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MAVERICK CIRCLE Step Out and Be Bold United Methodist Women Church of the Resurrection WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE!

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Presentation on theme: "MAVERICK CIRCLE Step Out and Be Bold United Methodist Women Church of the Resurrection WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAVERICK CIRCLE Step Out and Be Bold United Methodist Women Church of the Resurrection WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE WE ARE MORE THAN A CIRCLE!


3 Not only is UMW connected through the local church, districts, conferences (annual, jurisdictional and global), but through organizations worldwide that address the condition of women, children and youth, including: National Justice for our Neighbors United Methodist Committee on Relief United Methodist Global AIDS Fund World Day of Prayer United Federation of Methodist and United Church Women Church Women United Church World Service The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Ecumenical Women Justpeace Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation National Council on Churches and World Council of Churches WORLDWIDE CONNECTION

4 THE PURPOSE The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is: To know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ. To develop a creative supportive fellowship. To expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

5 THE MISSION Fostering spiritual growth, Developing leaders and Advocating for justice United Methodist Women is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members

6 THE VISION Turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world!

7 THE VISION, cont. Provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually Organized for growth and flexible structures leading to effective witness and action Equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments and churches Work for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems Provide educational experiences that lead to personal change in order to transform the world

8 PRINCIPLES & VALUES Principles and values of UMW and The United Methodist Church include promoting: The empowerment of women, children & youth Anti-racism and multiculturalism Inclusion and equity Fair labor practices Economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability

9 SCOPE OF THE WORK The work of United Methodist women is MISSION. ADVOCACY AND SERVICE This has been the driving force since UMW began in 1869 when eight (8) women met to learn about women’s health and education needs in India. They raised funds and sent an educator and physician to work on behalf of women and children who were considered “chattel.”

10 ADVOCACY & SERVICE “He has told you, O mortal, what is good: and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 The United Methodist Book of Discipline specifically charges United Methodist Women to “support ministry with and advocate for the oppressed and disposed with special attention to the needs of women, children and youth.”

11 MISSION INITIATIVES UMW’s entire program focuses on mission. The mission initiatives include: Providing opportunities to grow spiritually Equipping women and girls to be leaders Providing transformative educational experiences Organizing for growth and flexibility Working for justice through service and advocacy

12 MEMBERS GET INVOLVED As a member of United Methodist Women, you can be a part of a growing, supportive community and contribute to its continual growth when you: SUPPORT ACT PARTICIPATE

13 SUPPORT Develop spiritually by prayer and Bible study Support Financially with a Pledge to Mission and other donations Intellectually through education about mission and mission projects

14 ACT Get involved in both charity and justice issues Be intentional about the use of the world’s resources Strengthen the supportive community by joining UMWOnline

15 PARTICIPATE Learn about the changing needs in mission Live a life of praise and thanksgiving Develop a relationship with missionaries Partner with our institutions or projects at home and around the world

16 WHAT MEMBERS DO Members engage in the work of UMW at every level of the organization around all the different topics and issues we care about. Members – Organize Events Members – Serve their Communities Members – Act for Justice Members – Get Involved

17 Members Organize Events Organize vigils and legislative events around justice issues Host potlucks, bake sales, rummage sales and socials at their churches to raise funds for mission work Attend and organize Schools of Mission in their conferences or panel discussions on important issues Attend Assembly, the quadrennial celebration of women in mission Start Reading Program book clubs and circles for quilting and knitting Plan service and advocacy opportunities in their communities

18 Members Serve Their Communities Local units, districts and conferences keep thirty percent of all raised funds for mission work to encourage support for local communities. With these funds, members... o Support local National Mission Institutions and other local community centers o Volunteer at community centers and schools o Serve as leaders on their school boards and churches

19 Members Act for Justice UMW members believe that charity is a gift, but social action helps change systems that keep people oppressed and dispossessed. To fulfill God’s call to bring heaven on earth, members Sign up for Action Alerts through the Social Action Network Contact their representatives to vote for legislation aiding women, children and youth Serve their communities through partnership with UMW community centers and institutions

20 ACTION ISSUES Economic Justice Racial Justice Public Education Child Advocacy Global Justice... and more Human Trafficking Domestic Violence Women’s Rights Immigration Health Care Environment

21 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Development Days 2013-2014 The Leadership Development Days (LDD) is a week-end filled with practical, hands-on experiences, moving worship services, workshops, networking and more for UMW members newly elected to leadership positions of the organization and anyone who wants to participate

22 April 24 - 27 April 24 - 27 Pre-conference Events Ubuntu Day of Service 8 am – 4 pm

23 READING PROGRAM The Reading Program is a study opportunity that promotes action. Books are organized into the following five categories. Education for Mission Leadership Development Social Action Nurturing for Community Spiritual Growth

24 New Resources for Social Action Resources for Racial JusticeResources for Racial Justice 2013 update of the Racial Justice Manual. Workshops, programs, action steps and more to prepare us to live the Charter for Racial Justice. Hope and HospitalityHope and Hospitality This manual equips us to advocate for migrants' rights: Bible studies, programs, worship resources, policy, issues and social action steps.

25 RESOURCES Response Magazine Monthly Bible studies, stories of faith, and mission opportunities are just part of what you'll find in Response. This magazine will touch your heart, stir your soul, and challenge your mind.

26 RESOURCES UMW News United Methodist Women News is a free 8-page newspaper highlighting recent events and issues happening within the organization and its members. UMWonline Enter Chat" and see who else is online and what they are talking about. Enter an existing Chat Room or start your own. Action Alerts Action Alerts on key congressional legislation and public policies are sent to individuals participating in the Action Network.

27 UBUNTU JOURNEYS Ubuntu is an African word and proverb meaning "I am human because you are human.“ Ubuntu Journeys are unique, short-term mission service opportunities for UMW to interact with the world through mission partners. Ubuntu Journeys are about women of faith coming together though shared mission to address social issues and discover new ways of working together, supporting one another, and growing spiritually. United Methodist Women Ubuntu participants will expand their understanding of issues that impact the world and their community through mutual learning with women from other cultures.

28 UBUNTU JOURNEYS Each Ubuntu Journey connects women to women for a faith and mission opportunity that will: Witness love and struggle; share challenges and opportunities. Enhance cultural awareness; exchange ideas and skills. Learn where the UMW’s Mission Giving goes to support more than 200 programs in 75 countries. Understand daily life with Methodist and United Methodist, grassroots and ecumenical sisters around the world.

29 AND MORE... What we didn’t talk about... Structure of the organization (within Resurrection, district, conference, jurisdiction, national, global) Opportunities to become involved beyond Funding the Mission and Mission Giving Details about the Reading Program, Equipping for Leadership, and other opportunities

30 STEP OUT AND BE BOLD So what does all this information mean for us... UMW Mavericks who want to step out and be bold? We are the newest Resurrection UMW group and we have yet to find our “personality” within the Mission, Vision and Values of United Methodist Women!

31 STEP OUT AND BE BOLD The great thing about this group is that we can determine how we care for one another, reach out to others, provide opportunities for learning and spiritual development, and how we “support, act and participate” within the connectional system. How exciting is that!

32 Information taken from: United Methodist Women’s Website (or Google United Methodist Women) Kansas East Conference Website (Downloads include the handbook and other information) Facebook:

33 WHAT’S NEXT? Putting Faith, Hope and Love Into Action Wherever it leads!


35 MAVERICK CIRCLE Four members of the Mavericks are on the Board of United Methodist Women, including the President. (Three were new to UMW.) Eight people went to Assembly, all NEW to UMW Four members started the Difference Makers with St. James United Methodist Church

36 DIFFERENCE MAKERS Resurrection and St. James United Methodist Church partnership – acting on National Initiatives (with metro relationships & understanding) Sexual Trafficking – around Super Bowl Maternal Health (national event) Developmental Disabilities (future) Get Your Spirit On – Women’s Evening of Praise and Celebration

37 UMW – RESURRECTION New Board President, Vice President and Journey Leaders (shared leadership with great, experienced, wise board members) Board changes (National and Great Plains) New by-laws being written Dynamic and Strategic thinking – how can UMW be the best it can be at Resurrection and how can it best relate to all REZ women

38 UMW BOARD, cont. Events – Rummage Sale – successful ongoing event – Lenten Luncheon – Clergy/staff care through lunch and plans for other events in the future – St. Paul School of Theology – how can we fulfill our mission (faith/hope/love in action) with them – Strangers No More – interfaith dialogue with Jewish community















53 WHAT’S NEXT? Putting Faith, Hope and Love Into Action Wherever it leads!

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