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 Integrated Transport System for Children with CP Progress Presentation Group 14 David Dwight, Gayathri Srinivasan, Joseph Tejan.

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Presentation on theme: " Integrated Transport System for Children with CP Progress Presentation Group 14 David Dwight, Gayathri Srinivasan, Joseph Tejan."— Presentation transcript:

1  Integrated Transport System for Children with CP Progress Presentation Group 14 David Dwight, Gayathri Srinivasan, Joseph Tejan

2 Project Need  Cerebral Palsy (CP): a group of permanent, non-progressive, movement problems  Transport modalities formed  Mobility means access  Education, social activities, sports teams  Estimated 500,000 children with CP  77% with spastic CP (CDC)

3 Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (Eckung E, Hagberg G, et al)

4 Project Scope Design an integrated system that is easily transported and intuitive and fully functional Purpose A) Develop a theoretical model B) Identify adjustable/customizable parts C) Create physical prototype of key elements Goals Due to time and funding constraints a fully realized physical model will not be produced Exclusions

5 Design Requirements Cost and Construction < $1500 system Lightweight but durable Portability and Weight Compact; fit in average trunk Loadable into car, train, etc. Functionality Intuitive to convert Equally functional to each system Safety Prevent tipping Longevity of product

6 Design Alternatives: Overview  The designs loosely fall into two main categories  Branches for further investigation of alternatives  First, System Packaging  Create ability for various items to be attached or stored into neat system  Second, System Conversion  Items are combined together and convertable

7 Design Alternatives, cont. Features: Telescoping cane / wheelchair handles Walker storage on back of wheelchair Features: Telescoping cane / wheelchair handles Walker storage underneath wheelchair Features: Uses folding chair design Front assembly of walker attachable Bag on wheelchair for storage

8 Design Alternatives, cont. Features: Spring-loaded seat concept Naturally in the upright position Primarily walker Features: Added seat concept Detachable, foldable seat Primarily walker Features: 3 sets of wheels concept Native position as wheelchair Rotating set of wheels for walker

9 Safety F = 58.8 N Max t =.88 Nm F = 19.6 N Max t = 1.58 Nm F = 14.7 N Max t = 2.35 Nm

10 Analysis: Materials Examined frame material, tubing shape, nylon vs. vinyl, wheel material, wheel functionality

11 Analysis: Designs  Walker Stored Underneath design scores highest on weighted Pugh Chart

12 Walker Stored Underneath Wheelchair  Advantages  Better safety and stability  Functionality is optimal since in combines individual systems  Comfort of person is high due to full wheelchair design  Easily fulfills weight bearing guidelines  No need for collapsing mechanics on wheelchair  Disadvantages  Cost  Weight


14 Thank You

15 Sources auditorium seating: samples/techdocs/Tech-Spec_Concerto- Auditorium-Seating.pdf samples/techdocs/Tech-Spec_Concerto- Auditorium-Seating.pdf average weight of 12 year old child: http://www.disabled- teens.shtml http://www.disabled- teens.shtml Walker image bo-walker-medium-child-posterior-walker Image of circle and square for round vs. square design/#sthash.upRq40rQ.dpbs Metals Depot aluminum tubing prices ?msg ?msg= Physical Characteristics of various metals ?bassnum=MQ304A Prevalence and Incidence of Cerebral Palsy palsy/prevalence-and-incidence/ CDC Fact Sheet Prevalence of cerebral palsy… and motor funcitoning

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