…………” Scheme in Winding Up Frozen Scheme with no Employer trading From 2006, if PO thinks it appropriate to waive – Regulations amended - this option is available only in the private sector

11 Complaint Considered by “Appropriate Person” Notice of Determination in writing Conditions to be met –WHAT HAS BEEN DECIDED…. –WHAT IS RELIED UPON IN DECIDING…. –THAT COMPLAINANT IS NOT BOUND….. –BUT CAN TAKE THE PROBLEM ONWARDS

12 Structure of IDR Considerations in Ireland: Simple User-friendly Saving time Trustees can decide structure of IDR procedure appropriate to scheme - size, circumstances IDR result not binding on the complainant

13 Time Scale “Relevant Person” – i.e., Trustees, Minister or PRSA Provider has Three Months from receipt of all necessary information, to furnish Notice of Determination

14 What Happens in Practice? Complainants Don’t know about IDR –Write to the Ombudsman –Told about IDR and possible exceptions –Apply for IDR …………….. Do the trustees know about IDR? Who’s the consultant? Is there a consultant? –WE WILL WRITE TO THE TRUSTEES

15 And send them our booklet…..

16 Practice Varies Some schemes have good and established IDR processes –e.g., –Expert adjudicator recommends solution –Committee considers and recommends If not, advice is available IR machinery may not be suitable for Pensions Trustees and HR people need to understand IDR requirement may not suit established “Grievance Procedures” Employment grievance procedures not open to ex- employees, pensioners, dependants

17 Public sector Would prefer not to be mixed up with this Traditionally appeals take time – 3 month limit! Local expertise may be absent –Or people don’t want to know Appeals procedures not defined; e.g., –S. 11(5) “…may appeal to the Minister…..” –Information sometimes not readily available (though required by Disclosure Regulations)

18 Failure to Operate IDR Breach of the Pensions Act Criminal Offence But sanction on employer / trustee does not give redress to the complainant PO now has discretion after the expiry of three- month deadline “to deem the process to be exhausted within its terms”

19 When a complaint is received… Preliminary Examination –Is IDR required or to be waived? –Is the complaint within terms of reference? –If not: divert to DSFA, FSO, Pensions Board, Financial Regulator, Equality Tribunal MOUs –If within jurisdiction, can the problem be solved quickly – intervention, mediation, even explanation?



22 Investigations Respondents notified Papers copied to all known to be involved –Invited to name anyone with an interest Investigators follow up Oral Hearings possible – complainants often request them but they are seldom granted in practice - usually what they actually want is a meeting

23 Oral hearings Evidence under oath May be held in public Not often used – Usual conditions: –Dispute of fact not solved from the papers –Person’s good name at stake –Conflict of evidence – veracity of witnesses Published on the Website

24 Determination Pensions Ombudsman may give Preliminary View –Time allowed for parties to respond to this PO makes Determination Final and binding – can be enforced by Circuit Court Order Appeal to the High Court within 21 days

25 Persistent Complainants Often my office is the last resort - all other avenues exhausted “Forum Shopping” doesn’t work “Querulous Paranoia”

26 Sources of Complaints Public Sector, 47% –But some may be generic Private Sector, 53% PRSAs – 2 Total complaints, 2004: 298. 2005: 389 (+31%) 2006: 439 (+13%) 2007: 515 (+17%) 2008: 758 (+47%) 2009: 1760 (+71%) 2010: Down about 25%

27 Main Types of Complaint OTOR: –Referral to Ombudsman, Regulator, or out of time Post-retirement increases / Parity Failure of scheme to respond Membership/Entry Conditions Calculation of Benefits: Failure to remit contributions Failure to Include in scheme Failure to grant early retirement – solvency issues

28 What We Have Learned Public Service Admin is uneven –Some Departments centralise, some don’t Loss of expertise Reluctance of people to stay in Superannuation Section –Promotional criteria a problem here Specialist Staff means fewer problems –Need for recognition

29 What we have learned, continued Investment – “proper investment” Disinvestment of AVCs and DC in winding-up –Can the trustee ever be right? Amalgamation of (DC) AVCs with DB fund A considered decision, or just laziness? “Having regard to the nature and duration of the liabilities” is just a new way of saying something very old: “The duty of a trustee is not to take such care only as a prudent man would take if he had only himself to consider; the duty rather is to take such care as an ordinary prudent man would take if he were minded to make an investment for the benefit of other people for whom he felt morally bound to provide”. Learoyd -v- Whiteley, 1887

30 Investment and the member Many don’t know (or forget) how their money is invested They should be reminded –Option statements –Annual Benefit statements? –Communications re winding-up Is it enough to name the fund, or should we be more specific? Do some employers/trustees offer too narrow a range of options? –Is “Lifestying” universally available?

31 Other Problems Failure to wind up promptly AVCs not administered with main scheme benefits Public service AVCS – pensionable -v- actual service Early Retirement – ill health and normal –Deferred beneficiaries given options previously –Last-minute AVCs now locked in

32 Not all complaints are serious - to start with Some should never get to my office, but escalate due to –Poor communication – both ways –Lack of knowledge of trustee duties –Failure to take complaint seriously And some were never serious in the first place –Failure to switch investment in less than 5 days Thursday to Monday!! –The Great PO Robber

33 Compliance with Pensions Act Most trustees and employers comply with most of the Act Most Common failure is in disclosure of information Worst failure is in remittance of contributions –S. 58A requires employers to remit all contributions (DC) or employee contributions (DB) within 21 days of month end –Confirm remittance, e.g., on payslip –Extra disclosure in new Regulations Theft of contributions

34 Disclosure of Information Many complaints lie in failure of communication Merely to adhere to the Disclosure Requirements does not represent high quality communication Quantity -v- Quality Regulation and supervision – small print –Legally correct but incomprehensible –What’s wrong with using English?

35 Reporting, Legal Proceedings Reports are absolutely privileged Annual Reports and Digest of cases –Protection of identities –Name and shame? –If Complainant goes public…. Prosecutions for non-production of information –Criminal sanctions Applications for enforcement of discovery Power to Enforce Determinations

36 Questions?

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